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  1. Chío pegado
    26 de mar.

    Our reporters are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant coronavirus reporting. To help keep this news free, become a member:

  2. rechouchiou
    hai 8 horas

    Trump’s order appeared to target areas of legal immigration that he had criticized, including those who obtain green cards through familial relationships of US citizens & permanent residents, as well as people who get status through a visa lottery. STORY

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  3. rechouchiou
    hai 7 horas

    Today I spoke with a woman who was the sole attendee at the funeral of her husband of 41 years, after he died from covid-19, because all guests had to be banned for safety:

  4. hai 6 horas

    A man in Texas was arrested after he took to Facebook Live to stream his search for a lone police officer to "ambush and execute", police say

  5. hai 6 horas

    ⚡️ “Meet Big Poppa, the bulldog whose quarantine sadness went viral 🐶💔

  6. hai 7 horas

    "If you are looking at this, I am most likely dead. I have tried to be a good husband." Edward Konciak spent months recovering from a traumatic brain injury, then died from from complications due to the coronavirus

  7. hai 7 horas

    Trump’s executive order will temporarily ban green cards for certain groups of people outside the US, but won’t apply to agricultural workers, students, or immediate family members of citizens

  8. hai 8 horas

    ⚡️ Inside an ER doctor's daily fight on the front lines of the pandemic

  9. rechouchiou
    hai 13 horas
  10. hai 8 horas

    Our reporters are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant coronavirus reporting. To help keep this news free, become a member:

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  11. hai 8 horas

    Our reporters are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant coronavirus reporting. To help keep this news free, become a member:

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  12. hai 8 horas

    The mom who was arrested at a playground for violating stay-at-home orders was participating in a protest against coronavirus lockdown measures

  13. rechouchiou
    hai 9 horas

    collaborated with for a quick piece on that video of the Idaho mom who purposefully got arrested at a playground, and who's coordinating and backing the protests:

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  14. rechouchiou
    hai 9 horas

    NEW: Two big antibody studies in California — Santa Clara and Los Angeles County — are making waves with their estimates that there are way more coronavirus infections than we thought. But scientists are skeptical, for LOTS of reasons. I dive into it all:

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  15. hai 8 horas

    Scientists are skeptical of two of antibody surveys that estimate the true number of coronavirus infections is higher than believed

  16. rechouchiou
    hai 9 horas

    Trump says he signed the executive order 'suspending immigration' --- media hasn't seen it yet.

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  17. hai 9 horas

    Prince William and Kate Middleton shared adorable new photos of Prince Louis for his 2nd birthday 🎂

  18. rechouchiou
    hai 14 horas

    I spent some time this week trying to untangle right-wing media's newest narrative: Scientists Haven’t Found Proof The Coronavirus Escaped From A Lab In Wuhan. Trump Supporters Are Spreading The Rumor Anyway.

  19. rechouchiou
    hai 13 horas

    5-year-old Skylar Herbert was a bubbly, affectionate girl. When she died of complications from COVID-19 on Sunday, she became the youngest known victim of the coronavirus in Michigan.

  20. rechouchiou
    hai 12 horas

    We just published another in our series of stories about the victims of COVID-19. Here's the story of Joel Strom, a Long Island dad who loved lobster, Mickey Mouse, and never complained:

  21. rechouchiou
    hai 12 horas

    I don't usually do this on Twitter, but I'm working on a story about what it's like to be a child right now. I want to talk to parents and especially kids. No special requirements or anything, just send me an email if you or your child might be up to talk:


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