Spread the word, help make the fuckers tremble

6 08 2011

The following post was made by a Bahraini activists online.

I have only minute to speak here as I am at an internet cafe I must use now to post, but I have a request of the good bloggers here – one which I ask upon my hands and knees begging you with all hope and humility.

Please do not forget about us in Bahrain.

I beg of you to not abandon your heart passion, but please do not forget about us here.

Our own freedom struggle is bad now, it has taken many turns for the worse and getting more worse.  The secret police are out in full force and anyone who has ever uttered any support of the freedom movement is now at risk.

Please support us, we must have people like you to help us.  We must have people like you to ask your  the governments to help us please have the basic dignity which we give our blood for.

We are going to the streets again, with nothing but our lives and bodies and we know it will be bad for us but we do not care.  We are united we are one, we are Bahrain!

It is brother and sister, sunni and shi’ite – do not believe the lies it is an Iranian plot or must be done for the oil or stability.  We do not have the internet, it is too blocked.  We do not have the media, it is too controlled.  We only have YOU!

Help us, I beg you with all my heart and soul.

FREE BAHRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will not give any details in order to prevent any useful information leaking out which may help the person be identified, but for anyone who has ever valued freedom, it is our duty to repeat this message as far and as widely as possible.  The Bahraini’s need our support and the Anarchists should be ready to give that support to a people in revolt.



2 responses

8 08 2011
The Anarchist Township» Blog Roll Call for the Week of 8/1/11

[…] going on in Bahrain I can say I don’t feel there’s any good reason not to repost this. Keep in mind that we don’t necessarily have to support people just because they’re […]

11 01 2013
Olen I. Casey

Two famous Chinese actors – festival darling Li Bingbing and Yao Chen, who has over 31m followers on Sina Weibo – have expressed support for the paper on their microblogs; their posts have been forwarded tens of thousands of times. Celebrity blogger Han Han wrote: “My support today is not only for my favourite newspaper and its respectable editors and journalists, but also for the media and media people who are in even worse situations and receive worse treatment.” The post has since been deleted.

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