Photo by Stephane Bidouze/

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 April 2020 Table of Contents


The bogus trial against Loujain al-Hathloul should compel governments around the world to put more pressure on the Saudis and demand al-Hathloul’s immediate and unconditional release

One way to help others survive is to insist that the United States lift sanctions against Iran and instead support acts of practical care

“In Mexico it’s like we’re in a state of war; we’re in a humanitarian crisis because of the quantity of women that have disappeared or been killed”

What we—citizens, corporations, courts and government—do about the climate crisis will determine life on earth within the next few decades

All across this country and globe, women and children have been working toward a shift in collective consciousness

The underlying idea is that no matter how unbearable the experience of aging, it is always more bearable when it is shared

At Obock, Djibouti, 2,000 migrants gather each day along the waters of the Gulf of Aden; they look for boats to get them to Yemen

The idea that a U.S.-driven regime change, either through sanctions or through war, might somehow democratize Iran is popular in the U.S., but it’s a prospect for which few Iranians would ever want to vote

A review of George Lakey’s new book, How We Win: A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning

Sanders was correct when he said last week that “poll after poll, including exit polls, show that a strong majority of the American people support our progressive agenda.”

As the coronavirus pandemic indicates, a government’s priorities and values can be matters of life and death

Let’s get all U.S. troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, make peace with Iran, and address the real threats to human security like pandemics and the climate crisis


There’s a lot to learn from our fellow human beings’ efforts toward peace and justice. If we pay attention, stay alert, and take notes, we might find our own work for change grows in power, strength, and wisdom

Since the 1980s—as neoliberalism established itself as the leading version of capitalism, which in its turn became increasingly dependent on the logic of the financial sector—the world has been living in a permanent state of crisis

Even in the most threadbare health systems, cannibalized by austerity, it is the nurses and doctors, the ambulance paramedics and the janitors, who have been heroic in their work

While focus has been on addressing the biological devastation wrought by the virus, the economic devastation keeps growing

If Local 26 is forced to strike again, one thing is clear: It will do so not only as the representative of its own members, but as the champion of everyone who knows they are threatened by climate change

Corona is a sly assassin

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About Z Magazine

Z Magazine is a radical print and online periodical dedicated to resisting injustice, eliminating repression, and creating liberty. It addresses international relations, ecology, economics, gender, race, culture, politics, etc. ZMag is twenty seven years year in print and it also appears online for Z Sustainers. The name, Z, was inspired by the movie Z, directed by Costa-Gavras, that tells the story of repression and resistance in Greece. Comrade Z has been assassinated and his killers, including the chief of police, are indicted. The prosecutor disappears and a right-wing military junta takes over. Security police set out to prevent "a mildew of the mind" and infiltration of "isms." As the closing credits roll, the filmmakers list the things banned by the junta. They include: peace movements, labor unions, long hair on men, Sophocles, Tolstoy, strikes, the Beatles, Chekhov, Mark Twain, the bar association, sociology, Becket, the free press, the new math, and the letter Z, scrawled on a sidewalk as the film's final image, symbolizing "the spirit of resistance lives."

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