Alarmingly Mediocre










Biggest fucking mood.

They’re also meant for hiltops, not small rooms. Cant get the right reverb with all that echo.

they’re also meant to make you fight the english. don’t forget that part.

My fav bagpipe player was a dude who would go out to the middle of a soccer field near my college apartment on Sunday. No one was using the field and he’d just be out there playing his heart out and the sound were just spread out over the plains. I’d be working on art for class so I’d open the window and listen.

I still have fond memories of the day a kid biked up to the edge of the field, ran over to the bagpiper and the music stopped for a moment and as they talked. I couldn’t hear it but I had assumed the worst, that someone had decided to tell him to stop playing. Instead after the pause the musician seemed to nod, readjusted his bagpipes and started belting out the Star Wars theme. 

Holyshit that is the most interesting thing I’ve heard in awhile

Holy shit yes

years ago me and the boys went to our pals for new years eve. We get there and he’s like ‘we’re going next door’ and we were all ‘okay’ 

So.. it’s getting close to midnight and we’re chilling with these people we had never met and the older bloke goes ‘well it’s time to get ready’ and we were all ‘wat?’ 

dude comes back in the room carrying some bagpipes. turns out he used to play the bagpipes in the army. So midnight comes and this dude is out in the middle of the street tooting away. it was glorious.








However well a Warrior Cats movie would do with book fans and critics, you know there’d be the suburban mom who write a bad review because she didn’t look up anyting about cat watership down and took her seven and eight year old to see a cute movie about cats but instead of getting them to shut the fuck up for an our and moving on with their lives Timmy is traumatized and crying and Kaileighghlaugh has inducted all the other neighborhood kids into a cat cult

….okay, someone needs to explain Warrior Cats to me…

there are cats. a lot of cats dont like each other. some cats can see the future and other magic shit. they fight a lot over food and romance and stuff. the book series follows multiple generations of cats and different perspectives but the general theme is that the cats have different jobs and they have babies and do battle

This is a good explanation, but massively undersells the sheer scale of Death and Suffering also going on. People don’t call it Cat Game of Thrones or Cat Watership Down for no reason. Someone dies at least once a book. Kittens die far too often for my comfort, frankly. Ferncloud’s kits starving to death during the New Prophecy arc will fuck me up for life. Sometimes cats just die fuckin out of nowhere for no damn reason. No one is safe! Bam, a snake pops out of a rock and bites them. Bam, they slipped on a mountain path and plunged to their death. Bam, an eagle swooped out of fuck all nowhere and carried them off. Bam, they fell through the ice while playing on the lake. Bam, they drank fucking car battery fluid, or ate yew berries, or just walked into the wrong tunnel and were never seen again- ALL OF THESE ARE CANONICAL DEATHS. SOME OF THOSE HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE. And honestly those are all fairly tame ones, more shocking because they happened suddenly when you weren’t expecting it! The really grisly ones, like the two apprentices that get mauled by dogs, or Scourge’s fight with Tigerstar, or Hawkfrost and the fox trap? Those linger. They take their time describing the viscera. If you want to know the scope of the ridiculous amount of dying that goes on in Warrior Cats, just check out the ‘Members of Starclan’ category on the fan wiki. Starclan is the cat afterlife. There are three hundred and eleven pages under the Members of Starclan category. Warrior Cats does not fuck around.

I’m 24 years old. I read these in 6th grade. And I STILL can’t unsee Scourge killing Tigerstar. Like holy shit man it was brutal.

I cried over so many deaths

Yeah, I also read these books in sixth grade, and holy shit, do not ignore people who try to tell you how brutal these books are.

(Source: patema-introverted)

“i worked way too long on this joke


i worked way too long on this joke

“Chess is so much less serious if you imagine it all as a real thing


Chess is so much less serious if you imagine it all as a real thing


nsfw = nosfewatu

please welcome newest bog boy family






So Avi Kaplan, the deep-voiced guy in Pentatonix, is doing his solo stuff and I liked this one. He’s definitely moving away from just being The Bass Guy and into more of my favorite line of music, which is the one where people sit in the woods and sing sadly about owls, or sometimes moss. 


“Otherside” will invite comparisons to Hozier, but most of that will be due to him being a handsome beardy guy sitting in a forest soulfully requesting that the underworld pull him down with ivy.


However, that’s honestly quite normal and I have a 20+ song playlist of things that sound exactly like this, so I’m not going to compare it to Hozier. He’s clearly going for Fleet Foxes, with some Iron & Wine. 


When he’s not in the terrifyingly-low bass range, Avi sounds weirdly like Neil Young to me - but I don’t know much about music, so I’d have to say it’s the same color and brassy feeling with a distinctive twist in the vocals as they climb or fall. I’ve always liked that.

He is also bringing in some good and grounding Jewish American vibes to the Bog Boy Family, which largely consists of, oddly, Protestant British boys. As much as I love them, there is only so much bluegrass banjo you REALLY want from the British, you know? 

Anyway, there we have it.

I think we found the Hades to Hozier’s Persephone.

Thanks to Youtube and its video recs I have fallen in love with this song that I listened to next.

OH YEAH “Change on the Rise” is some Johnny Cash level of dramatic music to stride about and burn down buildings to. A+ RECOMMENDED TOO



gwaihir, eagerly anticipating his chance to to save a pair of gay doomed lovers from an evil mountainside just like great-great-grandpa thorondor: well, it’s not the whole hand but i guess that’s my cue



i love this meme

“ the-absolute-funniest-posts:
“From Hark, A Vagrant, and I absolutely love it.
This is the funniest thing anyone has ever done regarding The Yellow Wallpaper



From Hark, A Vagrant, and I absolutely love it.

This is the funniest thing anyone has ever done regarding The Yellow Wallpaper

(Source: powerful-words)



(Source: mysharona1987)



She’s behind the counter in a Sally beauty


when you read a fic and you see a reference or a hint about something that is likely to happen later and you just know the writer knows that u know and ur both like



“When I become king, Yona and Hak will not be by my side.”

theres nothing quite like rewatching akayona for the 10th time and getting to the Shinah backstory