• Bad news from Greece

    by  • 9 November, 2012 • 3 Comments

    You’ve all been reading about the profiteering corrupt lazy Greeks who messed up their own country and brought it to the brink of collapse, haven’t you? And how they deserve a little suffering for their sins? Today I’d like to tell you the story of one of these Greeks. He’s 60 years old. Think...

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    by  • 31 March, 2012 • 3 Comments


    Five days ago (Tuesday, March 27th) a young (10-11 months guestimate) male german shepherd walked into our backyard. He was ostensibly dehydrated and undernourished and had trouble walking straight. I had some food that I use to train a neighborhood dog and gave him that in small portions during the day. And water of course. At night we went to bed and left it to the dog to decide whether he wanted to stay or not. Next morning he was still there. I went out and bought some kibbles that I continued feeding him in small portions all during the day of yesterday and today. He’s feeling (and looking) a lot better already. I put some pictures on my Twitter account here.

    The dog is totally untrained but young enough to be malleable, friendly and willing to learn, though a bit suspicious. He has a flea collar so he clearly belonged to someone at one point. I can’t tell whether he was lost or abandoned. He allows me to inspect his teeth and claws and put my hand into his feeding tray when eating. For the first 2 days I let him run around the house and into the street, since I cannot close off the backyard. The neighbors didn’t like it one bit. They wanted him off the street no matter how. So now I made some arrangement with a 8 meter rope tied from one pole to another so that he can roam that distance at least. He seems happy with that, doesn’t try to break loose or anything. Unfortunately I cannot keep him. Next Monday or Tuesday the people from the municipal shelter of Iraklio are coming to pick him up.

    This dog is tall (70 centimeters at shoulder) already and he is going to look absolutely stunning when he’s fully grown up. He needs an owner with some experience in training/educating dogs and especially he needs a lot of space and exercise. If you want an exceptional dog, this is him. React here in the comments if you want to see him before the dimos takes him away. You won’t regret it. The dog and I will be eternally grateful. Did I mention that he will be gorgeous when he grows up?






    In the pictures above, the first one shows how the dog looked like when he arrived, the second one is a couple of hours later after a few decent meals and a good rub. The picture at the top of the article shows how he looks now, after only 5 days of proper feeding and care.

    Old wine in a new bottle

    by  • 23 February, 2012 • 1 Comment

    Over the last week I’ve been working on a new theme for this blog, to accompany our somewhat radical upcoming change in life. This new theme is based on the PressWork framework with some style modifications by myself. The framework itself is still a Release Candidate, so there might be some areas that are not...

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    I’m not a cat

    by  • 15 February, 2012 • 27 Comments

    Cats have nine lives, or so everybody says. I’m not a cat, yet I’m in my third (lease on) life now. Two weeks ago, on our second day of a short vacation in Germany I felt dizzy, with some other symptoms that are best described as feeling “queer” or as the Germans say “komisch”....

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    iPhone 4S prices at Vodafone Greece

    by  • 11 November, 2011 • 0 Comments

    My previous articles about the iPhone in Greece still attract a lot of traffic, so I thought that, with the arrival today of the newest Apple Jesus phone, the iPhone 4S, in Greece, I’d update you on the prices these phones command here in Greece. The prices are for a 16GB iPhone at Vodafone,...

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    Construction of Iraklio airport in Kastelli Pediados

    by  • 20 January, 2011 • 8 Comments

    On Friday, January 21, 2011, after three consecutive delays, the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure (YPOMEDI), is reportedly ready to approve the concession contract and to officially start the process of selecting the contractor for the construction of the new Heraklion airport and its management over 35 years. If this deadline is met and YPOMEDI...

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    A Little Christmas Story

    by  • 15 December, 2010 • 2 Comments

    I got this story by email today from a friend I made in Google Lively, now almost 2 years ago, who got it from an American friend and found it very funny…. You might know it already, I didn’t and I absolutely needed to share it with you. A Little Christmas Story When four...

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    Happy Lenæa

    by  • 22 December, 2009 • 0 Comments

    It looks like Winter Solstice (a.k.a. Christmas) was a lot more fun in Ancient Greece. From Wikipedia: The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the Winter Solstice lasts only an instant in time, the term is also colloquially used as Midwinter or...

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    Made like a gun, goes like a bullet

    by  • 3 April, 2009 • 7 Comments

    Glory Hallelujah! I found what I was looking for. Ecce moto! It’s an old iron barrel Royal Enfield Bullet 500, the classic type, no frills. This model hasn’t changed in over 50 years, they forgot to stop making them. The bike I bought is a 1999 model and is no longer available new since...

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    Free WiFi access points across Greece in 2009

    by  • 11 March, 2009 • 0 Comments

    The Secretariat for Digital Planning of the Greek Ministry of Economy and Finance, based on the success of the initiative to install free wireless broadband access points at Syntagma Square, Thissio (nearby Temple of Hephaestus), Kotzia Square and the National Research Foundation in Athens, and the very strong response of the public, will finance...

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