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Last updated:24 April 2015

Objects of the Month 2009

Every month someone from the Library chooses an interesting object, book or document from the Library collection, which is displayed in the hall of the Library. Here are a selection from 2009. Click on the links to see more information.

March: Miners Strike, 25th Anniversary

Arthur ScargillMarch's object was a satirical figurine of Arthur Scargill. Kate Hart, Project Archivist chose this month's object: "I like this statue for its satirical look. The statue is wearing miners' clothes, holding a pick in his right hand and has a candle burning on his cap of liberty. You may not recognise his face but the mining symbols leave you with little doubt that it is Arthur Scargill, the leader of the Miners' Strike."


April: Commemorative Jug

Commemorative JugApril's object was a Sunderland pink splash lustre ware commemorative jug. Cliff Stockton, volunteer chose this month's object: "I think these pieces are wonderful social and political records of national and local history, and the Library is very fortunate in owning this iconic piece of history."


May: Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester 1887

Jubilee Exhibition site, Manchester, 1887May's object was the Royal Jubilee Exhibition official catalogue, Manchester 1887. Veronica Trick, volunteer, chose this month's object: "I love books and, unlike his lordship, value their contents more than their presentation. However, this book just leapt out at me initially because it is such a beautifully made object."


June: May 1968, France: revolution posters

French posters from May 1968June's object is revolution posters from strike in France in May 1968. Alain Kahan, chose this month's object: "In May 1968 I was in my second year at University, when "les evenements" in France took place. My Mother was French and I came from a working class background. What impressed me at the time, was the imagination, immediacy and originality of these images."


July: Land and Freedom

Cover of the final draft script of Land and Freedom by Jim AllenJuly's object was Land and Freedom, screenplay by Jim Allen. Jane Taylor, Project Librarian chose this month's object: "I am a big film fan and I am an especially big fan of the work of Jim Allen and Ken Loach. I like the way that they both wear their hearts on their sleeves when making their films and that this doesn't always make for easy viewing."


August: 190th Anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre

Peterloo cartoonAugust's objects are items from the Library relating to the Peterloo Massacre. The 16th August 2009 marked the 190th anniversary of the Peterloo massacre. At least 18 died either on the field or later from their injuries, whilst many hundreds were injured.


September: Suffragette Pamphlet by Cicely Hamilton

Cover of  Beware!: a waring to suffragettesSeptember's object is a pamphlet by Cicely Hamilton - 'Beware! A warning to suffragists'. Veronica Trick, volunteer, chose this month's object: "I love this pamphlet. I also love the fact that when the women's movement was at its grimmest with forced feeding and hunger strikes Cicely Hamilton was using humour to show just how ludicrous the arguments of those who opposed votes for women were."


October: Photograph of Len Johnson, at the New Cross Greyhound Stadium in June 1933

Len Johnson at New Cross Greyhound StadiumOctober's object was about Manchester boxer and political activist Len Johnson. Michael Herbert, volunteer, chose this month's object: ""I was told about Len Johnson by Ruth and Eddie Frow on one of my first visits to their house on Kings Road in 1981. I was fascinated enough by what they told me about him, and the small archive they showed me, to research and write a book about him"


November: Ernest Faulkner's birthday card

Ernest Faulkner's birthday cardNovember's object is a birthday card from Hyde Socialist Church to Ernest Faulkner. Chris Clayton, volunteer, chose this month's object: "I became aware of Ernest when I started to catalogue the Hyde No-Conscription Fellowship archive. This contains many lists of members and conscientious objectors. Ernest’s name was always prominent."


December: Gammage's History of the Chartist Movement

Ruth and Eddie FrowDecember's object is the 'History of the Chartist Movement' by R. G. Gammage. Maxine Peake, actress and friend of the Library, read a passage from ‘Born with a book in his hand' about Ruth and Eddie's search for Gammage, at a recent event for volunteers.