Ravi Shankar PrasadOvjeren akaunt


Law & Justice, Communications, Electronics & Information Technology Minister of India | MP, Patna Sahib Lok Sabha.  

Vrijeme pridruživanja: studeni 2013.
Rođen/a 30. kolovoza


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    9. tra

    My humble appeal to the people of Patna Sahib Lok Sabha during these difficult times of . पटना साहिब लोक सभा की जनता से मेरी विनम्र अपील। संकट के इस समय में घर में रहें और सुरक्षित रहें।

    , , i još njih 7
  2. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 17 sati

    सेवा परमो धर्म: RSS Swayamsevaks distributed more than 14,000 food packets to migrants workers returning to their homes by special trains at Secunderabad Railway Station, Hyderabad.

  3. During the lockdown, more and more people are availing telemedicine consultations provided by Common Services Centres. Free online medical consultation from expert doctors was given to people of Lohardaga district in Jharkhand by CSC VLE Jawed Hassan.

    , , i još njih 5
  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. svi

    I assured ji. Will ask the SAI officials and Cycling Federations of India to report to me after conducting the trials of Jyoti Kumari. If found potential, she will be selected as trainee at the National Cycling Academy in the IGI Stadium complex in New Delhi.

  5. Now Learn at Home with ‘s e-learning initiative. Get access to various modules of NIELIT courses such as O/A/B/C Level, ESDM, e-Governance, IT Literacy courses etc Register at : & get access to free for all study material.

    , , i još njih 7
  6. India has low death figures in comparison to other countries when the cases reached 1 Lakh. It is due to timely action taken by the government for identification isolation and effective management of the cases.

  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. svi

    Thanks . I'm so impressed by your thought & effective leadership looks forward to working more closely with you to learn from India's digital experience to help our member states come together & develop policies that benefit all & boost inclusive growth

  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. svi

    Also requested the Sports Minister to give full support to this courageous girl from Bihar- Jyoti Kumari Paswan by way of training & scholarship to develop her as a cyclist of repute, if she is willing. I salute her courage and determination. (2/2)

    Prikaži ovu nit
  9. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. svi

    During these difficult times we all are doing the best to help citizens. Was moved to see the courage of a young girl from Bihar who paddled for over 1000 Kms on cycle from Gurugram to Darbhanga with her father as pillion. Spoke to for identifying her talent (1/2)

    , , i još njih 4
    Prikaži ovu nit
  10. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. svi

    Even in the most difficult times, Government noticing one's movements, recognizing talent arising out of difficulty Always believe in Every Difficulty lies an Opportunity I am sure ji & ji will nutruer train talents that will be examples to the world

  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. svi
  12. 23. svi

    Also requested the Sports Minister to give full support to this courageous girl from Bihar- Jyoti Kumari Paswan by way of training & scholarship to develop her as a cyclist of repute, if she is willing. I salute her courage and determination. (2/2)

    Prikaži ovu nit
  13. 23. svi

    During these difficult times we all are doing the best to help citizens. Was moved to see the courage of a young girl from Bihar who paddled for over 1000 Kms on cycle from Gurugram to Darbhanga with her father as pillion. Spoke to for identifying her talent (1/2)

    , , i još njih 4
    Prikaži ovu nit
  14. 23. svi

    Here are some important things that you should remember which will help you and your family members to fight against . Stay Home, Stay Safe and share this information with others.

    , , i još njih 2
  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. svi

    Absolutely delightful to hear World is Reconizing our IT Minister ji, his efforts to connect Government Businesss & People all through technology India has come a great way ahead in last 6 years & there's no stopping till we achieve jis

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. svi

    Governmentof India is planning a Special Relief Packageto ease the strain on IT Indistry and manage job losses under jis guidelines is working to ensure India leads in Technology across the Globe

  17. 23. svi

    कोरोना महामारी की इस जंग में महिलाएं बढ़-चढ़कर योगदान दे रही हैं। उन सारी महिलाओं को मेरा कोटि-कोटि नमन, जो इस विपदा की घड़ी में कोरोना के खिलाफ जिंदगी बचाने और जागरूकता बढ़ाने के काम में जुटी हुई हैं।

  18. 23. svi

    Thanks a lot Secretary General of the Commonwealth for your kind words for India’s digital initiatives & success in achieving inclusive growth by using affordable tech solutions. PM ’s visionary initiative is being appreciated globally.

  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    22. svi

    'Lot of applause for what India has done': Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland () lauds New Delhi's handling of crisis, in an exclusive interview with WION's brings you this report

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    22. svi

    Commonwealth secretary general Patricia speaking to says "many people are impressed by what India has done on Information and communications technology (ICT)"

  21. 23. svi

    Timely lockdown announced by PM Ji has been very effective in our fight against Coronavirus. The doubling time of in India is much higher in comparison to other countries in the world.

    , , i još njih 2

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