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 May 2020 Table of Contents


U.S. national security leaders and stakeholders in war, as they shelter in place, have an extraordinary opportunity to set a new norm and link with the vigil for Peace in Yemen

Thanks to this tax cut—the rich get richer: 72 percent of the tax cuts were directed to the wealthiest 20 percent of households

The wasting disease of normalcy is the far greater existential threat and our survival requires that we meet it with at least the same courage, generosity and ingenuity

The coronavirus is not just a threat to our personal and collective health; it is a threat to our democratic institutions as well. We need to protect lives and democracies

If only we could redirect our gaze, if we could seize back control of our attention for a moment, we might understand that we are being plagued not just by a virus but by our fear, our hate, our hunger, our selfishness

Photo by StoopDown/   Politics is ultimately about life and death, as the current pandemic horrors make clear. Policies that...
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The Fed has opened a free money spigot to investors, bankers, and to big business of all types, and has simply declared “come on in and take it.” And if the $6 trillion to date isn’t enough, we’ll provide more

If we can expand our consciousness and compassion, we can begin to comprehend our government’s behavior in the world and come out of this pandemic demanding to be better members of the human family

Immigrant farm workers have long been essential to the U.S. But they have never been recognized, respected or properly rewarded for their labor

Republicans are responsible for condoning his corruption, persistent abuses of power, and ongoing grift

No other country in the world is being subjected to the type of regime change strategy that the Trump administration is applying to Venezuela


We should recognize that unless we get to the roots of this pandemic, it’s going to recur, probably in worse form, simply because of the manipulations of the capitalist system which are trying to create circumstances in which it will be worse, for their benefit

There have been at least 45 walkouts for coronavirus protection already and there is growing talk of a nationwide strike to force the government to act

Photo by Diegyms/   Before I found myself “sheltering in place,” this article was to be about women’s actions around...
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  On Friday, May 1, an ongoing General Strike campaign begins. This campaign could become the most powerful movement in...
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The real test of leadership has, however,  always been how they choose to meet national exigencies that tend to be born of divisive  perceptions and prejudices—times when bringing about national unity is of utmost importance and far harder to obtain

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About Z Magazine

Z Magazine is a radical print and online periodical dedicated to resisting injustice, eliminating repression, and creating liberty. It addresses international relations, ecology, economics, gender, race, culture, politics, etc. ZMag is twenty seven years year in print and it also appears online for Z Sustainers. The name, Z, was inspired by the movie Z, directed by Costa-Gavras, that tells the story of repression and resistance in Greece. Comrade Z has been assassinated and his killers, including the chief of police, are indicted. The prosecutor disappears and a right-wing military junta takes over. Security police set out to prevent "a mildew of the mind" and infiltration of "isms." As the closing credits roll, the filmmakers list the things banned by the junta. They include: peace movements, labor unions, long hair on men, Sophocles, Tolstoy, strikes, the Beatles, Chekhov, Mark Twain, the bar association, sociology, Becket, the free press, the new math, and the letter Z, scrawled on a sidewalk as the film's final image, symbolizing "the spirit of resistance lives."

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