Rally Organisers of "Media tell the Truth are Chantell Wangenneen, Natasha Wanganeen and Janette Milera

Rally Organisers of "Media tell the Truth" are Chantell Wanganneen, Natasha Wanganeen and Janette Milera

“I acknowledge this Land of the Adelaide Region is the Traditional Lands for Kaurna People & that I respect their spiritual relationship with their Country.

I also acknowledge the Kaurna People as the custodians of the Adelaide Region & that their cultural & heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna People today.” 

UPDATE: On Sunday 18th October a rally on the steps of Parliament house was called to allow the Wider Community to raise their concerns on the media and governments handling of the so called GANG of 49 issue.

Speakers for the day included: Commissioner,  Klynton Wanganeen National NAIDOC Elder 2009; Frank Lampard OAM; Aboriginal Legal Rights Director Neil Gillespie; State manager of reconciliation SA: Rosslyn Cox; Mark M Aldridge INDEPENDENT of Penfield Gardens and several prominent Aboriginal community members including our Kaurna Grandmothers.

Klynton Wanganeen: "there is no such “organised” group as the 'gang of 49' "

Klynton Wanganeen: "there is no such “organised” group as the 'gang of 49' "

Views were expressed by the speakers regarding the way the Government has been  implementing the recommendations by the Social Inclusion Unit into the Breaking the Cycle Report, which was handed to them in 2007.  Also the reporting on a GANG when there is no such “organised” group. 

Individuals may belong to the same CLAN but are they are not a gang and are not organised.  If they were organised then why are they getting caught?

Community member being interviewed by ABC Radio

Community member being interviewed by ABC Radio

Commissioner Wanganeen stated that he too was disappointed in the way that the Operation Mandrake has been handled, stating  “We have dealt with the fallacies of Terra Nullius of the past, and now we have to deal with the fallacies of a “GANG of 49”, there is no such thing as an organised gang of 49.  The Media hype and hysteria surrounding it suggests that all Aboriginal people are either involved in an organised way or they are harbored by the Aboriginal community and neither are correct….”

Community Members in attendance at Parliament House

Community Members in attendance at Parliament House

Commissioner Wanganeen also expressed his concerns in relation to how AG Michael Atkinson and Vicki Chapman MP have conducted themselves as community leaders. 

State Manager of Reconciliation – Rosslyn Cox stated that reconciliation SA is absolutely appalled by the racial vilification and the racial profiling that the media have been using to report on the recent spate of crime. 

“There is absolutely no doubt that what they are doing is breaching the Racial Discrimination Act, and it is really important that we ALL stand up against this”. 

Apical Kaurna descendent and Community Leader - Joan Lamont

Apical Kaurna descendent and Community Leader - Joan Lamont

Ms Cox went on to say “ that there is no GANG, there are not 49 members, the Aboriginal community are not complacent in these crimes and young Aboriginal men are not without hope……. 

“It is really important for us to stand up for this, because young people are full of hope and it is only when the community let them down that this changes, and we have got to accept responsibility for this potential, and to ensure that all young people, both Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal are given the resources they need to be empowered to reach their potential.  

Labeling someone as EVIL and SCUM does not do anything in assisting them to reach their potential, which was mentioned explicitly in the Breaking the Cycle report.”

Speaker - National NADOC Elder 2009 and Order of Australian Medal, Frank Lampard

Speaker - National NADOC Elder 2009 and Order of Australian Medal, Frank Lampard

Rally organizers; Chantelle Wanganeen, Natasha Wanganeen and Janette Milera were happy with the days events.  It would have been good to see more of the Adelaide community members there… but it has given us a platform to open communication with Government. 

All Information gathered  as well as comments and suggestions will be will be compiled in a briefing and passed on to Commissioner Wanganeen.   Community can still have their say.  Send suggestions/comments to  these will be received until 5pm on the 25th October 2009.

Community Speaker ~ Tauto Sansbury

SUNDAYS RALLY:  PROTEST AGAINST THE MEDIA’S REPORTING ON THE “GANG OF 49″  AND..the perception that… the Aboriginal Community are harbouring these criminals.
Type: Causes – Rally
Network: Global
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009  Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm

Organised by: Chantell Wanganeen, Natasha Wanganeen and Janette Milera,

The only way we can do this is to stand together in one voice and speak out…. Our Future Generations need to know that this type of behaviour WILL NOT be tolerated and that we WILL NOT quieten our disgust any longer.

Community Members and supporters attending the Anti-racism Rally

Community Members and supporters attending the Anti-media racism Rally

We need to stand together and speak up against this and about the perception that the Aboriginal Community support and condone this behaviour.

It is not acceptable that the whole Aboriginal Community be judged for what this group of individuals may be doing.

Community rally where speakers urge governments and media to "Tell The Truth"

Community rally where speakers urge governments and media to "Tell The Truth"

We also need to show these individuals that their behaviour is not condoned or accepted by not only society itself but also the whole Aboriginal Community.

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  1. Mark M Aldridge Independent says:

    3 cheers for the article, public misconception of the aboriginal race has for to long been associated with a minority group, as with the whole biker issue, not all clad in black leather should be deemed criminals, in the same way the colour of our skin has nothing to do with the person we have become.
    And every person in our society should have equal rights to rehabilitation programs, we all have made mistakes, and I am disgusted that our attorney in particular seems to enjoy diminishing minority groups in a vain attempt to look tough on crime.

  2. leigh says:

    I agree with this article. The political system, and big-boy media, are doing SA (and beyond) a cruel dis-service with this and other insinuations and accusations. Unfortunately, weak-minded masses believe it. Oh for independent thought.

  3. Mario says:

    VICKIE CHAPMAN: “These are the children who are really little turds, let’s be honest, they really are difficult children and they have got all sorts of hideous backgrounds and they’re nasty little pieces of work”.

    What sort of “background” does Vicky Chapman have if she speaks like this in public? Imagine the private conversations! It looks like voting will be a lot easier this time around. Go see your local member!!! Yeah right.

    MICHAEL ATKINSON: We are dealing with an evil phenomenon. We are dealing with a criminal gang, gunmen, who go round in gangs hitting soft targets. This is about pure evil.

    Michael Atkinson’s mouth has already become a costly item to the taxpaying public to whom he IS accountable. Voting becoming easier again as we well awake to the racist thrust, mate!!!

    Chapman and Atkinson appear to be immigrants as they don’t appear too well versed on the history of this “penal colony”.

    These pathetic pre-election ploys are so transparent and sadly lacking in leadership. But then we are dealing with a corporation, aren’t we? And who in this “government” can stand aghast at “soft targets”….ahem!!


    This is a list of massacres of Aboriginal Australians. For discussion of the historical arguments around these conflicts see the articles on the History Wars and the Black armband view of history, plus the section on impact of European settlement in the article on Indigenous Australians.

    A massacre is also referred to as a mass murder. It means the act of killing a large number indiscriminately and cruelly.

    This one is typical of the justice system currently operating and STILL in dire need of it’s own criminal investigaton.

    1906-7 Canning Stock Route: an unrecorded number of Aboriginal men and women were raped and massacred when Mardu people were captured and tortured to serve as ‘guides’ and reveal the sources of water in the area after being ‘run down’ by men on horseback, restrained by heavy chains 24 hours a day, and tied to trees at night. In retaliation for this treatment, plus the party’s interference with traditional wells, and the theft of cultural artefacts, Aborigines destroyed some of Canning’s wells, and stole from and occasionally killed white travellers.

    A Royal Commission in 1908, EXONERATED Canning, after an appearance by Kimberley Explorer and Lord Mayor of Perth, Alexander Forrest claimed that all explorers had acted in such a fashion.[19]

    Canning’s party constructed the wells with the forced help of Aboriginal people whose land the route traversed, the Mardu. Canning himself found it difficult to locate desert water sources. In order to gain Mardu assistance in locating water along the route, Canning captured several Mardu men, chained them by the neck, forced them to eat salt, and then waited until they got thirsty enough to lead his party to a native well.

  4. Isabel Dingaman says:

    To you Michael Atkinson, what is ‘pure evil’ is the fact that the ancestors of the alleged “gang of 49″ were massacred for their country (land, water, minerals) by the colonists.

    Today, your “south australia” is still a penal colony and for this reason the sovereign people of these many lands are still being marginalised by the so called “australian government” for the same ongoing reasons….minerals for your crown. Our minerals and our lands.

    When did the Kaurna people cede their land to you and your business acquaintances, willingly and without harrassment??? When did any of us… NEVER!!

    No wonder some our young people are turning to crime. It seems to be their only way out of a miserable life that they have being locked into since “colonialism” entered our lands.

    The deeds you mention, pale in comparison to your own Snowtown murders of innocent pensioners.

    When the human rights of aboriginal people is truly addressed by an independent body and ourselves and the past acknowledged and acted upon, maybe our young people will have a reason to feel proud and start turning their lives around. But you don’t want it this way. We are billionaires with a refugee problem because the colonial system only exists to exploit our minerals, therefore the colonists have a PROBLEM in admitting and accepting their own legal faults to their own people.

    Theft is hardly something for any politician to be pointing a finger at.

    This last effort to project and incite rasicm before the hopeful re-election of this or any political party is very clear to all. What gang of 49? Who did the head-count?

  5. Gerard Reiper says:

    I copied this from another thread and it pretty much sums up the current politicians. The discussion so far has produced many facts. These ageing politician-colonists are on borrowed time. East Germany’s socialist government also crumbled and fell, amongst it’s lies and ideals.

    Those natives who think they are enjoying all of the fringe benefits of this white society are selling the bigger picture short. Any of you on a government paypacket needs to reassess his or her dependency and whether or not you are just making a difference to “yourself” and how you appear to fit in, OR do you really care about your heritage which is being slipped out from underneath you. AND you are slipping out from underneath your cousins, but in particular the state wards. Do you care about these vicitims of the system? Or do you care more about how they could make you look? You are all a meal ticket for these colonists and they thrive on the fact you want to look respectable. Are you disassociating yourselves from the state wards here? It’s not clear.

    Take a look at history and see what these colonists as you call them have, which belongs to you, yours and others including the state wards. What I see here is a lot of fish who are all caught nicely on the colonist’s hook.

    This lady below is very smart. She worked it out. How many are still in there saying the right words, but not making the difference? Puppets for the colonists helping the colonists to assimilate YOU. And yes, the target is your land hence your forgetfulness. You think you need to be “acceptable” and “blend in”. You don’t. You need to BE who you are or continually expect to have these rallies.

    This or any government wants power over YOUR land even by default. Default being assimilation and the death of your elders and you believing that they are YOUR government. They aren’t !!!

    “Grotesque amounts of money” that have not produced a single house.

    Natasha Robinson | August 15, 2009

    ABORIGINAL politician Alison Anderson yesterday labelled the $672 million indigenous housing program the biggest scandal she had seen in her political career, as Labor narrowly avoided being thrown from power in the Northern Territory.
    …”I dreamed that I could help change things for Aboriginal people in the bush,” said the member for the central Australian seat of MacDonnell.

    “I believed the Labor Party cared about Aboriginal issues, that Labor was the party for the Aboriginal cause. After four years in the system, I know I was wrong.

    “Labor lives on the Aboriginal vote, it talks constantly about Aboriginal people, but what it’s really good at is spending Aboriginal money.”

  6. Mike says:

    I live in Adelaide and didn’t now anything about this rally. So much for the mainstream media and what passes for freedom of the press. Looks like the press has the freedom to make certain people and issues invisible.

    A month or so ago, a house in Elizabeth occupied by an Aboriginal family was the subject of a home invasion by white supremacists who beat up the father of the house in front of his family. The mother and the children were also threatened. Not only wasn’t this on the front page of the Advertiser, it wasn’t in there at all!

    Many thanks again to CPRT for the courage to report on this.

  7. nigel says:

    Similar labeling and treatment of the Beverley nuclear protest class action group.

    If you don’t have an enemy to justify new and proposed draconian laws then invent one. Its a wake up call to be-ware of the media spin generated by the PR firms that operate SA INC…its perhaps indicative of the distraction required when the state of government affairs and mis-use of public office is what is increasingly under the spotlight.

    When the opposition is promising TASAR’s to the police and the government is saying they have got them if they want them anyway, its evident that this government cant be trusted period, but to administer justice when there is ongoing signs of corrupted governance, its time for a system collapse, and better oversight of processes and transparency of roles – kept seperate from the corporate thugs who have from time to time, an influence in what we call…government.

    If its not for the PEOPLE then it must be for someone ELSE.

  8. Anthony G. says:

    Could it be Mike that the Adelaide media are all embarrassed by their obliging assistance in generating what could be called malicious racism, for want on no real news to report?

    On checking their stories to date it’s all alleged, suspected and “not exactly”. There is no hard evidence of an organised gang. And like Klynton says, if they were so organised, why are they getting caught.

    It seems we have discovered the source of racism (not that we didn’t know) for as Isabelle points out, nothing could top the Snow Town premeditated, gruesome murders.

    Then there’s the Canning Stock Route massacres and other sordid undealt with criminal offences against the first people of this country. Since when was it a crime to be here first?

    No other race of people is treated with such contempt, particularly on their own soil and generally they don’t belong to an “alleged” gang to be kept at the bottom of the pile.

    The majority of Australians are no longer buying into this racism generated by a failed or perhaps ambitious system. It sounds like a coverup to me, or perhaps Custer’s Last Stand.

    ADELAIDE NOW: “suspected” members of the Gang of 49
    ADELAIDE NOW: THE “alleged” ringleader of last week’s Gang of 49
    ADELAIDE NOW: the latest crime wave by the “so-called” Gang of 49
    ABC: It’s “not exactly” a gang of 49
    TOPIX: the “so-called” Gang of 49
    SIMON BLAKE: The people that believe that “the Gang of 49 is a myth”
    KLYNTON WANGANEEN: we have to deal with the “fallacies” of a “GANG of 49”

    So, who “so-called” this the Gang of 49?
    Is it any wonder the City media have buried their head in shame? How can they back peddle now??

  9. Andrew James says:

    Blame the media and you’re guaranteed to be heard!! What a ***** stategy.

    Did this commenter make a mistake with email address? It isn’t verifiable. Moderator

  10. Isabel Dingaman says:

    Thanks to Mario, 18th October for the link which displays the public record of the massacres of the first peoples of this, our beautiful continent and traditional homelands.

    I hope Vickie Chapman and Mickael Atkinson will spend as much time on this link as they do in their media linkups, generating racism against the first peoples by their insane attacks on the alleged ‘gang of 49′, who as far as their evidence goes, does not exist.

    This system of government is failing decent Australians being based on a colonial lie. How often do you see perpertrators bury their victims to conceal their own hideous crimes?

    How much of the mineral money from our sacred sites and how many white dollars from innocent people’s sacred purses goes into to conjuring up schemes of division to gain access to uranium for weapons of which South Australia is creating a world market for?

    This is not a system we embraced willingly. Indigenous people and others were “enslaved” to this system. Indigenous people traded with the whitefellows and didn’t charge. So what sort of colony is this – an Ant Colony? Think about it, as it’s definitely not working for the benefit of the first peoples or the hardworking families who seem to be the target workforce for government industry. How many of your sons have died in the military wars of these people? Who would think it valiant to die for their company, alias the australian government?

    It’s good to see Klynton Wanganeen publicly speaking out about the many fallacies. I’m just curious as to why Klynton seems to have sworn his allegiance to the Queen of England? I would like to challenge Klynton Wanganeen to use his position to further challenge the fallacy of the “native title realestate agents” position in it’s alleged jurisdiction in assisting to manipulate the swapping of tribal identities in order to alter tribal boundaries without due ‘authorised consent’ and appropriate public transparancy.

    It’s time for real change and this will come with the support of decent Australians both sovereign and introduced, who can see the black history of penal colonialism and the damage it is still causing to us all in it’s attempt to create a democracy without the inclusion of the first peoples.

    We now have the split differences on boat people and “illegal or not” entry to OUR country. Maybe it rings a guilty bell for some of the die-hard royalists. What a sham!

  11. This die-hard royalist, as a Queen’s Scout by Royal Warrant 1983 & central Australian NAIDOC Non Indigenous Person of the Year 1996 is very interested in respecting, recognising, resourcing Original Peoples’ Sovereignty as per their self-determination & empowerment along with the Crown’s King William IV South Australia Letters Patent & Governor Hindmarsh Commander in chief Proclamation 1836 … I note too,25197,26226735-28737,00.html

    At the Treaty of Versace 1919 Reparations, British PM Lloyd George wanted to follow Sir Eric Campbell-Geddes*, GCB, GBE, PC (26 September 1875 – 22 June 1937) British Conservative Party politician’s desire, “We shall squeeze the German lemon until the pips squeak!” which was uttered during a rally before the Versailles Peace Conference in order to stir up support for harsh restitutions.

    Something South Australia’s Aboriginal Native Title Congress could-should consider too?

    *”Geddes was one of the “men of push and go” brought into government service by Minister of Munitions David Lloyd George in 1915. During the First World War he was in turn Deputy Director-General of Munitions Supply, Director-General of Military Railways and Inspector-General of Transportation with the British Expeditionary Force, Controller of the Navy then First Lord of the Admiralty, unusually holding the ranks of both Major General and Vice Admiral. The Daily Telegraph’s naval correspondent, Sir Archibald Hurd, later wrote of Geddes and Lloyd George, “No men more ignorant of naval affairs were ever associated together than the Prime Minister and Geddes”.”

  12. My question now is what has our South Australian State & local communities actually done for the families and friends of “Jack Harradine and Henry Lampard were arrested in Victoria last week after a series of armed hold-ups across Adelaide. (ABC News)”"?

    “No suppression on armed robbery accused

    Posted Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:02pm AEDT
    Updated Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:07pm AEDT

    Slideshow: Photo 1 of 2
    Jack Harradine and Henry Lampard were arrested in Victoria last week after a series of armed hold-ups across Adelaide. (ABC News)

    Jack Harradine and Henry Lampard were arrested in Victoria last week after a series of armed hold-ups across Adelaide. (ABC News)

    * Map: Adelaide 5000

    The Adelaide Magistrates Court has refused a request to suppress the images of two men extradited from Melbourne on armed robbery charges.

    Jack Harradine, 20, and 19-year-old Henry Lampard were arrested in Victoria last week after a series of recent armed hold-ups across Adelaide.

    The prosecution argued against identity suppressions, saying that in most cases the accused wore masks and that DNA, blood samples and fingerprints would be used as evidence.

    Neither man applied for bail.

    Both were remanded in custody and will face court again in January.”

  13. Isabel Dingaman says:

    Let’s Shift the Focus to the Real Issues

    We have been hearing so much about how evil and criminal this alleged gang of 49 is, how about the mining and exposure of uranium that will eventually poison waters, food, land and people. Isn’t that deemed to be criminal and pure evil too? Invisible and slow sickness creeping across our country, accentuated by the previous French nuclear tests et al, where brain and breast cancers amongst other illness were predicted to rise in Australia by early 2000. These cancers are already in epedemic proportions and noone mentions “the cause”. Don’t you wonder about it?

    How many of you families out there have lost your children or other loved ones to these radiation related diseases this decade already and have had to pay your own way through this grief and hardship?

    We only have to think back to the dustorms that originated near Olympic Dam and the highly contaminated traditional homelands of my people, Maralinga. These dust storms which are regular travelled far and wide, not only across Australia, but to New Zealand and other Islands across the sea as did (and still does) the contamination of the 12 atomic bombs you barely remember. We can only “hope” it may only be just dust for now as any tests being done will not be released to the public as the water contamination tests for Adelaide, post Maralinga have never been released!!!! So what happens when more of this uranium is exposed?

    Do we batten down the hatches and ride out the radioactive storms and pray for a richer economy to pay our health expenses or carry on with the job that it created for you if your are still healthy enough to work? Our family was unfortunate enough to live near and through Maralinga and the cancers it created for us are testimony to the effects of radiation.

    The criminals creating these radioactive dustorms that will eventually commit mass murder and genocide are no longer selective and should also be publicly exposed, just as an alleged gang of 49 are being highlighted. This would be fair, dont you think?

    This focus on “a” gang of 49 is simply shifting your focus away from the real issues prior to an election. The real issue here is that genuine, traditional first people, won’t sign off their land for uranium as it will deplete the countries water supply and contaminate that which is left.

    You will realise one day when it is too late that the people you are being led to despise are being “forced” into these uranium mining agreements against our wishes. Our wish is for a clean and fertile country.

    Haven’t you ever wondered why asylum seekers are so welcomed and accommodated at times and yet the original people of this land were so despised and hunted down historically? It’s because we still have title to this country and you are led to turn a blind eye to the genocide that has happened over the methods being used to obtain, by fair or foul means, that all important title.

    Do you think these uranium and other profits are going to be shared with you? No, because you are as dispensible as we are to the profiteers. You, the workforce and general population will inherit the health problems.

    The people of the media who are helping to perpetuate this racism, will one day wish they had not been so obliging and dug a bit deeper.

  14. What I find fascinating is how the Royal House of Hanover through its last British ruling Members King William IV & Empress Queen Victoria claimed radical title to South Australia through the Letters Patent 1836 … or “Allodial title is a concept in some systems of property law. It describes a situation where real property (land, buildings and fixtures) is owned free and clear of any encumbrances, including liens, mortgages and tax obligations. Allodial title is inalienable, in that it cannot be taken by any operation of law for any reason whatsoever.

    In common legal use, allodial title is used to distinguish absolute ownership of land by individuals from feudal ownership, where property ownership is dependent on relationship to a lord or the sovereign. Webster’s first dictionary (1825 ed) says allodium is “land which is absolute property of the owner, real estate held in absolute independence, without being subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgement to a superior. It is thus opposed to feud.”

    True allodial title is rare, with most property ownership in the common law world—primarily, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Republic of Ireland—described more properly as being in fee simple. In particular, land is said to be “held of the Crown” in England and Wales and the Commonwealth realms. In England, there is no allodial land, all land being held of the Crown; even in the United States most lands are not allodial, as evidenced by the existence of property taxes. Some of the Commonwealth realms (particularly Australia) recognise native title, a form of allodial title that does not originate from a Crown grant.

    Property owned under allodial title is referred to as allodial land, allodium, or an allod.”

  15. Mainstream Murdoch Media Reporters SEAN FEWSTER, JORDANNA SCHRIEVER, KEN McGREGOR could seriously review the way in which they are communicating with our community online in “Spirit of gang of 49 on show outside court”,,26201554-2682,00.html

    ReconciliationSA Co-ordinator – Rosslyn Cox is reported to have stated that, “Reconciliation SA is absolutely appalled by the racial vilification and the racial profiling that the media have been using to report on the recent spate of crime. “There is absolutely no doubt that what they are doing is breaching the Racial Discrimination Act, and it is really important that we ALL stand up against this”.

  16. Media Assessment says:

    Edited by Moderator
    Alas Mathew, this is the poor quality of produce coming out of the Adelaide advertiser these days. Times are over when fair and balanced reporting can be expecting once they are put under the pressures of the asx.

    They become unaccountable judge and jury as they assist a flailing government in power to lobby for innappropriate changes to their less scrupulous plans to reinstate racism in the minds of the voters.

    Who wouldn’t tell that motley lot to F* off, shoving a camera in your face. They even highlighting the loyalties of friendships that everyone deserves, getting “down” to bashing friends. This is pure sickness, specially prior to a court case where the connotation is “guilty” by these amateur media youngsters who probably don’t know what unbiased reporting is. Don’t waste your engery on them. Cara

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