Greece: crowd gathers in Athens to protest new environmental legislation

May 7th: Thousands gathered in Athens last Monday (04.05), to protest the new anti-environmental bill, which the ruling right-wing New Democracy party made everything in its power to prepare and pass during the pandemic, with the hope of avoiding social turmoil.

No one left alone in the hands of the state: Greek prison Solidarity Fund calls for emergency support

May 6th: The Greek Prison Solidarity Fund have commenced an online fundraiser, asking for emergency support during the time of COVID-19.

Greek PM, Rouvikonas, and the escalating impact of a police brutality incident

May 3rd: It all started last Monday, April 27th, when Giorgos Kalaitzidis, a well-known member of the media-notorious anarchist group Rouvikonas, posted a video that had been sent to him on facebook featuring a police brutality incident against a motorcyclist in the centre of Athens.

New zine: Chasing Dreams, Fighting Nightmares

May 1st: A rather interesting zine ended up in the Freedom editor’s inbox a few days back and its creators, RebelNet, asked us to share it on Mayday if we liked it.

Italy: On conditions in Mammagialla Prison

April 28th: A prisoner at the jail in Viterbo, north-west of Rome, whistleblows on laughable “protections” which were put in place at the heavily overcrowded facility when a 50-year-old officer tested positive for Covid-19.

Indonesia: The struggle for Tamansari

April 27th: In the "human rights friendly" city of Bandung a conflict was raging over the future of Tamansari, a piece of land occupied for decades but slated for redevelopment.

Chile: The Self-Managed Street Workers Union is born

April 23rd: President Sebastián Piñera’s hide was well and truly saved when Covid-19 interrupted months of protests which had nearly kicked his government out of power — but lockdown doesn’t mean people have stopped organising.

Syndicalist unions and Covid-era resistance: A CIT roundup

April 22nd: The anarcho-syndicalist international, founded in 2018, looks at workplace struggle in its branches worldwide and calls for the building of new forms of solidarity amid the lockdowns.

Notes from the US: COVID-19 edition

April 18th: ‘Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action’ (Goethe) Readers of Freedom News will be familiar with (and probably sick of hearing) accounts of the Trump administration’s misconduct during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

The ‘scientific rigour’ which has left our hospitals unprepared

March 31st: The following statement, released recently by Italian healthcare union USI on the running down of their national health system, could be a word for word critique of the British government’s own systematic destruction of the NHS.