Dr Gabriel Scally


Public health physician, Visiting Prof of Public Health at Uni of Bristol, former Regional Director of Public Health in England and a member of

Csatlakozott 2011. január


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    Válasz neki:

    We need more advocating by for safety measures in schools, which would help ensure they stay open. eg. CO2 monitors, HEPA filters, masks, testing. Gov has been very slow to listen to and on this.

  2. retweetelte
    13 órával ezelőtt

    Immediate responses to current COVID19 situation - press release. We urge the government to implement a vaccines-plus strategy of Prevention, Vaccination and Control (PVC)

    , , és 7 másik felhasználó
  3. retweetelte
    4 órával ezelőtt

    Let this sink in—If CO2 levels spike with just 2 people sleeping, imagine how bad the air is in a windowless classroom full of loud kids with poor ventilation. We need good indoor air ventilation+disinfection in schools on top of (quality) masks.

  4. 4 órával ezelőtt

    Dreadful! Yet another bad week as powers ahead in the UK. +ve cases up 16%, admissions up 10%, and deaths up 15%. That's 911 deaths in the last week.

  5. retweetelte
    15 órával ezelőtt
  6. 11 órával ezelőtt

    Great cartoon by Martin Turner in today’s about the key decision being made by the Cabinet in Ireland now on protections. Hopefully they will decide to keep people safe.

  7. retweetelte
    13 órával ezelőtt

    It's been 114 days since the UK reported fewer than 20,000 daily cases and 107 days since we reported fewer than 500 hospital admissions with Covid.

  8. retweetelte
    okt. 18.

    📍Folks need to know this— had multiple myeloma—a cancer of plasma cells that **makes antibodies**. Thus, vaccines are weaker in myeloma patients because we kill the cells that make antibodies with our myeloma treatments. Please vax to protect others.🧵 HT

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  9. okt. 18.

    There is an urgent need to make it crystal clear to everyone that spreads through the air. It is much, much more important to have fresh or purified air in schools than to have surfaces sterilised. Facemasks and distancing, also help protect staff, children. 4/4

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  10. okt. 18.

    In Wexford, the CBS Primary has closed until November after a large number of cases. The principal said that they had “cleaned and fogged our school daily". 3/4

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  11. okt. 18.

    With a high level of cases, St Colmcille's High School in Crossgar was closed midweek and underwent an 'enhanced cleaning process' to ensure it was 'completely sanitised' before reopening to pupils. 2/4

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  12. okt. 18.

    A Co. Wexford school and another in Co. Down have been closed by their principals in recent days because of . They reveal serious misunderstandings about Covid in both parts of Ireland. 1/4

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  13. retweetelte
    okt. 16.

    1.THREAD on Covid, children, failure, bafflement and anger. TLDR: English policy has failed children, and then everyone else, I am baffled why people aren't angrier. I am angry. 23 tweet rant.

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  14. retweetelte
    okt. 16.

    23. Finally - where is the accountability? where is the anger? Our govt, the JCVI & public health officials downplaying spread in schools, have failed our children and they've failed us. And yes, I'm fucking furious. And no, I'm not sorry for swearing. /END

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  15. retweetelte
    okt. 15.
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  16. retweetelte
    okt. 14.

    📍KIDS is REAL—“15% of the children who come to us trained in various sports (for 3-4 hours a day, 6 days a week)—but after they **can’t even walk for 5 minutes**!” Do not listen to those who callously dismiss low death/hospital risk.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  17. retweetelte
    okt. 13.

    Our day event with at University of Bristol on how we build healthier cities will now be available online and live and is free to attend. Register here: 1/5

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  18. retweetelte
    okt. 12.

    'How have we created a country in which the people in charge can stand accused of such epic and fatal failure by their own colleagues while we sit here absolutely certain not a single head will roll.' reacts to a damning report into the government handling of Covid.

  19. retweetelte
    okt. 12.

    In the light of today's report, here's the timeline (to July 2021) of scientific advice to the UK government and what they did and when.

  20. okt. 12.

    Today's UK data shows cases, hospital admissions, and deaths all rising once again. In the last 7 days - cases up 13.5%, admissions up 5.5%, and deaths up 2.3%. Are we really saying 800 COVID deaths each week is acceptable? Well, it isn't.


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