The Unique and Its Property

Johann Kaspar Schmidt (aka Max Stirner) wrote this trailblazing political text in 1845. It is a statement that the individual is the measure of all things and establishes the foundation that existentialism, egoism, and nihilism are built on. Every group, every collectivity, demands collaboration with a set of rules and expectation, with a morality. Stirner provokes us to acknowledge our own capacity, as well as the capacities of those around us.

Previously only available in English through a translation from 1907 (which tragically titled the book The Ego and his Own)–a translation that removed some of the biting humor and occasional crudities that make Stirner more fun to read–this translation by Wolfi Landstreicher corrects that, updates the language in general, and removes the confusion involved with using terms that have changed in meaning in the intervening years.

From the translators introduction:
I made this translation for those who rebel against all that is held sacred, against every society, every collectivity, every ideology, every abstraction that various authorities, institutions, or even other individuals try to impose on them as a “higher power,” for those who know how to loot from a book like this, to take from it those conceptual tools and weapons that they can use in their own defiant, laughing, mocking self-creation, to rise up above and against the impositions of the mass. In other words I did this translation for those who know how to treat a book not as a sacred text to either be followed or hermeneutically dissected, but as an armory or a toolbox from which to take whatever will aid them in creating their lives, their enjoyments

This new version of Wolfi’s translation includes an index (indices are good, we want more!) and a gorgeous cover that refutes many of the expected associations with this book.

Author: Max Stirner (aka Johann Kaspar Schmidt)
Paper, $15.00, 5.5″x8.5″, 400 pages
The Unique and Its Property from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.

Anarchist Speculations

John Moore is an under-valued voice in the realm of anarcho-primitivism most obviously, but also in a vision of anarchy as a flexible, current, non-ideological way of approaching life and thought. This over-due compilation of his three long-form essays and the most important shorter pieces (and some of his poetry), as well as what other folks had to say about him and his writings (including an introduction by Aragorn!), demonstrates some of what anarchists lost when he died at a young age.

Highly recommended.

But unbeknownst to those immersed in classical anarchist traditions, a new, second-wave of anarchism (akin and indeed roughly contemporaneous with second-wave feminism) was stirring. The Situationists represent a convenient marker of the transition point, and serve as origin for the remarkable efflorescence of second-wave anarchism that is currently underway. Second-wave anarchism is still frequently not even recognised by anarchists and commentators who still cling to the idea that classical anarchism is the one and only true form of anarchism, even though first-wave anarchism was seen as moribund by Woodcock forty years ago. As a result, many outside the anarchist milieu are given the misleading impression that a) classical anarchism is anarchism, b) anarchism is therefore an historical phenomenon, and thus c) there are no current manifestations of anarchist praxis.

Author: Michael Velli
Paper, $12.00, 5.5″x8.5″, 408 pages
Anarchist Speculations from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.

Nietzsche and Anarchy

As publishers we believe that anarchism is the lens by which the rest of the world is examined. This means that all of the ideas that are otherwise owned by the bourgeoisie are ours. To do with what we will. To consume and make our body and mind strong. Nietzsche is a figure that is both owned by our enemies and entirely ours for the taking.

This book, freely available on the Anarchist Library, attempts to do what I am not Man, I am Dynamite failed to do, integrate Nietzsche firmly into the anarchist tradition. This is a project we approve of unconditionally.

It’s a solid example of philosophical thinking without drowning in jargon, and it doesn’t make excuses for the parts of Nietzsche’s thoughts that anarchists don’t agree with.

Author: Shahin
Paper, $8.00, 5.5″x8.5″, 292 pages
Nietzsche and Anarchy from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.

Civil or Subversive

Civil or Subversive: A Dark Matter Production

A collection of writings from the UK, originally produced under the title Anarchism: Civil or Subversive, these are essays and thoughts on the on-going conflict between rioters and peace police, between those who think they need to color inside the lines, and those who want to burn the coloring book up. Reproduced by Ardent Press for release on this side of the pond, with the Ardent Press inimical style (including pictures of V-masked folks picking up trash), these are passionate responses to what some might call the Left, and others might call the Civil.

Author: Dark Matter
Paper, $5.00, 5.5″x6″, 128 pages
Civil or Subversive from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.

Blessed is the Flame

This book, with a name from a poem by a partisan fighter, takes two things that would not necessarily seem to go together, but that, on second thought, are made for each other.

An introduction to anarcho-nihilism becomes tales of resistance in the Nazi concentration camps, almost all of which failed (in the sense that the resisters died), and for which there was never much hope that they could do anything but fail, which are then analyzed in light of anarcho-nihilism.
This book is an excellent example of taking anarcho-nihilism seriously, as a call to action that has nothing to do with the expectation that we will succeed at making the world better.

For those who are confused about anarcho-nihilism, and also for those who use the word nihilism as a trendy way to talk about the same actions that leftists have been doing for decades, this text will be an especially helpful road sign.

What does it take to resist in absolutely futile and overwhelming situations?
Inside of the Nazi concentration camps, places designed to eradicate all possibilities for resistance, inmates organized, sabotaged, and reflexively fought back against their oppressors. Within each of these stories we can find a simmering spirit of anarcho-nihilism, a tendency that challenges us to translate our feelngs of hopelessness into wild and joyous forms of attack.
Because even if we don’t stand a chance, we refuse to be led to the slaughter like sheep.

Author: Serafinski
Paper, $8.00, 5.5″x8.5″, 150 pages
Blessed is the Flame from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.

Anarchist Ephemera

When Peter Lamborn Wilson sent us the pile of paper that eventually became this book (and the Spiritual series) we could not have been more delighted. Peter has been a writing machine for decades and it would be easy to miss out on the kind of writing that he likes best. Punchy, idiosyncratic manifestos (of a sort). This collection of Peter’s Anarchist Ephemera is filled with heart and astute observations.

All plans for “saving the world” ultimately rest on the assumption that humanity must undergo a change of heart. The paradox here is that if this change were to occur, no plans would be needed to bring about a “different world.” The change of heart, the different consciousness, would be in itself the very shift in direction, the Reversion to human and spiritual values required for “salvation.” Smash the machinic mind and there’d be no need to smash the actual machines.

Author: Peter Lamborn WIlson
Paper, $6.00, 5.5″x6″, 200 pages
Anarchist Ephemera from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.

Space is the Place

Modeled on the old-school science fiction Ace doubles here is a fun and quirky tête-bêche format book that addresses the question of the best relationship of current-day humans to non-earth terrain(s). Reprints from the surreal Association of Autonomous Astronauts are the bulk of one side, while the other features pieces by science fiction authors, among others, and both yea and nay have heartfelt introductions from the editors.

Author: Various
Paper, $5.00, 5.5″x3.5″, 260 pages
Space is the Place? Yes or No from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.

Manual of Revolutionary Leaders

People in the US, including revolutionaries here, suffer from a lack of historical and international perspective, which would deepen and make more relevant their actions, alliances, and understandings.

Ardent Press is delighted to re-print an offering from Red and Black that substantively addresses that lack.

Originally published in the 70s but still more than relevant, presented here are a series of quotations, expository writings, and vignettes that will clarify many of the issues plaguing today’s committed radicals.

If we were going to change one thing about this Manual for Revolutionary Leaders today it would be the title. If there is one lesson to draw from the political work our comrades have done over the past four decades it is the lesson of Seattle, of Occupy, and of the anti-racist work done today in the streets all over the US: the lesson is that leadership isn’t about one person. Leadership is about your neighborhood, it’s about your elders, and it’s about Community. A better title for this book, that we beg you to consider as you read the colloquial terms used in the original text, would be A Manual for Revolutionary Community Leaders. It is in the spirit of contributing to that community that we share this new edition.

from the new introduction, by A. Blankee

Author: Michael Velli
Paper, $9.00, 5.5″x8.5″, 260 pages
Manual of Revolutionary Leaders from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.


Son of Joseph Labadie (of the famed Labadie Collection in Ann Arbor), Laurence Labadie out-distanced his father as a thinker and a polemicist, Laurence had the good luck to have been in consistent contact with some of the best writing by the American individualist anarchist tradition. Through a series of ingenious counterpoints and elaborations he managed to make of it something entirely new and much more threatening. The vanished anarchism of this deep-rooted radical tradition was the mutinous wellspring into which Labadie dipped endlessly throughout his life, but Labadie is set off from both his father and his other individualist predecessors (like Benjamin Tucker) by his confrontational tone, his sureness of purpose, and his un-matched disillusionment regarding the utter emptiness of all human endeavors.

Author: Laurence Labadie
Paper, $15.00, 5.5″x8.5″, 220 pages
Anarcho-Pessimism: The Collected Writings of Laurence Labadie from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.

Spiritual Destinations of an Anarchist

This is the second of a two part series of books by Peter Lamborn Wilson that collects essays from the past four decades and tells a story about an anarchist and spiritual life.

Table of Contents

  • Chaos, Eros, Earth, and Old Night (radical neo-hermeticism and ecological resistance)
  • Spiritual Anarchism (topics for research)
  • Anarchist Religion
  • Quantum Chaos and the Oneness of Being (meditations on the Kitab al-Alef)
  • Anarchy and Ecstasy
  • Evil Eye
  • Against Metaphor
  • Secrets of the Assassins
  • Secular Antinomian Anabaptist Neo-Luddism
  • Interview with INTO-GAL
  • Phone Interview with Jacob Eichert
  • Stain Your Prayer Carpet with Wine
  • Summer Camp & Hobo Poetics
  • interview by Antero Alli
  • The Caravan of Summer
  • My Summer Vacation in Afghanistan
  • Roses and Nightingales
  • Grange Appeal
  • 1994 interview with High Times

Author: Peter Lamborn Wilson
Paper, $8.00, 5.5″x3.5″, 160 pages
Spiritual Destinations of an Anarchist from our distribution partner Little Black Cart.