
Total: $0.00

Shipping of GNU Press Shop orders has stopped while our office is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic - until at least May 18. We will fulfill all orders as soon as caution permits.


Please address any questions not answered by this FAQ to sales@fsf.org!

Information for potential authors - Information for teachers - How to get GNU Press books into your local bookstore

I'm a member. Will my discount be applied automatically?

No - you need to enter the member discount code - find it on your account page.

Do you ship internationally? If so, what is the cost?

We ship internationally via the United States Postal Service. The cost varies depending on the country it is being delivered to, the size/weight of the items purchased, and the requested delivery service.

The USPS's least expensive international package service is First Class Package International Service. In certain countries this has proved to be unreliable - packages were routinely returned, destroyed, or just lost - and so in these countries we ship via the more reliable, and pricier, Priority Mail International.

Who can I contact about getting new items offered in the store?

We are always looking for new items to offer for sale, and input from the community is invaluable! If you have suggestions, you can add them to the long-standing Store suggestions wiki. It also doesn't hurt to send an email to sales@fsf.org.

Can I return items?

We will exchange or replace items if they arrive broken or damaged. Unfortunately we cannot accept returns of undamaged merchandise.

Why are some shirts available only in very large or small sizes?

We generally have a limited stock of items available through the store. When we sell out of a particular size shirt, we may not be able to order new stock of that size right away. For limited edition or discontinued shirts, we keep the item in the store until all the shirts have been sold. That generally means that less popular sizes will remain for a longer period of time.

How do I find out about new GNU gear?

Subscribe to the GNU Press Mailing List. We email you when a new product is released, and occasionally when a product is restocked, a discount is offered, or to ask for your suggestions.

I work at a college or university and I need to order books for my class and professor.

Great! Email business@fsf.org with your name, your address, the book(s) you need, the quantity, the date by which you need it, the professor's name, and the PO#. We'll contact you with total pricing information, a ship date, and invoice information. We'll even set up your online account for you so that you can order through the store in the future.

For more information on buying books as a reseller, please see our Wholesaler page

Are gift certificates available?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide gift certificates at this time.

I live in the Boston area and I'd love to volunteer to help out with the store or other FSF activities. How do I do that?

We'd love to have you. Volunteers keep the FSF going, and there's always stickers to count and shirts to fold. Please see http://fsf.org/volunteer for more information.

I have some artwork I made that I would like the FSF to use. How do I get it in front of someone who makes those decisions?

You can email sales@fsf.org with your design.

I want to write a book for the GNU Press. How do I go about doing that?

We welcome contributors to GNU Press books! Manuals for free software are particularly in need of regular revision. Please see our Author page for information on becoming a GNU Author.