Jetpack CDN controls and customization - coder at laptop

Jetpack Hooks: Control Jetpack CDN

Note: We wrote this article with advanced users in mind; you’ll need some coding knowledge to accomplish these tasks. As always, enable Jetpack Backup so you can easily revert your site in case of a mistake. Hooks are a way for one piece of code to interact with or modify another piece of code. They make up the foundation for how Jetpack interacts with WordPress Core.

If you have questions about how to use these yourself, ask the Jetpack community in the forums. If you’d like to hire help, reach out to a service like Codeable

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Blake Hampson on the Jetpack plugin.

Why this Gold Coast Digital Marketer Uses Jetpack for Every Client

On the Gold Coast of Australia, you can find ancient rainforests, mangrove-covered islands, world-famous surfing beaches, and, of course, Blake. 

Blake Hampson is a self-employed digital marketing pro and SEO whiz who uses Jetpack for all his clients’ websites. An admitted workaholic and botany aficionado (who, by the way, doesn’t surf), he was kind enough to chat with us about his work life as a Jetpack user.  

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Protect website from disaster

The Best Way to Protect Your Site: Jetpack Backup

You’ve dedicated hours of hard work and creativity to making your site the absolute best that it can be. But if you make a mistake or fall victim to a cyber attack, it could be gone in an instant.

That’s why website security — and the ability to restore your site if anything goes wrong — is just as important as creative content, design, marketing, and the other factors that make a website successful.

A downed site can be a complete disaster, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s a lot like, well, Star Trek. 

Continue reading → The Best Way to Protect Your Site: Jetpack Backup

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Jetpack 8.5: New Block to Share Your Podcast

It’s impossible to miss them: Podcasts are more popular than ever. They’re a great communication tool, a smart way to grow your audience, and now you can embed them directly on your site. This month, we also made some improvements to Jetpack Search, AMP, and some other blocks.

Continue reading → Jetpack 8.5: New Block to Share Your Podcast

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Meet Anne from Jetpack

Meet Anne from Jetpack: Philosopher, Nomad, Happiness Engineer

Automattic is a distributed company made up of people who work from wherever they choose. Together, there are more than 1,000 Automatticians speaking 93 different languages across 75 countries. (Sound like fun? Work with us!) Our ace customer support folks are called Happiness Engineers, and we always enjoy talking with them to get a peek into how they live, what they love, and their thoughts on Jetpack. 

Continue reading → Meet Anne from Jetpack: Philosopher, Nomad, Happiness Engineer

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SEO advice for DIY websites

SEO for Real People | How to Get More Clicks from Google

When was the last time you Googled yourself or your business? We’ve all done it! But most new customers won’t look for you by name; their searches will be more generic. What results appear when you enter phrases that potential customers might search for? How far down the page are you? If someone has to click beyond the first page to find your website, you’re probably not getting much traffic from search engines. 

Is this fixable? Yes!  

Continue reading → SEO for Real People | How to Get More Clicks from Google

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How WordPress Agency FreshySites Uses Jetpack to Scale

If you own a WordPress agency and could automate critical service tasks for your clients, you’d be better positioned for expansion and growth. Sounds great, right? But it’s a lot easier said than done.

Web design company FreshySites is doing exactly this with the help of Jetpack. They’ve built over 1,900 websites and actively manage about 1,200. Yet they’ve found a way to reduce the person-power required to deliver more services for an increasing number of clients. 

With a small team, they’re completing more tasks for more clients. Let’s see how they do it. 

Continue reading → How WordPress Agency FreshySites Uses Jetpack to Scale

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How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attacks

Cybercriminals don’t only target large companies.

The unfortunate reality is that small businesses are just as likely to be attacked and usually have fewer security measures in place. Most hackers use automated bots that scour the web looking for easy opportunities. They don’t discriminate based on the popularity of a site and are so prolific, as reported by ZD Net, that they make up 20% or more of all web traffic!

Continue reading → How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attacks

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Simple CSS Tips for DIY Website Owners

One of the biggest benefits of WordPress is the ability to create a beautiful, compelling website with little to no coding knowledge. With hundreds of professional themes and the flexible, drag-and-drop block editor, it’s an excellent solution for DIY website owners.

But what if you want to go a step further and make more in-depth visual customizations? CSS is one of the fastest ways to change your website’s appearance. 

Continue reading → Simple CSS Tips for DIY Website Owners

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Re-introducing Jetpack Search for WordPress Sites

As your website grows, it becomes challenging for visitors to find exactly what they need. More posts and pages mean more things to search, and more chances of finding irrelevant content. The default WordPress search can strain your server, slowing your site down for everyone. 

Jetpack Search is a powerful search solution backed by Elasticsearch, Jetpack Stats, and our globally distributed data centers. We process your data with multiple technologies for a modern search experience that improves website engagement, so visitors can search, refine their results, and find the content and products that interest them. And now you can add it to your website as a standalone search solution with Jetpack 8.4.

Continue reading → Re-introducing Jetpack Search for WordPress Sites

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