Vinay Chikkamath


Proud Hindu, ||Sanghi|| and Narendra Modi Bhakt, Fan of INDIAN ARMED FORCES 👨‍⚕️ Ayurveda♥

Unit: novembre de 2016


Has blocat @Vinay73192059

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @Vinay73192059.

  1. Tuit fixat
    6 de jul. de 2019

    I have taken membership of the Bharatiya Janta Party to contribute towards nation building. You too can join the BJP and join hands to help create a New India!

  2. ha retuitat
    fa 12 hores

    Oxygen plants in every district to ensure adequate oxygen availability... An important decision that will boost oxygen availability to hospitals and help people across the nation.

  3. ha retuitat
    24 d’abr.

    Greatness lies in Simplicity! Greatest lesson ever taught me through his words and deeds. Invaluable influence he has been in my life.Fondly remembering Dr.Rajkumar on his birth anniversary! A True

  4. ha retuitat
    23 d’abr.

    Wait till the end to hear the befitting reply to IIT Pass 😭

  5. ha retuitat
    23 d’abr.

    Your galti are many but to begin with 1) Spending state money in self promotion 2) wasting money in plotting and sustaining various protests/riots 3) instant gratification to voters by free bijli paani no long terms plans/infrastructure,not a single oxygen plant in the capital

  6. ha retuitat
    22 d’abr.

    Thank you Sir. Means a lot coming from a Senior leader like you. 🙏

  7. ha retuitat
    21 d’abr.

    Today is Ram Lalla’s birth anniversary, a man who lives in every Indian’s heart, Tapasavi Raja who because of his karma will live on beyond this world. राम नवमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ

  8. ha retuitat
    21 d’abr.

    रामनवमी की मंगलकामनाएं। देशवासियों पर भगवान श्रीराम की असीम अनुकंपा सदा बनी रहे। जय श्रीराम!

  9. ha retuitat
    21 d’abr.

    आज रामनवमी है और मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्रीराम का हम सभी को यही संदेश है कि मर्यादाओं का पालन करें। कोरोना के इस संकट काल में, कोरोना से बचने के जो भी उपाय हैं, कृपया करके उनका पालन कीजिए। 'दवाई भी, कड़ाई भी' के मंत्र को याद रखिए।

  10. ha retuitat
    20 d’abr.

    Prime Minister will address the nation on the COVID-19 situation at 8:45 this evening.

  11. ha retuitat
    19 d’abr.

    Have you watched this surgical strike against 'Ramon Magsaysay Award' winner Ravish Kumar? What an epic insult of 'vulture' Ravish!

  12. ha retuitat
    19 d’abr.

    History shall be kinder to you Dr Manmohan Singh ji if your offer of ‘constructive cooperation’ and valuable advice was followed by your leaders as well in such extraordinary times ! Here’s my reply to your letter to Hon’ble PM Sh ji 👍

    , , i 7 més
    Mostra el fil
  13. ha retuitat
    18 d’abr.

    What a special evening, today. 3 out of 3 wins & my debut for this amazing franchise 13 years ago, on this day. Thank you to each one of you for your love & support. ❤️

  14. ha retuitat
    17 d’abr.

    The untimely demise of noted actor Vivek has left many saddened. His comic timing and intelligent dialogues entertained people. Both in his films and his life, his concern for the environment and society shone through. Condolences to his family, friends and admirers. Om Shanti.

  15. ha retuitat

    ಶ್ರೀ ಗುರುಭ್ಯೋ ನಮಃ..ಹರಿಃಓಂ. ಶುಭದಿನ ಶುಭೋದಯ:)

  16. ha retuitat
    13 d’abr.

    सभी देशवासियों को ‘हिंदू नववर्ष’ चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा, विक्रम सम्वत् २०७८ की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ। यह नव संवत्सर सबके लिए मंगलमय हो। आप सभी के जीवन में सुख, समृद्धि, खुशहाली और आरोग्यता सदैव बनी रहे।

  17. ha retuitat
    12 d’abr.

    How many RTs for THAT effort from Sanju?

  18. ha retuitat
    13 d’abr.

    ನಿಮ್ಮೆಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಯುಗಾದಿಯ ಶುಭಕಾಮನೆಗಳು. ಮುಂಬರುವ ವರ್ಷ ಅದ್ಭುತವಾಗಲಿ. ನೀವೆಲ್ಲರೂ ಆರೋಗ್ಯ ಹಾಗು ಸಂತಸದಿಂದಿರಿ. ಎಲ್ಲೆಡೆ ಸಮೃದ್ಧಿ ಹಾಗು ಸಂತೋಷ ಪಸರಿಸಲಿ.

  19. ha retuitat
    12 d’abr.

    Addressed public meeting at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. The people of Tirupati are plagued by the corrupt government of the state and are ready to bless Hon PM Shri ji's leadership of development.

  20. ha retuitat
    11 d’abr.

    Months ago, Sachin Vaze entered Arnab’s home with 40 commandos & arrested him. He mistreated his family. Using absolutely fake & made up charges, he & his masters conspired to put Arnab in Taloja Jail. Vaze himself is now in Taloja Jail. Karma. And this is just the beginning.

  21. ha retuitat
    10 d’abr.

    None of the great men you have named here believed Sanatana Dharma to be 'poisonous evil', like you do. Stop using their names to camouflage your hatred for Hindutva. Nice to see you concede defeat with still four more rounds of polling to go!


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