Fast Company's Innovation by Design Awards 2019 Honoree

We are very honoured to be named by Fast Company as one of the most innovative design companies of 2019, alongside the likes of Nike, Google, Adobe and Microsoft in the Fast Company Design Awards 2019.

We were also awarded in the Social Good, Health & Games & Apps categories for our work ‘Safe Place’ and ‘Moon’.

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‘Safe Place’ a meditation app we designed with Rädda Barnen / Save the Children Sweden for refugee children and youth who suffer from PTSD, was recognized in the categories of __Social Good and Health. __

Safe Place is a tool to help children and youth outside of the therapy room. By making therapeutic exercises accessible in their everyday lives, the app helps them work through their emotions in between their sessions with an expert. The app is available in five different languages, English, Swedish, Arabic, Farsi and Somali, making it accessible to people from various backgrounds, particularly those from countries who have experienced a refugee crisis.

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‘Moon’ is an app prototype that helps people with vision impairment experience art. Moon uses soundscapes, aural cues, and detailed audio descriptions to help people with vision impairment experience art in a multi-sensory way, while also allowing them the autonomy to navigate the gallery in a more exploratory manner. Moon enables people with vision impairment to choose their journey in a gallery space, unencumbered by numbered artworks and linear audio guides. It was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Games & Apps category.