Planning & budgeting | News, Advice & Guides | The Age


Planning & budgeting

How to use lockdown home schooling to make your child money smart

How to use lockdown home schooling to make your child money smart

There are many money messages that you can give your child that may help turn today’s financial negatives into a positive for their future.

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon


COVID-19 disaster for hundreds of thousands working without a safety net
Coronavirus pandemic

COVID-19 disaster for hundreds of thousands working without a safety net

Many households are facing a scenario that finance and budgeting experts have always recommended we prepare for – several months with no income.

  • by Georgina Dent
Small savings on essential bills can quickly add up

Small savings on essential bills can quickly add up

A small savings target strategy is a winner many times over and the best way to come through this tough period in one financial piece.

  • by Joel Gibson
The real cost of running your car: It's time to change gears
Money Makeover

The real cost of running your car: It's time to change gears

The average Aussie household spends a whopping $10,800 a year on transport costs but you can make a big dent in that amount by making a few simple choices

  • by Jessica Irvine
When this is all over, what will your credit score look like?
Home loans

When this is all over, what will your credit score look like?

Payment 'holidays' are widespread but there still may be a few traps for the unwary with other bills

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
It's time to give us some more relief on government bills, too
Coronavirus pandemic

It's time to give us some more relief on government bills, too

We pay our local and state governments thousands of dollars a year for services – some of which we won’t get for up to six months. It’s time they gave more of it back.

  • by Joel Gibson
Capital gains tax on a rented former home can be complicated
Ask an expert

Capital gains tax on a rented former home can be complicated

If you sell your former home that has been rented out for a period, you cannot eliminate Capital Gains Tax by simply moving back into it.

  • by George Cochrane
Utilities aren't boring when a bit of research can save you cash
Money Makeover

Utilities aren't boring when a bit of research can save you cash

This week, it’s time to get you connected with some of the best deals on home services, including electricity, gas, water, sewerage, phone and internet.

  • by Jessica Irvine
JobSeeker or JobKeeper? The answer to the question on everyone’s lips
Coronavirus pandemic

JobSeeker or JobKeeper? The answer to the question on everyone’s lips

There has been much confusion over eligibility for JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments and for which one you may qualify. Here's a quick reference guide to the requirements

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
How I furnished my new home for $1000 by not paying the 'ew tax'
Money Makeover

How I furnished my new home for $1000 by not paying the 'ew tax'

Australians pay a big penalty when they insist on buying everything new, when buying second hand can be just as good

  • by Jessica Irvine
Your coronavirus lockdown survival guide
Coronavirus pandemic

Your coronavirus lockdown survival guide

With income from external sources dropping, or disappearing, around the country, there are some house-bound hustles that could give your finances a much-needed boost.

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon