Organiser Weekly


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New Delhi
Vrijeme pridruživanja: rujan 2011.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    11. svi

    Here is the latest edition of . On the occasion of stalwarts from the media industry take a stock of the in the Post-Covid19 world. Read, Comment and Share

  2. prije 12 minuta
  3. prije 5 sati

    Delhi Government blocks salary of Covid Warriors of MCD: University fraternity comes to their rescue, asks Lt. Governor to help in release of their salaries via

  4. prije 5 sati
  5. prije 6 sati

    Evangelical organisation Gospel for Tribals Social Service Society accused of illegal conversions of Janjatis, hate speech against Hindus and FCRA fraud; Complaint filed by LRPF: via

  6. prije 7 sati

    "Future of Media: Timeless Values for Testing Times" of Organiser Weekly is now available on

  7. prije 7 sati

    The Future of Media: Timeless Values for Testing Times issue of Organiser Weekly is available on . Read now!

  8. prije 9 sati

    Regular Train Passenger Services remain cancelled until further notice; Full refund for tickets booked up to June 30: via

  9. prije 10 sati

    Evangelical organisation Gospel for Tribals Social Service Society accused of illegal conversions of Janjatis, hate speech against Hindus and FCRA fraud; Complaint filed by LRPF: via

  10. prije 10 sati

    Delhi Government blocks salary of Covid Warriors of MCD: University fraternity comes to their rescue, asks Lt. Governor to help in release of their salaries via

  11. prije 10 sati
  12. prije 11 sati

    Union Government to provide tap water to every household in Jammu and Kashmir by December 2022; Another landmark target after amending

  13. prije 12 sati
  14. prije 12 sati

    Technology must be used for upliftment of society: Former ISRO chief Dr G Madhavan Nair via

  15. prije 13 sati
  16. prije 14 sati
  17. prije 14 sati

    Delhi Police seize passports of over 700 Corona super-spreader Tablighi Jamaatis for visa violation and hiding travel history via

  18. prije 14 sati

    Finance Minister announces measures for relief and credit support related to businesses, especially MSMEs to support Indian Economy’s fight against COVID-19: via

  19. 13. svi

    Delhi Police seize passports of over 700 Corona super-spreader Tablighi Jamaatis for visa violation and hiding travel history: via

  20. 13. svi

    Govt's big boost to Swadeshi products - CAPF canteens to sell only locally made products: via

  21. 13. svi

    Muslims attacked Hindus in West Bengal’s Telenipara, Local Temple Vandalised and the Idol Mutilated: via


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