ABVP Mumbai


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Matunga, Mumbai


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  1. 釘選的推文

    An early diagnosis may lead to a better prognosis. Dharavi, Asia's largest slum, is the worst affected area of . Thus ABVP karyakartas along with RSS became and conducted screenings of more than 10,000 people in Dharavi!

    和其他 7 人
  2. 已轉推
    17 小時前

    Nice try again . Let’s revise. ABVP clearly stated that internal assessment, assignments & reports are options for evaluation as early as 21 May 2020. It’s you that came up with a juvenile demand of mass promotion with 10% bonus marks. Stop playing with students’ futures!

    和其他 6 人
  3. 已轉推

    अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद महाराष्ट्र प्रदेशाच्या वतीने कृषी शिक्षण घेणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांच्या विविध समस्यासंदर्भात महाराष्ट्र राज्य कृषी शिक्षण व संशोधन परिषद च्या संचालकांना निवेदन देण्यात आले.

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  4. 已轉推
    22 小時前

    So this is what Penguin govt is going to give to the students of Maharashtra. A stamp that will never be washed off. Immature decision making has resulted in endangering the future of students. No hopes from Maha Bakwas Aghadi.

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  5. 已轉推

    आख़िर महाराष्ट्र सरकार कहना क्या चाहती है ........???

  6. 已轉推

    Schools are closed due to lockdown and online classes are not an option in interiors of Konkan that lack facilities such as 24x7 electricity and network. ABVP karyakartas in Dapoli have started परिषद की पाठशाला to ensure students don’t miss out on their studies!

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  7. 已轉推

    We are saddened by the demise of our former karyakarta Tapan Ghosh ji. During his ABVP days, he held the responsibility of Organising Secretary of and also looked after coordination of campaigns such as Assam Movement and National Convention on Infiltration. ॐ शांति।

  8. 已轉推

    महाराष्ट्राचे आराध्य दैवत छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांच्या नावाचा एकेरी उल्लेख करणाऱ्या आणि त्यांच्याबद्दल आक्षेपार्ह विधान करणाऱ्या स्टँड अप कॉमेडियन अग्रिमा जोशुआ व सौरव घोष यांचा निषेध द्वारे ठाण्यातील कोपरी येथे करण्यात आला.

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  9. 7月12日

    Another student of law, Kalyani Kabra says, "The decision of and to conduct exams is absolutely correct. Exams should be conducted in a safe mode, by online or offline as required as per the guidelines."

  10. 7月11日

    Kalyani Kadam, a student of law from Mumbai raises her concerns regarding cancellation of exams! Exams can be conducted and should be conducted in a safe modes as prescribed by .

  11. 已轉推

    “Better get a promoted degree and four years will be wasted.” That is the wisdom we got from people who unfortunately chose promoted degree during navnirman aandolan. If you still want one, please go ahead. But then don’t question others.

  12. 已轉推

    Talking about the quality of education, unfortunately Indian education system revolves around EXAMS.If they are not conducted, students will not get any relevant knowledge. MH Govt should try to maintain this quality and conduct at least final year exams.

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  13. 已轉推

    Final year is the most important year for a college student. Students must get a chance to get their degree by giving exams. No one has the right to put students' future at stake.

    和其他 7 人
  14. 7月11日
  15. 7月11日

    Talking about the quality of education, unfortunately Indian education system revolves around EXAMS. If they are not conducted, students willnot get any relevant knowledge. should try to maintain this quality and conduct at least final year exam

  16. 已轉推

    संचारबंदीच्या काळात विद्यार्थ्यांना शिक्षणाचा प्रवाह अखंड चालु ठेवण्यासाठी ने आसुद येथे सुरु केली होती.आज राष्ट्रीय विद्यार्थी दिनानिमित्त ह्या पाठशाळेमध्ये स्वच्छतेचे महत्व या विषयावर शहर सहमंत्री प्रिया बांद्रे हिने विद्यार्थ्यांना मार्गदर्शन केले

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  17. 已轉推

    Blood donation usually takes around 15 minutes; according to the World Health Organization, the blood collected may save up to three lives. A huge thank you to everyone who took part in this noble act.

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  18. 7月9日

    अर्धवट कापलेले विडिओ दाखवण्यापेक्षा, आतापर्यंत झालेल्या कुलगुरुंच्या सर्वच बैठकांचे चित्रीकरण व अहवाल उघड करा-अभाविप 'हिंमत असेल तर आतापर्यंत झालेल्या सर्व कुलगुरू बैठकांचे चित्रीकरण व कुलगुरू समिती अहवाल मंत्र्यानी उघड करावा'-अभाविप राष्ट्रीय मंत्री

  19. 7月9日

    On the occasion of , ABVP Dadar had planned a visit to thank and congratulate the frontline warriors. Visit to Police stations, Ward offices and Post offices, where the members of Respective department were thanked for their efforts during this pandemic.

  20. 7月9日

    Concerned about placements and jobs admist this crisis? WE’VE GOT YOU ABVP Colaba & AccioJobwill be hosting a webinar on Startups & Employability in the post covid-19 world on 10th July @ 6pm Register yourself

  21. 已轉推

    National Organising Secretary of ABVP Shri ji’s address for all the students and karyakartas on the occasion of



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