Something Gigs Something

We‘re playing some gigs or something. Ask Loser Youth or something.

See Ya ;-)

New release, Leipzig, Bla

Good News Everyone,

not only did wer release at least the digital Album of our new songs some days earlier, we will also go to Leipzig this weekend to play with Angstbreaker and Farbenflucht. Yay.

Thanks Again to Luki fpr Rcording, Mixing and Mastering and fpr whole Kollmarlibre to once again let us use their house. Very anarcho of you <3

Listen to our Album here:

See you soon


Thank You, Luki and Kollmarlibre

new release

Hey you,

enjoy some songs we recorded last year, while we take our time to do new stuff.

No playing for us today

One of us is sick, so sadly we won‘t be able to play at Barco Liberado today. Sorry folks.