Greece: Text written by the comrade on hunger strike Panagiotis Argyrou


Inter Arma received and translated:

Today, 24/3, I am on the 23rd day of hunger strike until death, along with my other comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou, in order for the mother of my comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the wife of the latter to be released, who have been in custody for three weeks, under the completely ridiculous and groundless allegations of participation in our organization.

On Tuesday, 17/3, after having suffered a fainting episode, I was rushed to the hospital of Korydallos prison, from where I was directly discharged to an outside hospital because of the poor state of my health. I was transferred to Atticon hospital by ambulance, where, after my persistent refusal to receive serum, the doctors signed my discharge papers and I was returned to the prison’s hospital. After a judge’s order for mandatory hospitalization, I was transferred again on the same day to Atticon, where I am being hospitalized until today. I have to stress out that the judge’s order that was apparently issued by the persecution authorities of Korudallos prison, includes my forced feeding in case I lose my senses or after my refusal to accept treatment with serum, in order to force doctors to bypass my decision to continue the hunger strike until death and to submit me to the torture of forced feeding. Doctors, to their credit, have respected my choice so far and have not attempted to execute the judge’s order.

I ABSOLUTELY CLARIFY with full awareness and by taking the full responsibility that I will continue my hunger stril until death, until our demand is satisfied. I release the doctors of Attico hospital from any responsibility for whatever happens to me and I concider fully responsible for any bad outcome of my health, the moral instigators of the imprisonment of our relatives and also their political superiors (SY.RIZ.A government, Ministry of Justice), who wash their hands like Pontius Pilate, looking away from the hunger strike until death that is taking place.

Things are on their path. We will either win or the leftist government will count the first dead hunger strikers in Europe after at least 40 years.

Solidarity with all hunger strikers since 02/03, who demand:

a) The abolition of 187/187A

b) The abolition of the hood-law

c) The abolition of the legal context concerning the taking and utilizing DNA samples by the persecuting authorities

d) The abolition of type C prisons

e) The release of the heavily injured Savas Ksiros

Defeat is to give up

Real death is to surrender

Dignity until the end

Panagiotis Argyrou

member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF

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