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  1. Закріплений твіт
    3 години тому

    ⚡️ It's tough to go anywhere when there's nowhere to go

  2. 16 хвилин тому

    To have any chance, Trump needs people to blame the recession on the pandemic while also not blaming him for how he handled it. And that’s without getting into meat shortages and other potential bad news

  3. 31 хвилину тому

    Here’s a big, possibly helpful number: $3 trillion. That’s how much room Americans have left under revolving credit limits

  4. 52 хвилини тому

    Tthe majority of the 114 S&P 500 companies withdrawing all guidance come from the highly cyclical consumer discretionary and industrials sectors

  5. 1 годину тому

    The total cost of a four-year degree from a private institution averaged $194,040 in 2018. It was only a matter of time before students began demanding their money back

  6. 2 години тому

    The matchstick seller on the street corner of the early 20th century is the equivalent of the gig economy worker today

  7. 2 години тому

    The next few years may witness tax revolts on a scale last seen in the Great Depression

  8. 2 години тому

    Stock investors bought on the rumors of good news in the coronavirus battle, and will sell on the news of likely setbacks

  9. 2 години тому

    Most governments have focused on the lessons from the Great Depression when managing this crisis: ➡️Extending liquidity (Friedman) ➡️Fiscal stimulus (Keynes) But there's a less-heralded mind from that era we're in danger of ignoring: Joan Robinson

  10. 3 години тому

    Uranium is having a moment in 2020, climbing a third in six weeks while much of the commodities universe melts down

  11. 3 години тому
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  12. 3 години тому
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  13. 3 години тому
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  14. 3 години тому
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  15. 3 години тому

    If voters react to the recession the way they typically do in an election year, Trump will lose badly, says

  16. 3 години тому
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  17. 3 години тому
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  18. 3 години тому
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  19. 3 години тому
    Показати цей потік
  20. 3 години тому

    🇦🇺AUSTRALIA Data above the baseline signifies there's more walking direction requests than normal, and data below the baseline signifies there's fewer

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