No to war in Iran! Defeat imperialism!

The targeted assassination of Iran’s ‘indispensable’ Major General, Qasem Soleimani has been the most reckless imperialist act of war since the bombing of Syrian air bases. Imperialism’s failure to subdue Syria’s legitimate government led by President Bashar al-Assad has greatly hindered the ruling class’s drive to war against Russia and China. Such a drive to … Continue reading No to war in Iran! Defeat imperialism!

Condemn the coup in Bolivia!

Red Youth and the CPGB-ML strongly condemn the coup that took place yesterday, 10 November, in Bolivia, where army chiefs forced the elected President Evo Morales to resign, with a warrant for his arrest being issued a few hours afterwards.  The apparent leader of the coup is a prominent representative of wealthy Santa Cruz capitalists, … Continue reading Condemn the coup in Bolivia!

Bolton barks, Trump bites: Venezuela under total US embargo

Red Youth adds our signature to the following statement in support of the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela and President Nicolás Maduro: On Monday 5 August US President Trump signed an executive order placing an embargo on the government of Venezuela, in effect placing an embargo on the whole of Venezuela. After the failed attempted coup … Continue reading Bolton barks, Trump bites: Venezuela under total US embargo

Friedrich Engels: founder of scientific socialism

Today is the anniversary of the death of Friedrich Engels, who, along with his comrade Karl Marx, was one of the fathers of scientific socialism. Engels dedicated his life to the communist cause, and contributed immensely to the development of scientific socialism with invaluable works such as Anti-Dühring, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Dialectics of Nature, … Continue reading Friedrich Engels: founder of scientific socialism

Red Youth at Durham Miners Gala

Red Youth and CPGB-ML members attended this years Durham Miners Gala and distributed 4,000 copies of our free sheet to trade unionists and workers. Our free sheet declared what is obvious to all but those who wear blinkers "British workers demand Brexit... TWICE!" Despite the desperate efforts of Labour party remoaners the workers at the … Continue reading Red Youth at Durham Miners Gala

Identity Politics: an ideology of division

It has become clear since the CPGB-ML's 8th Congress in September that some have been confused about the exact nature of identity politics and why it is we are opposed to it. The use of terms such as ‘LGBT ideology’ has added further confusion: what exactly is it? First of all we shall deal with … Continue reading Identity Politics: an ideology of division

Congratulations to the Workers Party of Belgium

Red Youth sends comradely regards to COMAC & the Workers Party of Belgium (PTB) for their successes in recent elections. In a statement the PTB-PVDA said, "After a phenomenal and social campaign, the Belgian Workers' Party (PTB-PVDA) has confirmed its progress throughout the country, with results ranging from 6.6% in Flanders to over 12% in … Continue reading Congratulations to the Workers Party of Belgium

Red Youth solidarity with Venezuela

Over the May bank holiday weekend Red Youth participated in a weekend of discussion and debate on V I Lenin's text The State and Revolution with specific reference to Venezuela and the Bolivarian revolution. We were very pleased to be joined by two comrades from Venezuela; Marcos Garcia and Helena Menendez. In total, four sessions … Continue reading Red Youth solidarity with Venezuela

Red Youth play a central role in the 8th Congress of the CPGB-ML

Over a period of five months preparations were made for the 8th Congress of the CPGB-ML. Branches, study circles and regional groups began to undertake the official preparatory work in June and delegates who were entitled to full rights were registered in accordance with the party rules. It was with pride that Red Youth had … Continue reading Red Youth play a central role in the 8th Congress of the CPGB-ML