Monthly Archives: August 2015


BORDER FORCE GESTAPO GO TO HELL! This afternoon, an angry demonstration of 200-300 people in Melbourne forced the cancellation of a police press conference to launch “Operation Fortitude” and then forced the cancellation of the operation itself. In a media … Continue reading

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29 AUG Stop the bigots in Bendigo! No to fascism, no to Islamophobia

Fascist group the ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF) are planning to descend on Bendigo on Saturday, 29 August outside the Town Hall in order to protest the construction of a mosque. The mosque was the subject of an unsuccessful legal challenge … Continue reading

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Strike at Woolworths’ liquor warehouse

The following article was first published on Anarchist Affinity’s blog: Much thanks to them for permission to repost. A moment on the picket line, workers from another NUW organised warehouse come down to show support. Report from Anarchist Affinity … Continue reading

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Defend the Fertility Control Clinic – Celebrate 10 years!

The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group circulates the following message from Radical Women in the spirit of the united front. The MACG supports the clinic defence actions of Radical Women. Saturday, 22 August, 9.30 am Defend the Fertility Control Clinic Celebrate … Continue reading

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Another World is Possible – But How Can We Get There?

This is the text of a presentation given by a MACG member during a debate on the class struggle approach to Anarchism held at the Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 8 August 2015. It was delivered almost verbatim. Thanks. I’m … Continue reading

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The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group calls on the Australian Government to drop the charges against Jamie Williams and release him unconditionally. He was arrested on 27 July and charged with “preparing for incursions into foreign countries for the purpose of … Continue reading

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