
Professional Social Distancer

World’s End
Регистриран през септември 2013 г.


Блокираш @1H4ND

Наистина ли искаш да видиш тези туитове? Това няма да разблокира @1H4ND

  1. ретуитна
    преди 6 часа

    Remember to tune into PMQs on Wednesday to watch Keir do what he does best: own a donkey

  2. преди 2 часа
  3. ретуитна
    преди 3 часа

    I just asked Rainy Jr if he's feeling anxious at the moment and he said "Why, has something happened?".

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  4. ретуитна
    преди 6 часа
    В отговор до

    The poorest are (a) more likely to think Covid19 is life threatening for them, and (b) not to think that education improves their children’s life chances. They are justified in both.

  5. преди 4 часа

    Always nice when Tories out themselves as murderous nutcases.

  6. преди 4 часа

    Neighbours are the worst. Mine threatened reporting me to the council because I didn’t bring my bins in quickly enough or cut my grass to his liking. The other put his bird feeders on my shed to avoid the mess in his own garden. I dont know where ppl get their entitlement from.

  7. преди 5 часа

    I am going to be buried with my fossil collection. To confuse the fuck out of the simple-minded generations spawned by this one.

  8. ретуитна
    преди 13 часа

    If there is a more disgusting spectacle than two grown males publicly attacking a 14 yo girl for defending her legal right to change in penis-free spaces, I don’t know what it is.

  9. преди 5 часа

    My kink is beating up defective lesbians until they are sufficiently repentant. You must renounce your past life and prostrate yourself before the all-powerful lady dick.

  10. преди 6 часа

    The objective, made clear in NHS directives to hospitals on March 17, was to remove around 30% of the elderly from hospital wards. The rationale was that they were better looked after “in the community”. It was to protect the NHS, but it didn’t save lives.

  11. ретуитна
    преди 7 часа

    I am pretty sure it is not just Care Homes that were neglected. My own elderly parents receive care in their own home to help with dressing, bathing etc contracted to a private provider. No attempt was made to minimise the risk to my parents from that ‘care’. 1/x

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  12. преди 6 часа

    Good grief. They have effectively destroyed lesbian dating apps under the banner of “inclusivity”.

  13. ретуитна
    преди 7 часа

    "E-bikes, if used to replace car travel, have the capability to cut car carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in England by up to 50%"

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  14. преди 6 часа

    We know it’s a woman because she got shafted.

  15. преди 7 часа

    Children are DYING from Covid19. This is completely wreckless & heartless. I’m horrified.

  16. ретуитна
    преди 7 часа

    International names for the @ symbol: 8. Alpha twirl (Norwegian) 7. Strudel (Hebrew) 6. Little dog (Russian) 5. Moon’s ear (Kazakh) 4. Meow sign (Finnish) 3. Elephant’s trunk (Danish) 2. Little monkey’s bollock (Dutch) 1. The “at” symbol (English, the language of Shakespeare)

  17. преди 7 часа
  18. ретуитна
    преди 21 часа

    This has been the ploy of dictators for decades, to say that anyone accusing them of crimes is a hypocrite. Not to say they are good, but that we are all bad, that there is no good or evil, no truth, just power.

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  19. ретуитна
    преди 21 часа

    Trump’s unfounded attacks on others of the things he is demonstrably guilty of aren’t mere projection. They are a tactic to lower the moral bar for all, to wave off his corruption and abuse as normal.

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  20. ретуитна
    преди 8 часа

    Are you fond of the nerdy little TV republic that is ? If so, please do join the forty-five thousand of us (and counting) who’ve created this petition to help save it.


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