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ABVP 15 h
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A professor and Head of Department in the Department of Economics in Burdwan University, he mentored ABVP’s work and nurtured students movement in the state of West Bengal. His contribution to the cause of education shall never be forgotten.
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ABVP 15 h
Former National Vice President of ABVP and Former State President of Paschim Banga Prof. Dr. Kalyanbrata Bhattacharya passed away on 22nd April 2019 in Burdwan, West Bengal. ABVP family is with the family of Dr. Bhattacharya in this hour of grief. ॐ शांति।
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ABVP 17 h
भागलपुर तेजाब हमले से पीड़ित छात्रा के दोषियों को फाँसी की सजा दिलाने की मांग को लेकर अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद् भागलपुर द्वारा आक्रोश मार्च निकाला गया। जब तक दोषियों को सज़ा नहीं होती और पीड़ित छात्रा को न्याय नहीं मिलता, विद्यार्थी परिषद् के कार्यकर्ता संघर्षरत रहेंगे।
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ABVP 18 h
“The Tashkent Files”, a film about the mysterious death of Former PM Late Lal Bahadur Shastri was screened in JNU. National Organising Secretary of ABVP Shri ji, Director of the film Shri ji & actress Pallavi Joshi ji were present for the screening.
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ABVP 19 h
Karyakartas of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) launched posters of ABVP’s voter awareness campaign in the campus. With this campaign, karyakartas will urge students of BHU to and vote for an India of their aspirations.
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ABVP Manipur 23. 4.
Today, we pay tribute to those who gave their lives fighting against the British Forces for the freedom of Manipur
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ABVP 23. 4.
The that is walking on the path to become Vishwa Guru again, requires an empowered, able and responsive government at the helm of governance. We urge everyone to , and elect a candidate who will work for the cause of India.
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ABVP Chhattisgarh 22. 4.
राष्ट्रहित में मतदान करे उभरते भारत के लिए सशक्त भारत के लिए ।
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ABVP Chhattisgarh 22. 4.
मतदाता जागरूकता अभियान के तहत मुंगली के ग्राम पंचायत पत्थरगढ़ी,ग्राम बेड़हाकापा, ग्राम पुटपुरा,जोता,भठली, चन्दरगढ़ी, कपुवा मे मतदाता युवा बुजुर्ग से मिलकर शत प्रतिशत देशहित में मतदान करने को कहा गया हमारा संकल्प हो 100% मतदान
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ABVP Odisha 22. 4.
ବାଲେଶ୍ୱର ଜିଲ୍ଲା ନଗର, ସୋର, ରସାଳପୁର, ନୀଳଗିରିର ବିଭିନ୍ନ ସ୍ଥାନରେ ଶତ ପ୍ରତିଶତ ମତଦାନ ଜନ ଜାଗରଣ ଅଭିଯାନରେ ଯୋଗଦେଲେ ଏବିଭିପି କ୍ଷେତ୍ରୀୟ ସଙ୍ଗଠନ ସମ୍ପାଦକ ଶ୍ରୀ ଗୋବିନ୍ଦ ନାୟକ ଓ ପୂର୍ବତନ ରାଜ୍ୟ ସଭାପତି ଶ୍ରୀ ରମେଶ ଚନ୍ଦ୍ର ବେହେରା ।
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ABVP MadhyaBharat 22. 4.
ABVPMadhyabharat organises "Run for Democracy". Students and ABVP Volunteers from across madhyabharat will join us as we take the message of "Nation First, Voting must" to the people, to ensure 100% Voting.
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ABVP 22. 4.
ABVP JNU has organised a special screening of the much talked about movie The Tashkent Files in JNU today! National Organising Secretary of ABVP Shri ji and Film Director Shri will interact with students after the screening. Join in large numbers!
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Chetas Sukhadia 21. 4.
दौड़ेगा रतलाम मतदाता जगरूकता अभियान के तहत के द्वरा आयोजन।
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ABVP 22. 4.
विद्यानाम नरस्य रूपमधिकं प्रच्छन्नगुप्तं धनम् विद्या भोगकरी यशस्सुखकरी विद्या गुरूणां गुरुः। विद्या बन्धुजनो विदेशगमने विद्या परा देवता विद्या राजसु पूज्यते नहि धनं विद्याविहीनः पशुः॥
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ABVP 21. 4.
ABVP is deeply saddened by the unfortunate stampede at the Karuppasamy temple in Trichy that claimed lives of 7 innocent people and got several people injured. Our condolences to the bereaved families, and prayers for speedy recovery of the injured.
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ABVP 21. 4.
अभाविप वडोदरा महानगर द्वारा चलाये जा रहे मतदाता जागरूकता अभियान में आज सिग्नेचर अभियान चलाया गया। पिछले पाँच दिनों में कुल 5000 से अधिक पत्रिका वितरण और 4700 से अधिक सिग्नेचर करवाए गए। पत्रकों एवं सिग्नेचर अभियान से लोगों को का संदेश दिया गया।
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ABVP 21. 4.
Odpověď @AshishSainram
National General Secretary of ABVP Shri said, “Today the world is at war on terrorism. People of India stand strong with in their fight against terrorism.”
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ABVP 21. 4.
ABVP strongly condemns the devastating blasts in . We stand in solidarity with the grieving families, and pray for a speedy recovery of the injured.
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ABVP 21. 4.
Karyakartas of ABVP Bhubaneswar campaigned for 100% voter turnout and gave the message of by performing a flash mob! They urged the youth to come out in large numbers to and vote for an India of their aspirations.
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ABVP MadhyaBharat 20. 4.
द्वारा रंगोली के माध्यम से मतदाताओं को जागरूक करने का प्रयास। Vote for Best India
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