Opinion | Comment & Analysis | The Age


Nicola Gobbo and her one-time client, Tony Mokbel.
Naked City

'Never in a million years': the sergeant who tracked Mokbel and Gobbo

The story of Tony Mokbel and his lawyer Nicola Gobbo may be about to air on TV, but that doesn't mean there's going to be a happy ending for either of them.

  • by John Silvester


Prime Minister Scott Morrison.
Coronavirus pandemic

It wasn't planned but Australia is on the verge of an exciting possibility

Scott Morrison might not like to admit it, but we are accidentally within sight of eliminating COVID-19.

  • by Peter Hartcher
Applicants line up at Centrelink amid the COVID-19 shock.
Coronavirus pandemic

The Great Lockdown is a sledgehammer busting dreams that won't bounce back

It’s like a giant version of the Kings Cross lockout.

  • by Elizabeth Farrelly
A deserted Gran Canal in Venice in early April. The waters of the city are now clear, as boats no longer churn up the mud.
Coronavirus pandemic

It's OK to finding silver linings in the COVID crisis

Paying attention to the world, to the beauty in it, and to each other, is crucial.

  • by Julia Baird

New players circle ailing Virgin

If Virgin fails to get a lifeline it will be placed into administration and private equity holders will take the knife to costs and reduce the number of flights.

  • by Adele Ferguson
While Australia effectively self-isolates from the rest of the world, econmic recovery will become harder.
Coronavirus pandemic

As Australia self-isolates from the world, economic recovery hangs in the balance

More than half the nation’s population growth since 2005 has come from overseas migration, and the skilled program has been the dominant driver of the economy for the past decade.

  • by George Megalogenis
ACCC chair Rod Sims says he will call out companies that fall to pass on the fall in global oil prices to motorists.

How anti-competitive action can help fight virus war

Banks, telcos, supermarkets, insurers and gas and electricity companies have all received temporary permission to co-operate to fight COVID-19.

  • by Clancy Yeates
Turnbull's last press conference as prime minister, on Friday, August 24, 2018.
The Turnbull Memoir

'I was caught up in a degrading and corrupt parody of democracy'

In his new book, Malcolm Turnbull details the events of the Liberal leadership coup that resulted in his treasurer Scott Morrison taking the prime ministership.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull
Society's fabric is generally taken for granted as flexible and difficult to tear.
Coronavirus pandemic

As normal everyday functioning vanishes, our society has been put on trial

The fabric of our society is generally taken for granted as flexible and difficult to tear, but the pandemic has torn our society out of its routine.

  • by John Carroll
Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Battling for space: Selfish joggers and walkers who don't want to share

Readers discuss our congested parks and shared paths and plead for courtesy from walkers, cyclists, joggers and dog owners.

San Daniele prosciutto, pickles and pecorino from Icebergs Dining Room and Bar.

I'm in lockdown with somebody who's 99.99 per cent perfect

I mean, if I was to pick out an imperfection, just as an amusing little exercise, I guess the only thing I can think of – and I’m really struggling to think of anything – is the way you say the word “prosciutto”.

  • by Danny Katz
Wine o'clock creeps earlier with every passing day in isolation.
Coronavirus pandemic

Frankly, a perky attitude is not what I need right now

There is nothing I believe I should be doing at this stage of isolation other than being kind to myself and others.

  • by Wendy Squires
The State Theatre in March, at what would normally be peak hour.
Good Weekend

No hustle. No bustle. Emptiness and stillness fill the streets

As the Great Lockdown continues our cities are looking strangely familiar yet eerily different.

  • by Greg Callaghan
The guidelines unveiled by the US President leaves execution in the hands of state leaders.
Coronavirus pandemic

Now is the worst time to cut World Health Organisation funding

For all its faults, it is the best agency to lead a global response to this disease.

  • The Age's View
Western Bulldog Lachie Hunter.
AFL 2020

Bulldog Hunter should give up the vice-captaincy

The Western Bulldogs must suspend Lachie Hunter for his drink-driving offence, while Hunter should give up the vice-captaincy.

  • by Jake Niall
Banksy's stir-crazy rats squeeze a tube of toothpaste, hang off the light switch and unravel a loo roll.

As a father of three, Banksy's rat-filled bathroom stunt is a gift

At first, I thought he'd smuggled a camera into my bathroom. This is Banksy's most generous, heartfelt work yet.

  • by Alastair Sooke
Diagnoses in states and territories over time
Please Explain podcast

Please Explain podcast: is Australia close to eliminating COVID-19?

In today's episode of Please Explain, Liam Mannix joins Tory Maguire to discuss government modelling that indicates Australia is on track to eliminate the virus.

  • by Tory Maguire
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Coronavirus pandemic

Trump Administration fuels rumours that virus came from China lab

Without the weight of evidence, they're trying to blame China for sickness and death from COVID-19 in the United States.

  • by Matthew Lee
Neil Paine (yellow trousers) celebrates with Adrian Bott after winning Golden Slipper with Farnan.
Horse racing

Standing out: Colourful character Paine represents racing's emotional journey

Despite being taught to harness feelings when he was a jockey, Neil Paine went berserk over the Golden Slipper triumph of Farnan at Rosehill Gardens.

  • by Max Presnell
Francis Kean in 2007

Fijian's murky past masks World Rugby's balance of power rumblings

Francis Kean's criminal record is overshadowing several other fascinating developments in the lead up to World Rugby's May 12 elections.

  • by Georgina Robinson
Villanelle (Jodie Comer) rocks an Op Art mini and cowboy boots in season three.

Dressed to kill: The morality of costume in Killing Eve

Fashion in Killing Eve represents both role play and power struggle. But do the clothes desensitise us from the atrocities?

  • by Anna Johnson
Generation Z are facing decades-long challenges after the coronavirus pandemic is over.
Work in Progress

Why Gen Z sacrifice their health for work

The nation's youngest workers are in a balancing act that will be amplified by Covid-19.

  • by James Adonis
Coronavirus pandemic

Numbers game: The fog surrounding the coronavirus economy is getting thicker

Just how serious will the economic impact of the coronavirus be? Amid vast uncertainty, some very large numbers are flying around, and there's a lot of confusion over what they mean.

  • by Clive Crook
Payday for Packer and Ho

A $73 million payday for Packer but JobKeeper for Crown staff

James Packer stands to pocket a tidy sum as the casino rewards shareholders with $205 million in dividends but leaves taxpayers to help out the staff.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
The coronavirus crisis has only made the power of face-to-face teaching more obvious.
Coronavirus pandemic

Doctors should make the call on who goes to school and when

While Britain and the United States are reeling from a combined 40,000 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic, Australia is paralysed over something as elementary as who should go to school.

  • by Andrew Laming
Teachers are still leading childrens' learning when they are at home.
Coronavirus pandemic

Teachers don't deserve Morrison's guilt trip

When teachers are collectively working harder than ever, it's hard to imagine why they should be accused of somehow letting the side down.

  • by Nicole Mockler
Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Learning from home: Distance education is the only safe choice

Readers discuss the first few days of children being schooled at home.

Relying on school-based assessments or a general intelligence like the SAT is not the solution.
High school

Some form of exams still the best solution for our year 12s

Relying on school-based assessments or a general intelligence like the SAT is not the solution.

  • by Kevin Donnelly
Rosencrantz takes a call. He shouts into the phone. "Fake news!"

A park bench. Guildenstern is keeping his distance from Rosencrantz

Rosencrantz takes a call. He shouts into the phone. "Fake news!"

  • by Warwick McFadyen
President Donald Trump stopped funding to the WHO.
Coronavirus pandemic

World Health Organisation isn't perfect, but it's the best we've got

Organisations such as the WHO are needed more than ever, and to stop funding it in the midst of this crisis would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

  • by Charlotte O'Leary
Coronavirus pandemic

Victorian government is best placed to give schools certainty

Prime Minister Scott Morrison may have meant well, but some of his comments have muddied the waters.

  • The Age's View
Every time you share a meme about getting fat, you’re telling the fat people in your life that they are gross – that the only value in their bodies lies in humour.
Coronavirus pandemic

We're in the midst of a pandemic, yet everyone is worried about getting fat

I’ve never spent much time imagining what a pandemic might be like to live through, but I’m certain that if I had, I wouldn’t have expected to see quite so many Homer Simpson memes.

  • by Jenna Guillaume
Geelong midfielder Patrick Dangerfield.
AFL 2020

Why it's time to lay off Patrick Dangerfield

The players, with Dangerfield as their figurehead, were labelled greedy, but the Geelong champion could hardly have rolled over when it came to negotiating a pay cut with the AFL.

  • by Wayne Carey
The ABS March jobs report, showing a small increase in unemployment, is not the best indicator of the jobs market in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Coronavirus pandemic

The real story of nation's virus-infected jobs market not clear - yet

The real measure of the coronavirus impact on our jobs market is being revealed - just not by the official unemployment rate.

  • by Shane Wright
The iPhone SE comes in black, white and red. Proceeds from the red model go to Global Fund's COVID-19 Responde Fund.

Apple's cheapest iPhone offers an upgrade at the right price

There are lots of less expensive phones with higher resolution screens, more cameras and flashier looks, but the tiny iPhone SE offers plenty of perks of its own.

  • by Tim Biggs
Bondi beach is closed due to the coronavirus lockdown.
Coronavirus pandemic

Wider testing and faster tracing cannot come soon enough

The federal plan for a coronavirus tracking app is already controversial, but the proposal is logical.

  • by David Crowe
A message in support to the NHS is seen in Westminster, during to the Coronavirus outbreak, in London, Tuesday, April 14, 2020. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.(AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
Please Explain podcast

Please Explain podcast: when our correspondent got COVID-19

In today's episode of Please Explain, national editor Tory Maguire is joined by Europe correspondent Bevan Shields who shares his harrowing experience with COVID-19 in London.

  • by Tory Maguire
Food Delivery cyclists working during the Coronavirus isolation lockdown in the Sydney CBD.
Coronavirus pandemic

Delivery riders putting Sydney pedestrians at risk of catastrophic injury

The NSW government must urgently review bicycle penalties and demand that fast-food delivery companies require their riders to obey the road rules.

  • by Harold Scruby
Kindness, no matter how small or simple, is softening the sorrow of it all.

As a supermarket worker, this is the kindness I'm witnessing

Right now, being a supermarket employee, it may not all be peachy. But kindness, no matter how small or simple, is softening the sorrow of it all.

  • by Marnie Vinall
NHA workers wearing PPE.
Coronavirus pandemic

After 10 days of hell, take it from me: you don't want to catch this virus

I did not think I was going to die but it absolutely felt like the virus was trying hard to kill me. I've never been so sick, or scared.

  • by Bevan Shields
Australia’s economic miracle was underpinned by the rise of China, but fuelled by the cycle of household debt, higher house and other asset prices, and even higher household debt.
Coronavirus pandemic

Household debt will be the biggest drag on economic recovery

Australia’s economic miracle was underpinned by the rise of China, but fuelled by high asset prices and even higher household debt.

  • by Angela Jackson
Evie Macheda, 5, starts remote learning at home on the first day of term two.

There are some silver linings in the pivot to remote learning

New ways of working will also serve as a lesson for students on what the future of work will look like for them.

  • by Marise McConaghy
Goldman Sachs has painted a very bullish picture of the pandemic.
Coronavirus pandemic

Delusional: Investors are underestimating the economic shock the world is facing

Even if the worst is avoided and there is no secondary financial crisis, there will not be a swift return to normal.

  • by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Currency fluctuations are in the mind as well as the wallet.
Coronavirus pandemic

'Whatever it takes': Money is losing its meaning during the pandemic

Saving the global economy from the coronavirus pandemic is going to cost a lot - but the numbers are so large they could be wrecking the value of money.

  • by Jared Dillian
Generic ballet pic.
First Person Pandemic

Finding the pointe of life in childhood living room

With New York in lockdown, I've found refuge at my childhood home, which I left 20 years ago to pursue a dance career. 

  • by Megan Fairchild
The thought of Christmas under lockdown is unbearable.
Coronavirus pandemic

Baby boomers won't like it but next step after lockdown is herd immunity

While nobody seriously believes Australians will spend Christmas in hibernation, it is finding a way out that is proving the challenge.

  • by Pru Goward
Donald Trump accused the WHO of failing to adequately obtain and share information.
Coronavirus pandemic

Trump's decision to cut WHO funding was a mistake

In the face of a global pandemic, only a co-ordinated global response can address the crisis. And only the WHO provides such leadership.

  • by Brendan Crabb
Work Therapy
Work therapy

A difficult time for a career change

Is this a bad time to be looking for a new job when I have one that I don't like?

  • by Jonathan Rivett
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson records a video message on Easter Sunday following his release from hospital.
Coronavirus pandemic

Boris Johnson recovery shows need for rehabilitation after coronavirus

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's country estate is the ultimate home rehabilitation destination.

  • by Jane Malone
Sydney Harbour Bridge construction in 1930 with the Manly Ferry Curl Curl.
Coronavirus pandemic

Sorry, but don't expect lockdown to end any time soon

It’s increasingly apparent the restrictive measures deployed to tackle COVID-19 are likely to keep us in economic stasis for much longer than initially expected.

  • by Jessica Irvine