Take up the fight for socialism!

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality, the youth and student wing of the Socialist Equality Parties, unites students and youth for peace, social equality and the rights of the working class.

Join the IYSSEWhat we fight for

2020 US elections

Joseph Kishore for US President & Norissa Santa Cruz for Vice President!

Socialist Equality Party

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World Socialist Web Site Perspectives

What must be done to fight the coronavirus pandemic

The resources and technology exist to stop a disease that threatens to kill over a hundred million people. Capitalism cannot be allowed to be an obstacle to saving lives!

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The show trial of Julian Assange begins

The first day of the British court hearing to determine if WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange will be extradited to the United States left no doubt that what is taking place is a legal travesty that threatens both Assange’s life and fundamental democratic rights.

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The 1619 Project and the falsification of history: An analysis of the New York Times’ reply to five historians

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University of California graduate student strike: A struggle against the United Auto Workers and the Democratic Party019

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Our Statement of Principles

The IYSSE has sections in multiple countries. Learn more about our principles in the countries closest to you:

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) is an organization of students and youth around the world which insists that chronic social problems, including the danger of war, can be solved only through an end to capitalism. Society must be reorganized along international socialist lines—on the basis of social need, not private profit.

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Take up the fight for socialism!

Read the IYSSE Statement of Principles for your country, and submit your contact information to join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality.

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