Steven BoyerCuenta verificada


Actor in , writer, comedian, musician, environmentalist, activist, maker of pastas. . Super Geenius

Brooklyn, NY
Se unió en septiembre de 2012
Fecha de nacimiento 15 de febrero


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  1. Tweet fijado
    hace 21 horas

    Republican Supervillain Voice: “Curses! Foiled again!!!”

  2. retwitteó
    hace 1 hora

    bookmarks: Links for election night data from each state: ↓ Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado

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  3. retwitteó
    hace 4 horas

    If you live in: 🗳California 🗳Colorado 🗳Connecticut 🗳DC 🗳Maine 🗳Maryland 🗳Michigan 🗳Minnesota 🗳Montana 🗳Nevada 🗳New Hampshire 🗳Vermont 🗳Washington 🗳Wyoming Your state has in-person Election Day registration. You can register and vote TODAY.

  4. retwitteó

    Assuming Trump loses tonight, he’s going to be a major ongoing security risk until the day he dies. Imagine the secrets he has told, and will tell, Putin & others after he leaves office. Trump will still get intelligence briefings. Putin would love to have those briefings.

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  5. hace 3 horas

    So what previously undreamed of fuckery will we encounter today?

  6. hace 3 horas

    I can’t wait for all these know-nothing, undemocratic fuckers to go down.

  7. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas

    Notice that Fauci and Birx both have spoken to the American people in the closing days of the race to let us know how bad it is, and how little Trump is doing. Both publicly contradicting him. This is a red alarm warning that must be heeded. VOTE!

  8. retwitteó

    So where's that vaccine? Where's that healthcare plan? How's that wall coming along? Mexico write a check yet? Is Hillary locked up? How's coal? Did the Caravan ever get here? Where are his taxes?

  9. hace 22 horas

    When he says “trending” I think he means “racist”.

  10. retwitteó
    hace 22 horas

    1. Federal judge that's ruling on whether to throw out 127K ballots in Harris County says he will announce his ruling from the bench in 20 minutes

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  11. 2 nov.

    That’s exactly what he’s going to do. If he’s behind on election night he’s suddenly going to become the biggest proponent of mail in ballots you’ve ever seen.

  12. retwitteó
    2 nov.

    Trump desperately wanted the FBI to announce investigations into his political opponents this fall, to give his campaign a jolt. Instead, 48 hours before Election Day, the FBI announced that it's investigating Trump supporters for an alleged incident of political violence in TX.

  13. retwitteó
    2 nov.

    Trump can’t fire Fauci directly, but you should absolutely vote him out for even wanting to

  14. retwitteó
    2 nov.

    Bush spent less time in his bunker on 9/11 when terrorists were flying airplanes into shit than Trump has hiding from his own people

  15. retwitteó
    1 nov.

    Stunning confession by top GOP election lawyer: voter fraud is a fraud devised to suppress votes - we knew, but brave that he admits it.

  16. retwitteó

    Trump advisers said their best hope was to try and steal the election

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  17. 2 nov.
  18. 2 nov.

    The answer is because the president is a punkass bitch.

  19. retwitteó
    2 nov.

    For the 7th time in 8 elections, more people will vote for the Democrat for president. This year by a lot. And yet we don’t know who will win the election.

  20. retwitteó
    2 nov.

    I had to put the dishes down and dance to this. Find the song on soundcloud from The US Open featuring @iloveshawnrandall @williamjacksonharper @doctorbiehlgood Bobby Moreno and Diana Oh

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