WordPress.tv Blog

WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/05/06

After the interview that I did with Bet Hannon about the WordPress Support Forums, I searched through WordPress TV for another video about the Support Forums. I did find a video but the subject was about the migration from bbPress 1 to bbPress 2. I watched the video and thought this was something that people might enjoy watching.

Jennifer Dodd: Upgrading the WordPress.org Support Forums (How to Eat an Elephant)

In the summer of 2016, Jennifer Dodd upgraded the WordPress.org support forums
from bbPress 1 to bbPress 2.x. This talk will be done as an interview
conducted by Mika Epstein.

So, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/04/20

Way back in the early 1980’s I started to learn (on my own) how to do some programming. I developed a payroll and an accounting program at my workplace. This was pre-internet of course. If you were lucky, you might have access to a user group bulletin board or a CompuServe account and a local phone number . Long distance charges were killer back then. AND yes, I walked to school uphill in the snow, both ways!

If you have any interest in the coding standards used by WordPress, take a look at these videos.

Juliette Reinders Folmer: Leveraging the WordPress Coding Standards to review plugins and themes

Ever been hesitant to upgrade to a newer WP version as you weren’t sure whether the theme and the plugins you use would be compatible?
Or wondered whether installing a certain plugin would open your site up to security risks?
Or maybe whether you would be able to present your customer with an interface in their language for a certain plugin?

Presentation Slides

Thorsten Frommen: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the WordPress Coding Standards

In this talk, Thorsten will start by providing an overview of the rules and best practices for coding in the WordPress universe. If you want to know about code style, coding standards, code conventions, code quality—and why it all matters!—this talk is for you.

Presentation Slides


WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/04/13

In case you missed it, yesterday Andrew Ozz posted an article on the WordPress Blog about GDPR compliance going into effect near the end of May.

GDPR compliance is an important consideration for all WordPress websites. The GDPR Compliance team is looking for help to test the privacy tools that are currently being developed in core.

      What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and is intended to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union. Its primary aim is to give control back to the EU residents over their personal data.

Why the urgency? Although the GDPR was introduced two years ago, it becomes enforceable starting May 25, 2018.

You can read the entire article HERE.

There are two recent videos that can help WordPress users understand the privacy aspects and consequences of GDPR.

Βασίλης Καρκατζούνης: Data Protection 101 for Developers

Basic principles and guidelines for the collection and processing of personal data by developers, also in view of the implementation of the General Regulation on the Protection of Patients (GDPR).

Arnoud Engelfriet: General Data Protection Regulation

On May 25th 2018 there will be a new European law regarding privacy aspects: the General Data Protection Regulation.
In this session, Arnoud Engelfriet explains briefly the consequences of the GDPR and answers questions.

Multiple WordCamps are taking place each weekend worldwide. Cemal Tashan is doing a great job getting the camera kits sent out and keeping them in working order. Many thanks Cemal!

WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/04/06

It is always good to see content submitted from unexpected sources in the WordPress Community!

The WordPress Global Community Team recently submitted 4 videos to WordPress TV that targeted WordPress Meetup organizers. These conversations stemmed from the recognition that a number of Meetups groups are struggling or have been abandoned. The videos were recorded using Zoom.

How Did You Find Your Co-Organizers?

How Do You Promote And Cross-Post Meetups In The Local Community?

All of the roundtable videos can be found here.

Many thanks to the Global Community Team and the people who took part in the videos. The folks at WordPress TV greatly appreciate your hard work!


WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/03/30

I literally stumbled across this first video while I researching the WordPress TV site. I thought with the upcoming release of WordPress 5.0, what better video to highlight than a much earlier version.

This Mike Pretzlaw video was published in May of 2017.

WordPress Version 1.5 from the year 2005.

So while I was at it, I searched and found an early State of the Word video.

WordCamp Argentina 2007: Matt Mullenweg Keynote

Lastly, there was an announcement by Cemal Tashan on the WordPress TV P2 page concerning the Live Streaming Kits.

Benny, Elvin and Dexter Retiring

It is that time. We are saying “Goodbye” to Benny, Elvin, and Dexter. They are WordPress TV’s LiveStream kits that have helped many WordCamps to LiveStream their sessions to WordPressers all around the world……..

See the entire post HERE.

WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/03/23

This week I thought I would mix it up a little and highlight a variety of videos.

Zack Katz: The Future of WordPress

At WordCamp Denver 2017, Zack talked about both the history and the future of WordPress.


Sharon Ernst: 8 Ways to Keep Blogging Workshop

Sharon asks: Is your blog neglected and out-of-date? Is it at the bottom of your to-do list so never gets the attention it deserves? That makes you normal! Consistently blogging challenges most of us because we’re busy with so many other tasks. Let’s fix that. This presentation was given at WordCamp Seattle 2017.

Felix Arntz: Contributing to WordPress Core

This talk from WordCamp Noord – Nederland 2018 addresses what comes next when contributing to core: How do you spend your contributing time efficiently? How do you find access to developer groups? How do you make your ideas heard?





WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/03/16

On March 3rd, I attended WordCamp Lancaster, which is a few miles west of Philadelphia, PA. I was very impressed with the organization of the event and volunteers who were involved. It was a great reminder of how the WordPress Community works. During Saturday I met people who I had heard of, chatted with on Slack and Twitter and caught up with some WordPress friends.

The two videos featured today discuss the WordPress Community and the benefits thereof.

At WordCamp Utrecht 2017, Carole Olinger tells the story of attending her first WordCamp, how she became a passionate volunteer and her journey after.

Carole Olinger: Aboard the WordPress Community – A Journey of Self-Discovery

This presentation by Alexander Founder at WordCamp Nashik 2017 shares his thoughts on leadership.

Alexander Gounder: Leadership lessons for Community organisers with the anology of a Tea Bag.

AS we approach the end of March, there have been 1703 videos published for the year 2017. This compares to the 1803 videos published for 2016. There may be a few more 2017 videos submitted in the next month or so. To see more videos visit WordPress TV.

WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/03/02

Lax: adjective, laxer, laxest: not strict or severe; careless or negligent; a lax attitude toward discipline.

That is pretty much me the last few months. I am making a concerted effort to get myself back on track. This weekend I am heading to WordCamp Lancaster and hope to get my WordPress mojo back in order.

This week I am trying to make up for the Friday’s I have missed by featuring four videos.

Ngonidzashe Mhuruyengwe: WordPress plugins… how many is too much?

Have you ever wondered just how many WordPress plugins you should use? Or how you ought to choose one from a hundred?

Michael Veenstra: The Anatomy Of A Hacked Site

In this talk, Michael will discuss the roadmap of a typical WordPress site getting “hacked”. From start to finish, he looks at how victims can be identified, how sites are breached, how persistent backdoors are established, and how the attackers will exploit the compromised site.

Luca Sartoni: The Art of Public Speaking – Italian

Communicating literally means sharing. It is something we do continuously, often without too much thinking about it, and communication experts tell us that it is impossible not to communicate.

Arturoquiros: Promoviendo el emprendimiento y creatividad con Neurociencia – Spanish

The guidelines for innovating in environments where people just do not want to “bother” and just want to earn a salary will be explored. It teaches the importance of being different and also shows the possible scenarios when someone “dares” to innovate and focuses a lot on human growth, as a main factor of innovation and shows from an entrepreneurial perspective, how to get to innovate and the challenges that suppose have the courage to do something new or improve the existing.





WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/01/19

We are almost three weeks into the new year and WordCamps are starting to get geared up. So far for 2017, 1,543 videos have been published on WordPress TV, with more videos being submitted. This is compared to the 1,804 total videos that were published for the year 2016.

I decided to feature two videos this week that are geared towards beginners.

Getting Started With WordPress

From WordCamp Kampala 2017 comes this video titled Getting Started With WordPress. Muakelele Rogers does a great job explaining how to perform a  basic installation of WordPress, setup a theme and creating a child theme.

Introduction to WordPress

And from WordCamp Ahmedabad 2017, Dhara Vihol has this Introduction to WordPress video. Dhara states: “WordPress” is a biggest buzzing word in the field of web development nowadays. Starting from 2003, WordPress has altered from just a blogging tool to a huge Web Development Platform.

If you have an interest in helping edit WordCamp videos, you can see a list here. Just jump in, download, edit and export. You can find editing instructions here.

Also, if you have any questions, you can reach out to the WPTV team members on the Slack channel – wordpress.slack.com.


WordCamp Video Highlight 2017/12/22

This week I have two videos highlighted and a website that has a mockup the Gutenberg Editor.

But first, some humor! I literally stumbled across this video while doing a search for some podcast information. It is flat out HILARIOUS! As someone who has had a passion for podcasting that went unfulfilled for several years, this is too funny not to pass along.

From the website College Humor is this video titled “Don’t Start a Podcast.”


Now, onto the video highlights. I am featuring two videos geared towards beginners.

Tessa Kriesel: Beginners Guide To WordPress Workflow

At WordCamp DC 2017, Tessa talks about migration, local environments and how to connect everything together to find your perfect developer workflow.

Justina Baskyte: Beginners guide to WooCommerce

And from WordCamp Riga 2017, Justina talks about how she fell in love with WordPress more than 10 years ago and never looked back. She specializes in e-commerce.

And last but certainly not least……

Tom J Nowell is a VIP Wrangler at WordPress.com VIP for Automattic. He reviews and deploys millions of lines of code each year for large sites at scale.

Tom recently created this website that allows visitors to experiment with the Gutenberg Editor without actually installing it on their websites.


Check it out, it is pretty cool!