Improved Medicare for all is the only way to ensure universal coverage and comprehensive benefits at a cost we can afford. Join our fight for single payer!

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The answer to our health care crisis is clear. We propose a publicly financed, non-profit single-payer national health program that would fully cover medical care for all Americans.

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How would Medicare for All address the concrete health care issues that Americans discuss around the kitchen table? PNHP is exploring a new topic each month; during April, we’re talking about public health emergencies.

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The majority of Americans support improved Medicare for all. Learn about legislation in the House (H.R. 1384) and Senate (S. 1129) that would establish this badly needed reform.

House bill Senate bill Contact your representative

On January 21, 2020, more than 2,000 physicians published an open letter to the public, prescribing single-payer Medicare for All. This letter (and a list of signers) appeared as a full-page ad in The New York Times.

View the ad Sign the letter

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