“A goodbye, or maybe, a goodbye…” by La Rebelion de las Palabras

May 17th, 2020

The counter-information site La Rebelion de las Palabras recently discontinued their blog. Below is a translated statement about their reasons to do so.
Since the emergence of what is termed the International Network of Counter-Information and Translation in the anarchic sphere, a multitude of individuals and groups construct and maintain regular and not so regular transmissions, crossing borders and bringing news of resistance and repression further than before. The limits of these new-medias, not so new after years of development and recuperation, are increasingly being known, and many counter-information groups have added to the debate with their contributions, ongoing or usually at the closure of their site with their own reflections.

Hello everyone.

For some time now, we have been internally questioning the real usefulness of this blog for social movements, or revolutionaries, in our environment and beyond. We have tried to review which were really our contributions to the fight and which, on the other hand, only contributed to the spectacle, the folklore, and a purely aesthetic radicalism. We wanted to look back, see the changes in the news and materials, the drifts we had taken, a little driven by our own criteria, but also by fluctuations in the type of content that came to us. Through this exercise, we realized that we also had another need. It had to do with the way in which certain movements or spaces of struggle perceived us and did or did not count on us as a space for dissemination of their initiatives, calls, projects or reflections. And this, in turn, led us to the situation we have now. Read the rest of this entry »

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Palermo, Italy: From the South isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo

May 16th, 2020


Davide has sent us the following communiqué which we are pleased to publish, the following has been written together with a companion of his from the isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo.
Unconditionally we will continue to stand by our comrade’s side!


Sardegna Anarchica
Cassa di sostegno per l’anarchico sardo prigioniero deportato Davide Delogu


From the South isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo

We are two prisoners who have been thrown into the isolation section “South” of the Pagliarelli prison (in Palermo) without any judicial measure to justify it. We are Carmine Lanzetta (AS3 [detained in “High Surveillance 3” circuit]) from January in total continuous isolation started with the disciplinary isolation for 10 days that still continues, and Davide Delogu, Sardinian anarchist, from February in continuous isolation for reasons of order and security for which we should not do more than 15 days, held hostage with the revenge of total isolation.

Both of us do not bow to the annihilation in which our torturers would have us and fight against the hellish misery of this infamous section to be closed, with the consequent transfer. In half of the section there are the two of us in cells with nothing inside, far from each other. In the other half they put the prisoners in precautionary quarantine and we all use the same shower and the same phone. So we became their guinea pigs. Someone even before us tried to make a complaint to the prosecutor and complain to the magistrate, but these instances are blocked or made to disappear. There is no response to our lawyers’ complaint send via PEC e-mail either; prison administration taking advantage of the emergency of Covid-19 so the lawyers can’t enter the prison to visit us. We are in a section of isolation that had been abolished since 2000 because of the inhumanity embodied there and which is still being put in place. The cells have nothing inside, are deprived of everything: TV, radio, bathroom door, window, rags, brooms and cleaning sticks, hot water with a mini sink always plugged, a walking space that is a cubicle without a bathroom, but there’s no shortage of excrement of any kind, something we don’t dwell on. They inflict all kinds of abuse without being able to subjugate us, however, does not change the antiphon. Those who hold power in this prison are dangerous people, starting with commander Rizzo who feels omnipotent and all the hierarchs who continue with their harassment, like the deputy director who inflicts disciplinary isolation with natural ease, even though he knows in what non-human conditions he leads people. And the director Francesca Vezzana is co-responsible for all this. All this must end and we demand the closure of this section of isolation “South” and our transfer to another prison.

Therefore, from today, May 14th, 2020, we begin the food strike, refusing to go to the cubicles and unworthy walking spaces, trying to beat the bars every day for 20-30 minutes.

Let’s start the strike permanently, for now let’s avoid the hunger and thirst strike in order to keep us strong for when we will lead more incisive forms of struggle, since by limiting ourselves to these we won’t go very far, so that we can face the squadrette [groups of guards specialized in beating and massacre prisoners] that abound here, to get what we want until the end.

Updates will follow.

Prisoners of isolation section “South”, Pagliarelli prison, Palermo
Carmine Lanzetta
Davide Delogu

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Germany: Against the EU-China Summit in Leipzig

May 16th, 2020

From 13 to 15 September, the heads of government of all European countries will meet with the Chinese government in Leipzig. This will not only be about intensifying trade relations. Rather, it will be about building a new global partnership so that the EU is not ousted from the table of the great powers in the future. The deterioration in the EU’s relationship with the USA under Donald Trump has made it necessary to find another partner to coordinate the shaping of its own global interests with the EU. The topics of the summit are therefore not only economic relations, but also foreign and security policy and – unsurprisingly – digitalisation and digital cooperation, as well as climate protection and human rights. The summit is based on strategic position papers which already began in the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation from 2013 and have since become increasingly concrete at the annual meetings. This year, not only representatives from China and the EU will meet for the first time, but also all heads of state and government.

Economic Cooperation Read the rest of this entry »

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Towards an Anarchism in the Philippine Archipelago

May 16th, 2020

Abstract: The politics in the Philippine archipelago is dominated by hierarchical and alienating politics as represented by reformism and National Democracy. Against these the paper forwards the liberatory politics of anarchism. The paper introduces anarchist concepts such as egalitarian organizing, mutual aid, and direct action for people unfamiliar with these concepts. After situating anarchism in the anti-authoritarian struggles in the archipelago, the paper also argues for a shift in the anarchist politics of the archipelago from an autonomist anarchism towards a revolutionary politics as a social movement.

There is a necessity for a liberatory politics in the Archipelago known as the Philippines and as anarchists we think Anarchism has the framework to fill this need. The dominant forms of politics we have now are insufficient for developing a liberatory politics in the archipelago. This liberatory politics becomes a necessity because politics in the Philippines is currently an alienating affair—a politics done to people rather than people doing politics. We are also dominated by domineering structures and institutions like the market, capitalism, and the state. Against these we forward the liberatory politics of anarchism for a world beyond domination.

Download PDF: Towards an Anarchism in the Philippine Archipelago (revision 2020-04-04)

via AWW & Bandilang Itam.

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Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva extradited to Spain from Portugal

May 14th, 2020


Our comrade has been handed over to the Spanish State this morning (May 13) and is currently in the Badajoz prison (Extremadura). He is well and strong as always. Surely he will have to stay 14 days in a mandatory quarantine and then, supposedly, be transferred to another prison. In that sense, more information will follow.

Even if we have no guarantee that the mail will work regularly, it is obvious that it will not be a virus that is responsible for the fact that the letters of your loved ones and solidarity may not reach him! So it would be better to send registered letters (also as a result of recent problems that occurred in the Porto Judiciary Police jail where Gabriel was able to receive the correspondence only by documented registered shipments).

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Carretera de Olivenza, km 7.3
06001 Badajoz


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Local Autonomous Network Statement on the Alleged Anarchist Crackdown in the Philippines

May 14th, 2020

The Local Autonomous Network (LAN) is a loose network of individuals and collectives composed of anarchist, anti-authoritarian, and autonomous activists here in the Archipelago of so-called Philippines. Since the early 2000s, the people behind the network have been consistently in contact with another regardless if they are from the southern or northern part of the Archipelago. The network has no formal membership and is presented as an informal organization. The network has its own level of understanding and trust with each other, which comes from the process of the relentless organizing, campaigning and initiating different activities and projects.

We have heard about a report published online from groups abroad about an anti-anarchist crackdown in the Philippines. The report is entitled “The Philippines—The continuing crackdown on anarchists” and was first published by the UK-based Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) and was later copied and distributed onto other international anarchist sites. Most of the people involved in Local Autonomous Network had the same reaction to this report: “this is alarming.” As this is a local matter, we decided to investigate the report and do our own research locally on what was the real situation of the anarchists on the ground.

To give context, it is true that the Duterte regime is an oppressive and repressive government, even more so than with previous presidents in previous regimes. The War on Drugs that Duterte started in 2016 and has been conducted since has killed an estimated 30,000 people; this is a fact. Some of the victims of the Extra-Judicial Killings (EJK) in the War on Drugs have been drug personalities, but hundreds of EJK victims were not even connected to any kind of drug-related issue. Continuous killings and assassinations were also conducted against leftists, dissidents, peasant leaders, community organizers, and other activists. Anarchists in the Philippines were not spared and in 2018 saw Food Not Bombs volunteers murdered and arrested. (See the report: “Four Food Not Bombs Volunteers were Killed in Philippine Drug War and One Volunteer is in Jail”.) Read the rest of this entry »

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Italy: Operation Ritrovo – Seven anarchists arrested

May 14th, 2020

During the night of May 13, 2020, seven anarchists were arrested between Bologna, Milan and Tuscany, five others were required to reside in the municipality of residence and the anarchist documentation space Il Tribolo in Bologna was searched. The repressive operation, called «Ritrovo», was coordinated by the public prosecutor Stefano Dambruoso and the Carabinieri of the ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale), who carried out the arrests and searches jointly with the provincial command of the Carabinieri of Bologna.

The seven arrested are charged with article 270bis of the penal code (subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order), the other charges relate to articles 414 (incitement to commit a crime), 639 (defacement and soiling) and 635 (damage). One person is accused of article 423 (fire) for the incendiary attack of December 16, 2018, against some telecommunications antennas located in Monte Donato in Bologna and intended for the transmission of national and local television networks. On the site was left the writing «Turn off the antennas, awaken consciences. Solidarity with the anarchists detained and under surveillance».

The repressive forces affirm that the arrested anarchists are accused of having created a subversive-terrorist association having «the objective of affirming and spreading the anarchic-insurrectionalist ideology, as well as instigating, with the diffusion of propaganda material, the commission of acts of violence against the institutions». Furthermore, the public prosecutor’s office of Bologna, with the help of the regime’s media, underlined that the precautionary measures assume a «strategic preventive value aimed at avoiding that in any further moments of social tension, arising from the particular emergency situation [linked to the coronavirus epidemic], other moments of more general anti-State struggle campaign can take place».

These are the current addresses of the arrested comrades:

Giuseppe Caprioli
C. R. di Alessandria “San Michele”
strada statale per Casale 50/A
15121 Alessandria

Stefania Carolei
C. C. di Vigevano
via Gravellona 240
27029 Vigevano (PV)

Duccio Cenni
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

Leonardo Neri
C. R. di Alessandria “San Michele”
strada statale per Casale 50/A
15121 Alessandria

Guido Paoletti
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

Elena Riva
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza

Nicole Savoia
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza

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Letter from Keith ‘Malik’ Washington (U$A)

May 14th, 2020

We are Humyn Beings!!!

by Keith ‘Malik’ Washington

Revolutionary Greetings Fellow Workers and comrades all over the World!!

“Nothing Lasts.

Relationships end.

Friends die.

Even Capitalism will be history someday.

It’s what we do to re-awaken each other that matters.

Breathing life into self organization, the working actuality of freedom.

That’s the victory, the revolution,

The Truth of Power: That we know how to create lives worth living.

Knowing that such moments, too, won’t last.

—–CINDY MILSTEIN an excerpt from:


More and more people are becoming aware and supporting our Solidarity Actions which seek to support the Prisoner Humyn Rights Struggle. The Momentum is building and what happened on May 7th is only a preview for things to come.

May 7th was the First Action that will usher in our 2020 Prisoner Humyn Rights Movement and Actions—Black August is approaching fast. Read the rest of this entry »

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Estado Español: Nº9 del periódico anarquista “Aquí y Ahora”

May 12th, 2020

PDF: Aqui Y Ahora #9

Una pandemia se instaura en nuestras vidas, adueñándose de nuestra libertad más básica, poniendo todo patas arriba, paralizando la economía mundial y avisándonos de que, las consecuencias que tendremos cuando
volvamos a la “nueva normalidad”, las pagaremos a un alto precio. Es una pandemia llamada autoridad, que funciona aumentando poco a poco esta olla a presión que estallará en cualquier momento. Este nuevo número del periódico, no se quedará en internet. Nos veremos en las calles.


1.- La salud como proceso: carta de una enfermera familiar y comunitaria
2.- La pandemia de la represión y el estado de alarma
3.- Huelga internacional de vivienda
4.- Historia y significado del 1º de mayo

Anexo: ¿Por qué okupamos? II

Noticias breves / Convocatorias / Recomendaciones / Proyectos de la zona

Puntos de distribución fijos:

– Local Anarquista Motín, C/ Matilde Hernández, 47
– Casa Auto-gestionada del Barrio de Aluche, La CABA, C/ Quero, 37
– Ateneo Libertario de Carabanchel, 2ª planta del Centro Social Okupado
“EKO”, C/ Ánade, 10
– Espacio Social Liberado Autogestionado EKO. C/ Ánade s/n
– C.S.O.A. (Centro Social Okupado Anarquista) La Gatonera. C/ Antoñita
Jiménez, 60
– Bar Río, C/ Halcón, 6

Otros puntos de distribución:

– En los metros de Aluche, Carabanchel, Carpetana, Oporto y Vista Alegre
– En centros culturales, bibliotecas y demás espacios públicos
– En algunos bares y comercios del barrio

Si quieres distribuir, sugerir, aportar o contactar:


Para descargar todos los números y consultar los artículos:


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Wuppertal, Germany: Autonomous MayDay

May 11th, 2020

Like last year, the autonomous MayDay was full of surprises! And these surprises have caught the cops off guard and we are happy about that!

It started in the night from 30.04. to 01.05. with a demonstration in the Ölberg district, accompanied by fireworks and other great lights and (sound) effects. On our way through the Elberfelder Nordstadt some neighbours at their windows celebrated with us that the 1st of May has begun. So we were able to start the day in good spirits with strike two under difficult conditions. Already with the first strike last year we could catch the cops on the wrong foot and thus trick the cop apparatus. From that point on, we managed to break through the de facto suspension of the right to demonstrate for a short time. At least for a short period of time we were able to make the darkness glow.

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Firefund campaign for the financial support of Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted revolutionaries from Greece

May 11th, 2020

“In this current circumstance, especially in light of the new facts about the virus spreading and the restrictive measures imposed by the state on this occasion, it is again extremely difficult to secure the resources to support the material needs of the ones within the walls. Perhaps it is more difficult than ever. The slogan “no one left alone in the hands of the state” is becoming more crucial and tangible these days than ever. We urge you to defend it once again in practice. Factual solidarity will again be our weapon.”


The Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants was established in 2010 in a circumstance where, on the one hand, a hard capitalist restructuring was carried out under the guise of the “economic crisis” and, on the other hand, the radical movement, having very recent memories from the experience of the social revolt of December ’08, was in full bloom. Under those circumstances, repression became even more intense, resulting in an ever-increasing number of political prisoners. It is precisely in this context that the Solidarity Fund was formed, initially setting out to provide regular and consistent support to those persecuted or imprisoned for their subversive action or for their participation in social struggles. The basic aim of the structure is to ensure decent living conditions for the imprisoned comrades through a process that would take place within the political movement; thereby taking the material dimension of solidarity a step beyond close family, friendly and comrade relationships, as well as to help with the immediate coverage of emergencies (such as court expenses and bails for the persecuted). Yet, the actions of practical solidarity and the building and development of communication bridges and united struggles between those inside prisons and those outside of it, remain as priorities of the people who form and sustain the structure. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Fenix 2 Trial: 7th hearing (Czech Republic)

May 11th, 2020

On Monday the 18th of May at 8:30 a.m. there will take place the next hearing of Fenix 2 at the court in Most. Just for reminding, the trial is against four anarchists and one environmentalist and they face to 3-10 years of prison. Show support to the accused ones by being present at the court or by any other solidarity action.


What is Fénix 2 about?

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Porto, Portugal: Words from Gabriel Pombo Da Silva

May 10th, 2020

1. EN/ES: Update about the situation of Gabriel Pombo da Silva

IT | ES | FR

Translated from Italian by Act For Freedom Now!

As our comrade Gabriel hasn’t written any official communique so far, these words intend to be precisely a communique/diary and a way of sharing with people and comrades in affinity what he thinks in regard to certain questions.

Gabriel explicitly asked his comrade/partner to select the passages (from letters he sent to her) where he reflects/analyses and/or speculates on interesting issues related to the current situation: «coronavirus» in prison, his judicial situation and the circumstances of his imprisonment.

Gabriel is in good health and spirits and he’s ready for the war he’s expecting in the jails of the Spanish State. In spite of the sentence issued by the Supreme tribunal of Lisbon confirming his consignment to the Spanish State, we still don’t know whether the «authorities» will extradite him without taking into account the «state of emergency» declared following the «Covid-19» «pandemic». As a matter of fact, the «state of emergency» itself (theoretically) is preventing prisoners from being extradited to other countries as long as it lasts.

More information to follow.

Gabriel free!
All free!
Long live anarchy!

8th March 2020

Yesterday, as I was listening to (watching) TV, I had already guessed that these scum would leave us without visits and today… well today was a crap day…
Read the rest of this entry »

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