XFN: Tools     /**/         Home Intro Join Background FAQ Tools And... Helping Thanks Feedback  XFN Tools Creating Blogging  WordPress   Matt Mullenweg An open-source Weblogging package that offers XFN annotation of its internally-stored list of links.   WordPress home     Autoxfn   Buzz Anderson A module for Bloxsom that adds XFN annotations to links in an entry.   Autoxfn     Moveable Type template   D. Keith Robinson Allows MT authors to build a list of links that carry XFN annotation.   XFN Friendly Link List With Movable Type     blo.gs   Jim Winstead, Jr. Allows you to add information regarding your relationship to the people behind the blogs in your favorites list.   blo.gs      Communities  Metafilter   Arthur Jennings Metafilter users can now add XFN information to their links to other MeFi users.   Metafilter     Journalspace    The "friends" area of this service allows the addition of XFN information to the links.   Journalspace      Editing  Exefen   Matt Mullenweg A Web-based interface that allows quick XFN annotation of all the links on a page. You can save the result and paste it back into your HTML source.   Exefen 1.0     Nvu   Daniel Glazman Integrates XFN editing into its hyperlink editing dialogs.   Nvu      Wizards  XFN Creator   Matt Mullenweg 1.1 update by Tantek Çelik A Web-based interface for quickly creating a link with the proper XFN values. Available in the following languages:  English French (translation by Serge K. Keller) Italian (translation by Serge K. Keller and Cécile Matthey) Spanish-Argentina (translation by Manuel Razzari) Dutch (translation by Jeroen Budts — see related post: XFN 1.1 en XFN Creator) Czech (translation by Josef Petrák) Japanese (translation by Kazuhito Kidachi)      Browsing Searching  RubHub   Phil McCuskey A search engine for the XFN space, showing the social network of XFN-annotated sites. Includes top-10 lists for "largest social network" and "most inspiring".   Rubhub.com      Viewing  RubHubIt   Jonas Luster A favelet that looks up the currently-viewed site on Rubhub.   RubHubIt (drag to Favorites toolbar to install)      XFN Dumper   Ben A favelet that will open a new window listing all the XFN-annotated links in the current page and the XFN values they carry.   XFN Dumper v0.21 (drag to Favorites toolbar to install)       XFN [GMPG]   Copyright © 2003–2020 GMPG. Some rights reserved.