stan atsushi

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

you know 📚🧠, i 🙋🏽‍♂️ get it 😝🤭. being raised 👶🏻🤱🏻 as ⚖️ a superstar 🕺🏽🌟 must be really, really difficult 🙅🏻‍♂️❎ for YOU 👆🏾. always 📆 a commodity 🛋️🙇, never 🙅🏻‍♂️❎ a human being 🙋🏽‍♂️🗺️, not a SINGLE ☝️1️⃣ person🚶in your family 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦💖 thinking 💭 you're worth 🏆💰 a damn off 🙅🏽‍♂️ the court 🏟️🏌️. yeah ☑️, sound rough 🥵🤭. kevin 👉🏽🏌️ and i 🙋🏽‍♂️ talk about 📞🗣️ your intricate 🤢🌪️ AND endless 🥵💯 daddy issues 👨‍👦🙅🏽‍♂️ ALL the time 🗓️🕒🕓. i know 🙋🏽‍♂️📖 it's not ⛔ entirely your fault 👆🏾 that you are mentally 🧠 u n b a l a n c e d ⚖️🤹❎ AND infected 🦠😷 with these 🤲🏽 delusions 😣 of GRANDEUR, and I know 🙋🏽‍♂️📚 you are physically 🦵🏼💪🏼 incapable 🙅🏽‍♂️ of holding 🧺 a decent conversation 💬🗣️ with anyone 👥⛔ like every other normal 💯 human being 🙋🏽‍♂️🗺️ can, BUT i 🙋🏽‍♂️ don't think 💭⛔ that ANY of us 👥🙅🏽‍♂️ should have to put up 🤹 with THIS MUCH 📈 of your b u l l s h i t 🙅🏽‍♂️🥵. pity 😣 only gets you so many 👌🏽😷 concessions 📝, and you used yours 👆🏾🤡 up about six (6) insults 🗣️⛔ ago 📆. so please 🙏😔, p l e a s e (x2) 🛐, just shut 🗣️⛔ the ✨🧚‍♀️ fuck up 🧚‍♀️✨ AND leave 🏃 us 👥🙅🏽‍♂️ alone 🥵.

Source: herondalexminyard

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who has trouble remembering developmental milestones. I put these together, but can’t take credit for any of the photography. Hope someone finds them helpful!


This is very useful to me i have absolutely no gauge for how old children are and what they can typically do at what ages


I’ve been on Tumblr too long I was definitely expecting this to turn into some existentialist meme

Source: mdintraining

lesbians got left out of the google doodle today featuring Marsha P Johnson when just about every other mainstream identity was there. and what makes it worse is that lesbians were included in the concept art and were removed for the final piece.

I know it’s just corporate pride and I shouldn’t really be that upset over this but it’s yet another example of people not respecting lesbians enough to recognize us as our own community

lesbians are not an afterthought, we do not deserve to be tacked on at the end or deliberately removed because “well lesbians are just gay women so they can be grouped in with gay men” we have separate histories and experiences and we deserve to have that recognized


apparently the flag was removed because the higher-ups told the artist that the pink and orange lesbian flag was made by someone problematic, which isn’t even true, but nobody did their due diligence and actually went and checked things. nor did they even try to find an alternative it would seem. I don’t want to call this blatant lesbophobia because it’s a mess all around and I feel this particular instance was more negligence than anything, but it’s interesting that the lesbian flag is always picked on for being “problematic” when other flags have their own issues but nobody seems to care as much about those.

Source: lesbianpapyrus

TIL that the Netherlands provides free heroin to addicts three times a day, along with clinics in which to do the drug



It’s a good and clever scheme.

First, the clinic provides good clean needles, so no risk of cross-infection.
Second, with the addicts going to the clinic, that takes money away from the local drug dealers, why pay someone when you can get it for free?
Third, the drugs are clean, not cut with anything that may be dangerous to the addict’s health.
Fourth, they have medical staff on hand to help the patient in the event of an overdose. Most OD’s are survivable, provided they get medical attention in time.
Fifth, they are offered councilling services and recovery programs to help them get clean. You’d be surprised at the number of addicts who are just taking the drugs to not feel the pain of withdrawal, and remain addicts, simply because they have no access to decent programs to help them get clean.

It has been proven to be effective and drug addiction in the Netherlands is at an all-time low. If more countries treated drug addiction as a disease to be treated, rather than a problem to be demonised there could be some real progress made.

Source: tilthat