What Kind of Country Do We Want?

America as a whole has embraced, under the name of conservatism and also patriotism, a radical departure from its own history. This richest country has been overtaken with a deep and general conviction of scarcity, a conviction that has become an expectation, then a kind of discipline, even an ethic. The sense of scarcity instantiates itself. It reinforces an anxiety that makes scarcity feel real and encroaching, and generosity, even investment, an imprudent risk.

Sonata in F Minor, K.183: Allegro


Featured Articles

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Vector in Chief
To understand Trump’s incoherence, we have to take into account two contradictory impulses within the right-wing mindset: paranoia and risk.
The Master of Unknowing
Gerhard Richter is contemporary art’s great poet of uncertainty; his work sets the will to believe and the obligation to doubt in perfect oscillation.
Other Voices, Other Rooms
People told me motherhood would feel like deprivation—losing time, losing sleep, losing freedom—but in the beginning it felt more like sudden and exhausting plenitude.

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As Clean as Rage
There’s a war going on, Virginie Despentes’s books insist, not so much between men and women as on men and women, waged through the constructs of gender.

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Bigger Brother
Once your behavior is known, to the extent that it can be predicted, it—you—can also be manipulated.
The occupation gnaws at the nation’s moral and democratic fiber. Still, Israelis believe that withdrawal would be even more dangerous.

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Left Behind
While poverty in America is all too real, it’s not the only reason for the epidemic of deaths of despair.

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