Contact Form 7


Contact Form 7 pode gerir múltiplos formulário de contacto, adicionalmente pode personalizar facilmente o formulário e os conteúdos do correio com markup simples. O formulário suporta envio com Ajax, CAPTCHA, filtros de spam Akismet e outros.

Docs and support

You can find docs, FAQ and more detailed information about Contact Form 7 on When you can’t find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, check the support forum on If you can’t locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.

Contact Form 7 needs your support

It is hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you enjoy using Contact Form 7 and find it useful, please consider making a donation. Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin’s continued development and better user support.

Privacy notices

With the default configuration, this plugin, in itself, does not:

  • track users by stealth;
  • write any user personal data to the database;
  • send any data to external servers;
  • use cookies.

If you activate certain features in this plugin, the contact form submitter’s personal data, including their IP address, may be sent to the service provider. Thus, confirming the provider’s privacy policy is recommended. These features include:

Recommended plugins

Os seguintes plugins são recomendados para utilizadores do Contact Form 7:

  • Flamingo por Takayuki Miyoshi – Com o Flamingo, pode guardar as mensagens submetidas através dos formulários de contacto na base de dados.
  • Bogo por Takayuki Miyoshi – Bogo é um plugin multilingue fácil de compreender que não causa dores de cabeça.


You can translate Contact Form 7 on

Imagens de tela

  • screenshot-1.png


  1. Envie toda a pasta contact-form-7 para o directório /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen (Plugins > Installed Plugins).

You will find Contact menu in your WordPress admin screen.

For basic usage, have a look at the plugin’s website.


Tem questões ou problemas com o Contact Form 7? Use devidamente estes canais de suporte.

  1. Documentos
  2. Perguntas frequentes
  3. Support forum



13 de Março, 2020
I've been using Contact Form 7 for years. Within the last few weeks, it's been crashing my site every few days. Now I have to go find a new contact form and waste time setting it up.
4 de Março, 2020
1) Do not use 2) Do not use 3) Do not use The forms seem nice and straightforward, but are riddled with glitches. There are more than 1000 support requests; most are unanswered. File uploads fail without an explanation. Forms also fail with no explanation. There aren't useful solution or error messages, just lots of frustration. If you don't want to spend many hours of frustration only to later uninstall this plugin, don't install it in the first place. Try something that actually works, like Everest.
Leia todas as 1.730 avaliações

Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

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Registro de alterações

Para mais informações, veja a página Releases.


  • CSS: Adds an explicit LTR direction style rule for code inputs.
  • Accessibility: Uses Error instead of ERROR in warnings.


  • CSS: removes a style rule from the stylesheet that was unnecessary and conflicting with Twenty Twenty’s rules.
  • REST API: retrieves the contact form ID explicitly from the route parameters.


  • Config Validator: New test item for the unavailable_html_elements error.
  • Config Validator: New test item for the attachments_overweight error.


  • reCAPTCHA: Introduces the wpcf7_recaptcha_sitekey and wpcf7_recaptcha_secret filter hooks.
  • Adds $status parameter to the wpcf7_form_response_output filter.
  • Creates a nonce only when the submitter is a logged-in user.
  • Introduces WPCF7_ContactForm::unit_tag(), a public method that returns a unit tag.
  • reCAPTCHA: gives a different spam log message for cases where the response token is empty.
  • Acceptance Checkbox: supports the label_first option in an acceptance form-tag.


  • Fixes a bug making it unable to unselect an option in the Mail tab panel.


  • Constant Contact: Introduces the contact list selector.
  • Constant Contact: Introduces the constant_contact additional setting.
  • reCAPTCHA: Introduces the wpcf7_recaptcha_actions and wpcf7_recaptcha_threshold filter hooks.


  • reCAPTCHA: Modifies the reaction to empty response tokens.


  • Introduces the Constant Contact integration module.
  • Updates the reCAPTCHA module to support reCAPTCHA v3.
  • Adds Dark Mode style rules.


  • Fixes the inconsistency problem between get_data_option() and get_default_option() in the WPCF7_FormTag class.
  • Suppresses PHP errors occur on unlink() calls.
  • Introduces wpcf7_is_file_path_in_content_dir() to support the use of the UPLOADS constant.


  • Specifies the capability_type argument explicitly in the register_post_type() call to fix the privilege escalation vulnerability issue.
  • Local File Attachment – disallows the specifying of absolute file paths referring to files outside the wp-content directory.
  • Config Validator – adds a test item to detect invalid file attachment settings.
  • Fixes a bug in the JavaScript fallback function for legacy browsers that do not support the HTML5 placeholder attribute.
  • Acceptance Checkbox – unsets the form-tag’s do-not-store feature.


  • CSS: Applies the “not-allowed” cursor style to submit buttons in the “disabled” state.
  • Acceptance Checkbox: Revises the tag-generator UI to encourage the use of better options in terms of personal data protection.
  • Introduces wpcf7_anonymize_ip_addr() function.
  • Introduces the consent_for:storage option for all types of form-tags.


  • Added the Privacy Notices section to the readme.txt file.
  • Updated the Information meta-box content.
  • Use get_user_locale() instead of get_locale() where it is more appropriate.
  • Acceptance Checkbox: Reset submit buttons’ disabled status after a successful submission.


  • Fixed incorrect uses of _n().
  • Config validation: Fixed incorrect count of alerts in the Additional Settings tab panel.
  • Config validation: Fixed improper treatment for the [_site_admin_email] special mail-tag in the From mail header field.
  • Acceptance checkbox: The class and id attributes specified were applied to the wrong HTML element.
  • Config validation: When there is an additional mail header for mailboxes like Cc or Reply-To, but it has a possible empty value, “Invalid mailbox syntax is used” error will be returned.
  • Explicitly specify the fourth parameter of add_action() to avoid passing unintended parameter values.
  • Check if the target directory is empty before removing the directory.


  • Additional settings: on_sent_ok and on_submit have been removed.
  • Nova definição adicional: skip_mail
  • Flamingo: Inbound channel title changes in conjunction with a change in the title of the corresponding contact form.
  • DOM events: Make an entire API response object accessible through the event.detail.apiResponse property.
  • HTML mail: Adds language-related attributes to the HTML header.
  • File upload: Sets the accept attribute to an uploading field.
  • Apresenta a classe WPCF7_MailTag
  • Allows aborting a mail-sending attempt using the wpcf7_before_send_mail action hook. Also, you can set a custom status and a message through the action hook.
  • Acceptance checkbox: Allows the specifying of a statement of conditions in the form-tag’s content part.
  • Caixa de selecção de aceitação: Suporte para ser “Opcional”.
  • New special mail tags: [_site_title], [_site_description], [_site_url], [_site_admin_email], [_invalid_fields], [_user_login], [_user_email], [_user_url], [_user_first_name], [_user_last_name], [_user_nickname], and [_user_display_name]
  • New filter hooks: wpcf7_upload_file_name, wpcf7_autop_or_not, wpcf7_posted_data_{$type}, and wpcf7_mail_tag_replaced_{$type}
  • New form-tag features: zero-controls-container and not-for-mail