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Catalog Erythros Press & Media LLC Profile
Books (Individual Volumes)
Books (Multi-Volume Sets)
Kindle e-books
Awakening to Life by Alexander Meshcheryakov
Communards by Mitchell Abidor
Essential Texts of Marxism-Leninism by Marx, Lenin, et al.
The Development of Mind by A. N. Leont'ev
Essential Texts of Marxism-Leninism
by Marx & Engels, V.I. Lenin, et al.

The Great Anger: Ultra-Revolutionary Writings
by Mitchell Abidor

Hegel’s Logic with a Foreword by Andy Blunden
NEW ✭  History of the World Crisis by José Carlos Mariátegui
The Ideal in Human Activity by E. V. Ilyenkov
Khrushchev Lied by Grover Furr

NEW ✭  Leon Trotsky's Collaboration with Germany and Japan: Trotsky's Conspiracies of the 1930s, Volume Two by Grover Furr
NEW ✭  An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity by Andy Blunden
The Manifesto of the Communist Party and its Genesis
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

The Murder of Sergei Kirov by Grover Furr

One is Not Born A Personality by Karl Levitin

Red Youth: Young Heroes of the Great Patriotic War
Selected Writings on the Semiotics of Modernity by Andy Blunden

Trotsky's "Amalgams": Trotsky's Conspiracies of the 1930s, Volume One by Grover Furr
Why I Am An Atheist by Bhagat Singh

Yezhov vs. Stalin by Grover Furr

книги в русском языке
(Books in Russian)

Marxist Heroes Trading Cards
NEW ✭ The Red Detachment of Women Deluxe Canvas Print
Soviet Banner of Victory (replica)


What We Do

kindleErythros Press and Media, LLC is an independent project launched in 2009. We distribute books and memorabilia related to left and progressive political movements.

We also offer selected volumes as Kindle e-books through

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“Red Youth”

Red Youth BookRed Youth: Young Heroes of the Great Patriotic War is the first book published by Erythròs Press and Media, LLC. Released in the summer of 2009, copies have shipped to destinations across the U.S. and beyond. In November 2009, a copy of this book was accepted into the collection of materials at the Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Museum in Moscow.

Marxist Heroes of the World

cardsWith our tongues planted firmly in our  cheeks, Erythros Press and Media, LLC is pleased to offer a unique line of trading cards featuring some of the most celebrated heroes of the movement.

Series Two is now available!

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History of the World Crisis and Other Writings

by José Carlos Mariátegui

book coverJosé Carlos Mariátegui (1894 - 1930), the founder and director of the seminal journal Amauta and of the Peruvian Socialist Party, is regarded as one of Peru's, and Latin America's most influential and original Marxist thinkers. 

The main selection in this volume, History of the World Crisis, consists of a series of lectures delivered to workers schools by Mariátegui upon his return to Peru after a four-year stay in Europe. 

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Leon Trotsky's Collaboration with Germany and Japan: Trotsky's Conspiracies of the 1930s, Volume Two

by Grover Furr

book coverIn this book, Grover Furr conducts an expert, objective study of the evidence concerning Trotsky's secret collaboration with the enemies of the USSR. He concludes that Trotsky did indeed collaborate with the Germans and Japanese. The proof that Trotsky was guilty of collaboration with the Nazis and Japanese dramatically changes our understanding of Soviet history of the 1930s and of Joseph Stalin's role.

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“The Red Detachment
of Women” canvas print

This deluxe print of an original, newly commissioned oil on canvas painting is inspired by a famous scene in the Chinese Cultural Revolution era ballet The Red Detachment of Women.

Khrushchev Lied

by Grover Furr

book cover
Now the best selling work in the Erythros Press and Media, LLC catalog, this important work by Grover Furr is the product of a decade of intensive and meticulous research. Through diligence and scholarship, Furr shows that everything we know about Soviet history is indelibly flawed as the result of Khrushchev's so-called Secret Speech.

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One is Not Born a Personality

by Karl Levitin

One is Not Born A Personality: A Biographical History of Soviet Psychology was first published in 1980, just as a resurgence of interest in Vygotsky began in the late 1970s.

This book, although long out of print, is still widely cited by contemporary scholars interested in the development of the “cultural-historical” school of psychology.

Erythros Press and Media, LLC has brought the work back into print and included extra material.

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Soviet Banner of Victory flag

Celebrate the victory over fascism every day with this 3 ft. by 5 ft. knitted polyester replica of the Soviet Banner of Victory #5.


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Red Youth from Erythros Press and Media

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