Interview: Alessio Kolioulis on Colin Ward’s The Child in the City and its French translation

May 13th: A French language translation of Colin Ward’s classic The Child in the City was published in March this year by Etrerotopia France – L’enfant dans la ville translated by Léa Nicolas-Teboul.

Don’t join, Organise: On the limits of employment law

May 11th: Following Boris Johnson's burbling mess of an address yesterday there's been a renewed interest in health and safety legislation, our right to stay away from dangerous working environments, and the importance of joining a union.

The View Magazine: Artful Ways and Means

May 6th: Note from the editor: this text contains a discussion on issues which may be triggering and difficult to read.

What a way to make a living: Class Power on Zero Hours

May 4th: The book is certainly not intended primarily as a contribution to the ongoing "class vs idpol" wars, but in its close attention to the complexity of the actual composition of the working class at a specific moment in time, it serves as a damning critique of both poles of the debate.

‘This place is a death trap’: inside HMPs during COVID-19 

April 29th: Content warnings: state violence, medical abuse and neglect, self-harm and suicide  The Ministry of Justice’s lack of response to COVID-19 is nothing short of genocidal.

Interview: Ruth Kinna

April 21st: Freedom spoke to Ruth Kinna, author of numerous books on anarchism about the origins and key concepts of anarchism.

Dealing with 420 under lockdown

April 20th: Thanks to the immutable cultural significance of the number 420*, the 20th of April has become certified official International Weed Day and it’s landed right in the middle of lockdown.

Voice from the frontline: Organising in a pandemic

April 10th: A care worker breaks down what can, and indeed must, be done to self organise if proper protection and treatment is to be won in the face of inaction by authorities.

Interview: Simon Hannah on the fight to stop the poll tax

April 6th: Author Simon Hannah spoke to Freedom Press about his new book Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay: the fight to stop the poll tax which is published by Pluto Press.

Interview: Radical community in Aberdeen

April 5th: To mark the one-year anniversary of a radical social centre appearing in the Granite City, Rob Ray talks with the organising collective about their experiences, dreams — and advice for groups looking to set up new spaces.