Ilya Romanov

Ilya was sentenced to 10 years in the prison settlement.

Detained on 26 October 2013. Last news - 46-year-old anarchist Ilya Romanov was wounded in Nizhnii Novgorod. The blast which occurred late at night severely injured his left hand and burned his face. Ilya was taken to hospital where doctors amputated his arm. Romanov explained for police that he unwarily used a pyrotechnic device.

In December 2013 Romanov was charged by Article 205 through Article 30 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation ("attempt a terrorist attack"). There is no reason for terrorism charges because there is no corpus delicti. Article 205 implies committing acts "frightening people and endanger the lives of the person causing significant property damage or other serious consequences in order to influence decision-making authorities or international organizations". It is obvious that in this situation there could be no intimidation, no danger of death or significant property damage as a firecracker was too underpowered, and Ilya hurt just because the blast was occurred in his hands.

Ilya got involved in anarchist movement in late 80's in Nizhni Novgorod, which was back then named Gorky. One of his first actions in Soviet era was publication of an anarchist leaflet, almost every copy of which ended up to KGB archives. This is third time he is suspected of involvement in armed struggle. First time he was detained in Moscow in October of 1998, as a suspected member of underground armed group "New Revolutionary Alternative". Eventually he was sentenced to involuntary treatment in mental hospital, and released in turn of year 2002.

Ilya did not spent long time in freedom, as already in December 2002 he was detained in Ukraine, as one of the suspected members of underground revolutionary organisation. Eventually he spent 10 years in prison. Charges against him included expropriations from jewelry stores and currency exchange offices, illegal trafficking of small arms, bombing of SBU (former KGB) office in Ukraine. 11 arrested were all tortured extremely heavy, 20 year old Sergey Berdyugin died from torture 1st of November 2003. Ilya declined all charges, claimed he was tortured both mentally and physically during pre-trial detention. He went on hunger strikes and cut his veins and neck with a razorblade in courtroom to protest inhumane treatment. He was released in December of 2012. You may help Ilya Romanov by donating - If you send the money specially for the Ilya case let us know by e-mail - abc-msk{@}

More information: Russian imprisoned anarchist Ilya Romanov needs your solidarity

On June 27, 2017 new charges were brought against Ilya for 'justifying terrorism'. Cops claim that the secret Facebook account that was created and used by him and other people in prison contains some prohibited video of Chechen women propagating killing of 'kafirs' (non-believers). He is moved to a pre-trial facility for investigation.



Monday, July 3, 1967


Projected Release Date: 

Oct 26, 2023

Mailing Address: 

Ilya Eduardovich Romanov, 1967 g.r.
ul. Rabochaya 147, SIZO-1
Mordoviya, Respublika


Support Group Email: 

Support Group Facebook: 

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