9 April 2020

“It can’t be a choice between dying at work or being homeless”
Workers oppose rush back to work as death toll rises among grocery, transit and autoworkers

By Jerry White, 9 April 2020

Strikes and job actions continue as workers demand protections from the spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

Bailout of US corporations expands while workers see little relief

By Barry Grey, 9 April 2020

While billions have already flowed to the corporations and banks, the limited provisions of the bailout law touted as a boon to working people have yet to kick in, and for millions they likely never will.

EU talks on COVID-19 pandemic response collapse

By Alex Lantier and Johannes Stern, 9 April 2020

With over 700,000 sick and nearly 60,000 dead of COVID-19 across Europe, EU governments clashed bitterly over how to bail out the continent’s banks.

Detroit nurses battling to save patients and themselves from COVID-19

By Kevin Reed, 9 April 2020

Nurses throughout the Detroit metropolitan area are fighting to protect themselves from the coronavirus under conditions of shortages of equipment and staff while the number of patients continues to climb dramatically.

Share buybacks have been the “only net source of money entering the stock market” since 2008

The COVID-19 crisis in New York City
Nurses at Elmhurst Hospital speak out: “I’ve never seen so many young people die”

By Clara Weiss, 9 April 2020

With hundreds of COVID patients, the hospital is running low on PPE, medication, ventilators and staff.

Police in Pakistan beat and arrest health care workers protesting over Coronavirus safety concerns, lack of PPE

By Dr. Zayar, 9 April 2020

Police brutally attacked several hundred medical staff after they marched to the house of the Balochistan Chief Minister in Quetta to protest the lack of personal protective equipment or PPE.

Social crisis looms in Pakistan as COVID-19 pandemic surges

By Sampath Perera, 9 April 2020

Pakistan's health authorities expect the outbreak in the country will increase rapidly this month to hit 50,000 cases by April 25.

Letter from Indian-held Kashmir:
Emergency amidst Emergency—Modi government denies Internet access imperiling lives

The educational and social impact of global school closures

By Renae Cassimeda, 9 April 2020

The scale of school closures internationally, with most set to remain closed through the rest of the current academic year, is unprecedented in the history of world capitalism.

Rapid growth of COVID-19 in eastern Pennsylvania

By Andrea Peters, 9 April 2020

The owners of low-wage production and transportation facilities refuse to curtail production during the pandemic, causing the disease to spread.

The deadly consequences of the gutting of America’s public health infrastructure

Pennsylvania nursing home says all 800 patients and staff have COVID-19
Nurse: “Not providing staff with masks and other personal protective gear is criminal”

By Samuel Davidson, 9 April 2020

After being unable to do the testing required, one of the largest nursing homes in western Pennsylvania is operating under the assumption that all of the facility’s nearly 800 patients and staff have been infected with COVID-19.

US hospitals raise prices, cuts costs and lay off staff in midst of COVID-19 crisis

Brazilian workers clash with unions over coronavirus crisis

By Tomas Castanheira, 9 April 2020

A new provisional measure approved by Bolsonaro on April 1 allows companies to suspend contracts, reducing working hours and cutting wages by up to 70 percent.

“Managers, directors and council leaders should be held to account if people become ill or die”
UK social worker speaks out on unsafe conditions sanctioned by management and unions

By our correspondent, 9 April 2020

The WSWS spoke to a children’s social worker in a Local Authority in northern England about the conditions she and her clients face amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scottish care workers speak out against conditions and treatment during COVID-19 crisis

UK social care system faces collapse amid spike in coronavirus deaths

By Stephen Alexander, 9 April 2020

Mass deaths and runaway infections have begun to rip through UK residential and nursing home facilities, bringing adult social care services to the brink of collapse.

Hundreds of thousands of UK jobs threatened as coronavirus spreads

By Margot Miller, 9 April 2020

The loss of thousands of jobs only confirms that the government's £370 billion emergency bailout fund to big business is doing next to nothing to protect the working class from the loss of their livelihoods.

Germany: Weighing economic interests vs. human life in the coronavirus pandemic

By Peter Schwarz, 9 April 2020

The German media are again openly discussing how much a human life is worth and how many lives should be sacrificed to the interests of the economy.

German government expands war operations despite coronavirus pandemic

Alberta doctors protest UCP government’s funding cuts amid coronavirus pandemic

By Janet Browning, 9 April 2020

More than 800 doctors signed an angry open letter to the hard-right United Conservative Party government protesting cuts to doctors’ fees that will result in reduced services at hundreds of rural clinics across the province.

Sri Lanka government intensifies crackdown on social media

By Vimukthi Vidarshana, 9 April 2020

The arrest of social media users exposing Colombo’s inadequate responses to COVID-19 will be extended to online publishers and media outlets.

Labor and the unions help push corporate bailout through Australian parliament

By Mike Head, 9 April 2020

The main thrust of the bills is to allow employers to cut wages, working hours and other working conditions.

Australian unions tell employers: “You can get everything you want”

Decline in COVID-19 testing casts doubt on claims Australia is “flattening the curve”

By Martin Scott, 9 April 2020

The narrow focus of testing conceals the true scope of the pandemic.

New Zealand government says unemployment will hit “double digits”

By Chris Ross and Tom Peters, 9 April 2020

The coronavirus-induced crisis is having a devastating effect on jobs, with unemployment expected to reach levels unseen since the Great Depression.

7 April 2020

World Health Organization warns against premature ending of social distancing measures

By Bryan Dyne, 8 April 2020

US automakers planning return to work before coronavirus danger subsides

By Tom Hall and Jessica Goldstein, 8 April 2020

Worker revolt spreads, demanding protections from coronavirus

By Marcus Day, 8 April 2020

New York records worst death toll in pandemic, as 731 die in one day

By Josh Varlin, 8 April 2020

Acting US Navy secretary resigns amid furor over firing of aircraft carrier Captain Crozier

By Barry Grey, 8 April 2020

British prime minister: A victim of his “herd immunity” policy

By Robert Stevens, 8 April 2020

Postal workers at four UK depots take unofficial strike action over lack of safety measures

By Paul Lee, 8 April 2020

Unions agree to salary furlough at British Airways

By Paul Bond, 8 April 2020

US deal with Taliban breaks down while coronavirus spreads in Afghanistan

By Bill Van Auken, 8 April 2020

Grocery worker dies from COVID-19 infection in suburban Maryland

By Nick Barrickman, 8 April 2020

Africa’s refugees and internally displaced: The weakest link in the human chain

By Jean Shaoul, 8 April 2020

Africa’s elite build VIP hospitals for themselves, leaving workers to die

By Stephan McCoy, 8 April 2020

UK: Health workers threatened for wearing PPE and reporting danger to their lives

By Tony Robson, 8 April 2020

Canada’s health minister promotes “herd immunity,” after admitting government’s coronavirus failure

By Laurent Lafrance, 8 April 2020

As pandemic rages in New York, new budget allows for massive cuts in social programs

By Philip Guelpa, 8 April 2020

Thai government introduces lockdowns amid criticisms of its pandemic response

By Owen Howell, 8 April 2020

OSHA issues citations to those responsible for New Orleans Hard Rock Hotel collapse

By Aaron Murch, 8 April 2020

Sri Lanka: Billions to big business as government prepares new attacks on working people

By Saman Gunadasa, 8 April 2020

New in Russian

Миллион зараженных коронавирусом по всему миру, более 50 тысяч умерло

Патрик Мартин, 4 апреля 2020 г.

Ни одно из правительств ведущих капиталистических держав не смогло дать какой-либо эффективный ответ на пандемию COVID-19.

New in Turkish

Salgın sırasında tehlikeli koşullarda çalışmaya karşı grevler ve protestolar devam ediyor

Marcus Day, 9 Nisan 2020

Tüm dünyada işçiler, işyerlerinde yeterli iş güvenliği önlemleri alınmasını, salgın sürecinde gerekli olmayan çalışmaya son verilmesini ve koronavirüs salgınıyla mücadele için gerekli kaynakların aktarılmasını talep ediyorlar.

Britanya Başbakanı Johnson: Bir “sürü bağışıklığı” politikası kurbanı

Robert Stevens, 9 Nisan 2020

Vazgeçmek zorunda kalana kadar haftalarca uygulanan ve Johnson’ın da hastaneye kaldırılmasına yol açan sürü bağışıklığı politikası, ülke genelinde on binlerce insanın hastalanıp binlercesinin ölmesine katkıda bulunmuştur.

New in French

L’OMS met en garde contre une fin prématurée des mesures de distanciation sociale

Bryan Dyne, 9 avril 2020

L’avertissement de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé intervient au moment où le nombre des décès dans le monde approche les 82.000 et celui des cas officiellement confirmés le million et demi.

Des décisions de justice vindicatives qui prouvent que l’État britannique veut la mort d’Assange

Thomas Scripps, 9 avril 2020

La juge Vanessa Baraitser a décrété qu’Assange resterait derrière les barreaux et que son procès d’extradition aurait lieu en mai, alors même que la pandémie de coronavirus se propage rapidement dans les prisons britanniques.

La révolte des travailleurs se propage et exige des protections contre le coronavirus

Marcus Day, 9 avril 2020

De plus en plus de travailleurs dans le monde sont entraînés dans la lutte pour obtenir les ressources nécessaires pour protéger des vies.

Les rachats d'actions sont la «seule source nette d'argent entrant sur le marché boursier» depuis 2008

Nick Beams, 9 avril 2020

Un reportage publié dans le Wall Street Journal révèle que l'une des principales raisons de la pénurie de liquidités des grandes entreprises, qui font maintenant la queue pour un renflouement, est les billions de dollars qu'elles ont dépensés en rachats d'actions pour augmenter la fortune des ultra-riches.

La ministre de la Santé du Canada fait la promotion de «l'immunité collective» après avoir reconnu l'échec du gouvernement face au coronavirus

Laurent Lafrance, 9 avril 2020

La ministre de la Santé fédérale Hajdu a reconnu que si les hôpitaux canadiens manquent d’équipement vital c’est parce que le gouvernement «sous-finance» les soins de santé depuis des décennies.

New in German

Coronavirus-Gefahr in Belmarsh: Britische Justiz will Assange tot sehen

Thomas Scripps, 9. April 2020

Richterin Vanessa Baraitser hat verfügt, dass Assange hinter Gittern bleibt und sein Auslieferungsverfahren im Mai fortgesetzt wird, obwohl sich die Corona-Pandemie rasch in britischen Gefängnissen ausbreitet.

EU-Gespräche über „Corona-Rettungspaket“ scheitern erneut

Alex Lantier und Johannes Stern, 9. April 2020

Zwei Wochen nach dem Scheitern eines ersten Eurogruppen-Gipfels der EU-Finanzminister zur COVID-19-Pandemie ist gestern auch ein zweiter Notfall-Gipfel auf Grund der heftigen Spannungen zwischen den europäischen Staaten zusammengebrochen.

WHO warnt vor einem vorschnellen Ende der sozialen Distanzierungsmaßnahmen

Bryan Dyne, 9. April 2020

Hintergrund der WHO-Warnung ist der Anstieg der weltweiten Corona-Toten auf fast 88.000 und der bestätigten Fälle auf über 1,5 Millionen.

Deutsche Kliniken werden zu Covid-19-Hotspots

Markus Salzmann, 9. April 2020

Inzwischen haben sich laut Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) mehr als 2300 Ärzte und Pflegekräfte allein in Krankenhäusern infiziert.

Hungerstreik in der Flüchtlingsunterkunft Halberstadt

Marianne Arens, 9. April 2020

Seit dem vergangenen Samstag kämpfen Geflüchtete gegen die unsäglichen Bedingungen, unter denen sie trotz Corona-Pandemie eingesperrt werden.

Britischer Premierminister Johnson: Ein Opfer seiner eigenen Politik der „Herdenimmunität“

Robert Stevens, 9. April 2020

Unabhängig von Johnsons persönlichem Schicksal hat die Politik der „Herdenimmunität“, wegen der er schwerkrank im Krankenhaus liegt, bereits zu zahlreichen Infektionen und Todesopfern im ganzen Land geführt.

New in Italian

La classe lavoratrice, il socialismo e la lotta contro la pandemia

David North, 1 aprile 2020

Gli scioperi e le proteste dei lavoratori di Instacart, Amazon e Whole Foods sono in risposta alla criminale subordinazione della sicurezza dei lavoratori ai profitti aziendali.

New in Portuguese

Em meio ao aumento do número de mortes por COVID-19, classes dominantes agitam retorno precoce ao trabalho

Por Andre Damon e David North, 9 Abril 2020

Após o diretor do Serviço de Saúde Pública dos EUA ter alertado que a próxima semana será “o nosso momento 11 de setembro”, o presidente Trump exigiu que o governo pare de “pagar as pessoas para ficarem em casa”.

New in Norwegian

Amerikansk imperialisme utnytter koronaviruskrisen som et krigsvåpen

Bill Van Auken, 21. mars 2020

Opprettholdelsen og tilstrammingen av straffende økonomiske sanksjoner mot Iran, som konfronterer et av verdens verste utbrudd av koronaviruset, utgjør en amerikansk krigsforbrytelse.

Italias hær innkalt for liktransport, der dødsfall av koronaviruset tiltar i Europa

Alex Lantier, 21. mars 2020

Helsevesenet i Italia, det europeiske episentret for COVID-19 sykdommen, er så overveldet at det ikke får besørget de avdødes legemer, enn si ivaretatt de syke.

Medie-blackout av spontanstreiker i amerikansk bilindustri

Tom Hall, 21. mars 2020

Innen timer etter at spontanstreiker ved Fiat Chrysler-fabrikker i Michigan og Ohio fremtvang en midlertidig stans av store deler av den nordamerikanske bilindustrien under koronaviruspandemien gikk foretaksmediene over i full tilsløringsmodus.

Voksende raseri blant brasilianske arbeidere over regjeringens og fagforeningenes respons på koronaviruskrisen

Tomas Castanheira, 21. mars 2020

På de brasilianske bilproduksjonsanleggene blir arbeidernes liv daglig utsatt for fare, for å sikre selskapenes fortsatte uthenting av profitt.

New in Spanish

Fallos vengativos comprueban que el Estado británico quiere a Assange muerto

Por Thomas Scripps, 9 abril 2020

La jueza Vanessa Baraitser decretó que Assange permanecerá tras las rejas y que la farsa judicial para extraditarlo procederá en mayo, aun cuando se propaga el coronavirus en las prisiones británicas.

La Organización Mundial de la Salud advierte contra el final prematuro de las medidas de distanciamiento social

Por Bryan Dyne, 9 abril 2020

Las advertencias se producen mientras el número de fallecimientos en todo el mundo se acerca a los 82.000 y el número de casos confirmados oficialmente sobrepasa 1,4 millones.

Se extiende la revuelta de los trabajadores, exigiendo protecciones contra el coronavirus

Por Marcus Day, 9 abril 2020

La expansión de las capas de la clase trabajadora en todo el mundo se ve inmersa en la lucha por las necesidades que salvan vidas.

New in French

L'équipe de défense d'Assange: « L'empire appelle ça de l'espionnage. Nous appelons ça du journalisme »

Thomas Scripps, 20 février 2020

Une conférence de presse a été tenue devant une salle comble par le rédacteur en chef de WikiLeaks, Kristinn Hrafnsson, l'avocate Jennifer Robinson et les députés australiens Andrew Wilkie et George Christensen.

Washington soutient la Turquie alors que les affrontements frontaliers s'intensifient avec la Syrie et la Russie

Ulaş Ateşci, 20 février 2020

Washington encourage les opérations de l’armée turque en Syrie, au risque d’un affrontement direct entre l’OTAN et les principaux alliés du gouvernement syrien, la Russie et l’Iran.

Les enseignants de l'Ontario et les travailleurs de la raffinerie de Regina en lock-out doivent mener une lutte politique ouvrière

Roger Jordan et Keith Jones, 20 février 2020

Pour l'emporter dans la lutte pour défendre leurs emplois, leurs salaires et leurs droits sociaux, les travailleurs doivent reconnaître qu'ils sont confrontés non seulement à un employeur particulièrement impitoyable ou à un gouvernement de droite, mais aussi à un assaut de guerre de classe et à une lutte politique.

La montée de Sanders dans les sondages déclenche de nouvelles provocations des médias et de l’establishment démocrate

Barry Grey, 20 février 2020

L’inquiétude grandit dans l’appareil du parti et dans une grande partie de l’élite patronale que des victoires de Sanders au Nevada et en Caroline du Sud pourrait rendre sa nomination irréversible.

Other Languages


Amid mounting COVID-19 death toll, White House demands businesses “open with a big bang”

9 April 2020

Even as the pandemic death toll soars, the Trump administration is demanding that workers—including those exposed to COVID-19—get back to work.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Commentary

As social struggles mount over coronavirus pandemic
Bernie Sanders ends campaign, calls on supporters to back Biden

By Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 9 April 2020

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders formally ended his campaign for president on Wednesday and called on his supporters to back former Vice President Joe Biden.

The coronavirus pandemic

Fiction, reality and the global crisis of capitalism

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 7 April 2020

As the death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic mounted on Monday, a mood of uncontrollable euphoria prevailed among investors on Wall Street.

As COVID-19 death toll rises, the ruling classes agitate for a premature return to work

By Andre Damon and David North, 6 April 2020

The working class, socialism and the fight against the pandemic

By David North

On Sunday, March 29, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time, the Socialist Equality Party and the World Socialist Web Site held an online forum on the global coronavirus pandemic.

The coronavirus pandemic and the perspective of socialism

the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, 30 March 2020

No to the domestic deployment of the German army!

By Johannes Stern, 6 April 2020

The ventilator shortage, capitalism and the fight for socialist planning

By Jerry White, 6 April 2020

For emergency action against the destruction of jobs! Full financial and social support for all working people impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic!

Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 3 April 2020

Why is the World Socialist Web Site banned from the subreddit r/coronavirus?

By Kevin Reed, 3 April 2020

How to fight the COVID-19 pandemic: A program of action for the working class

the National Committee of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

More on the coronavirus pandemic »


“Vote and Die”
Wisconsin’s pandemic election: A public health disaster

By Niles Niemuth, 9 April 2020

The decision to hold an election in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak which has already killed tens of thousands of people is a criminal act by both parties which will guarantee more infections and deaths in the US.

Wisconsin state Supreme Court overturns governor’s action, orders in-person voting today

Bernie Sanders’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A lifeline for the ruling class

By Genevieve Leigh, 7 April 2020

Liberals discover a new savior in New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

By Fred Mazelis, 7 April 2020

As COVID-19 pandemic exposes failure of capitalism, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shifts to the right

By Genevieve Leigh, 2 April 2020

The significance of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban’s enabling act

By Peter Schwarz, 1 April 2020

FBI and Department of Justice reject Freedom of Information Act document request by SEP National Chairman David North

the WSWS Editorial Board, 20 February 2020

The US government declares that the Socialist Equality Party and World Socialist Web Site chairman’s request for documents obtained through surveillance of his political activities threatens “national security and foreign intelligence.”

The decade of socialist revolution begins

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 3 January 2020

IYSSE (Australia)

At IYSSE (Australia) online lecture, Nick Beams exposes Socialist Alternative and the pseudo-left

By Oscar Grenfell, 9 April 2020

The event was attended by an appreciative audience of more than 190 workers, students and young people.

Arts Review

Musicians speak out on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
“A devastating blow financially and emotionally”

By Elliott Murtagh, 9 April 2020

The deepening crisis has left musicians and DJs across the United States, most of whom are part of the gig economy, reeling.

The death of singer-songwriter Bill Withers, 1938-2020: “I never tried to be a star, but to be an artist”

By Helen Halyard, 8 April 2020

Three-time Grammy award winner Bill Withers, who wrote and sang music that still resonates with millions of people around the world, died from heart complications on March 30 in Los Angeles at 81.

70th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 6
Rediscovering Hallelujah (1929), director King Vidor’s sensitive film with all-black cast

By Bernd Reinhardt, 7 April 2020

The Retrospective section of this year’s Berlinale was dedicated to the outstanding American director King Vidor (1894-1982).

Prominent jazz musicians die in COVID-19 pandemic

By Hiram Lee, 6 April 2020

Black & Privileged: Poor African Americans “intrude” on an affluent Chicago neighborhood

By Nick Barrickman, 4 April 2020

With publication of Woody Allen’s Apropos of Nothing memoir, venomous #MeToo attacks continue

By David Walsh, 3 April 2020

Featured Report

Australian Committee for Public Education holds successful online meeting on pandemic crisis

By our reporters, 6 April 2020

The Socialist Equality Party’s (US) candidate for vice president, Norissa Santa Cruz, brought greetings to the meeting which was attended by more than 70 people.

Attend the Committee for Public Education online meeting
The COVID-19 pandemic: The political issues confronting educators

25 years ago: One-day strike in Russia

On April 12, 1995, more than 1 million Russian workers carried out a one-day strike protesting nonpayment of wages and calling for the resignation of the government of President Boris Yeltsin.

More »

50 years ago: Israeli airstrike kills 46 Egyptian children

On April 8, 1970 an Israeli bombing raid struck the Bahr El-Baqar elementary school in Egypt’s northeastern Sharqiya province, killing 46 children and maiming scores more.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi regime on brink of defeat as defense of Berlin abandoned

On April 10, 1945, the US air force dealt a decisive blow to the German Luftwaffe, wiping out almost half of its assault force and rendering it incapable of defending Berlin amid rapid Allied ground advances.

More »

100 years ago: New York City railroad and transit workers join national wildcat strike

On April 9, 1920, at least 8,000 railroad workers in the New York City area joined a national wildcat strike that shut down most train traffic into the city.

More »


One hundred years since Germany’s Kapp Putsch
How the Social Democratic Party supported the far-right

By Peter Schwarz, 2 April 2020

YIVO Institute for Jewish research in New York fires all its librarians

By Clara Weiss, 17 February 2020

An interview with Auschwitz survivor Esther Bejarano

the editorial board, 27 January 2020

Seventy-five years since the liberation of Auschwitz

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lankan SEP to hold online event: “COVID-19 pandemic and capitalist barbarism”

1 April 2020

The event will be live-streamed through the SEP’s official Facebook page.

Coronavirus crisis in Sri Lanka: A program for the working class

the Socialist Equality Party, 28 March 2020

The Rajapakse government is exploiting the pandemic to prepare a presidential dictatorship and impose even deeper attacks on the working class and the poor.

Sri Lankan Trotskyists begin election campaign with online meeting

By our reporters, 26 March 2020

Sri Lankan workers and young people endorse SEP’s election program

By our reporters, 26 March 2020

Fight for an international socialist program against war, social devastation and dictatorship
Vote Socialist Equality Party in the Sri Lankan general election

Manifesto of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 21 March 2020

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Strong response to Nick Beams’ IYSSE (Australia) online lecture on coronavirus pandemic

By Oscar Grenfell, 28 March 2020

Turkish IYSSE’s intervention at Istanbul student conference wins warm response

By our reporter, 21 March 2020

The IYSSE presented the perspective of the world Trotskyist movement to a congress of economics students in Istanbul earlier this month.

German student newspaper “Unauf” defends far-right violence against students

the IYSSE at Humboldt University, 16 March 2020

No to right-wing “anti-Semitism” lawsuit against New York University!

the IYSSE at New York University, 12 March 2020

Mehring Books

Mehring Yayıncılık publishes Turkish-language edition of The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Ulaş Ateşçi, 30 March 2020

First published by the WSWS in February 2018, The Struggle against Imperialism and for Workers’ Power in Iran—A Reply to a Proponent of “Iranian Islamic Socialism” advances a socialist strategy for the working class in a country that has been the target of US imperialist aggression for decades.

Preface to the Turkish edition of The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Keith Jones, 30 March 2020

A viable strategy to defeat imperialism can only be founded on the working class, and requires its independent political mobilization against all factions of the Iranian bourgeoisie.

Socialism 2020

Bernie Sanders draws his campaign to an end: The political lessons

Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 19 March 2020

Sweetwater teachers and students protest impending mass firing of teachers

Norissa Santa Cruz – Socialist Equality Party candidate for vice president of the United States, 11 March 2020

David North and Joseph Kishore address international online audience in Socialist Equality Party town hall election meeting

By Socialist Equality Party (US), 25 February 2020

Watch the recording of the successful campaign kick-off town hall meeting streamed to workers and supporters around the world.

Socialist Equality Party to run Joseph Kishore for president, Norissa Santa Cruz for vice president in 2020 US elections

The alternative confronting the working class is clear: capitalist barbarism or international socialism. The Socialist Equality Party, in political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International, will use this campaign to advance the struggle of the working class against capitalism. Sign up today to get involved!


As more workers test positive for COVID-19, Amazon ignores demands to close warehouses

By Tom Carter, 25 March 2020

South Carolina Amazon worker speaks on loss of his health, benefits and job

By Ed Hightower and Michael Walters, 21 March 2020

Donald Thrift Jr was left jobless with $27,000 in medical debt after contracting double pneumonia while working in an Amazon fulfillment center in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Amazon workers in New York City shut down warehouse after worker tests positive for coronavirus

By Shuvu Batta, 21 March 2020

“Amazon puts us at risk:” Warehouse workers discuss company’s inaction in the face of the coronavirus pandemic

Free Assange and Manning

Vindictive court rulings prove British state wants Assange dead

By Thomas Scripps, 8 April 2020

As it releases thousands of prisoners, UK government keeps Julian Assange locked-up in danger

By Thomas Scripps, 6 April 2020

Ten years since WikiLeaks published Collateral Murder

By Oscar Grenfell, 6 April 2020

Julian Assange’s bail request denied despite coronavirus risk

By Thomas Scripps, 26 March 2020

Julian Assange to apply for bail amid coronavirus dangers in British prisons

By Oscar Grenfell, 24 March 2020

Growing demands for Assange’s release as first coronavirus case confirmed in British prisons

Doctors condemn Australian government’s refusal to defend Julian Assange

By Oscar Grenfell, 19 March 2020

Australia: Melbourne teachers vote to defend Assange and Manning

By the Committee For Public Education (CFPE), 14 March 2020

More on the campaign to defend Julian Assange »

Book Review

Rottenomics: The Story of New Zealand’s Leaky Buildings Disaster
How profit-gouging and government deregulation created New Zealand’s home-building catastrophe

By John Braddock, 12 March 2020

Peter Dyer’s book explains how Labour and National Party governments created New Zealand’s “leaky homes” scandal.

Defend public education!

No Layoffs! No Cuts!
A fighting strategy to defend public education in San Diego’s Sweetwater Union High School district

By Evelyn Rios, 9 March 2020

The Socialist Equality Party calls on teachers, students and parents to form independent rank-and-file and neighborhood committees throughout the city to organize opposition to austerity and social inequality.

San Ysidro, California high school students walk out to oppose attacks on public education

Joseph Kishore – Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 7 March 2020

On Friday, March 6, hundreds of students at San Ysidro High School in San Diego, California walked out to oppose budget cuts and attacks on public education.

As support for wildcat strike spreads
Unions work to defeat UC-Santa Cruz grad student strike

By Jonathan Burleigh, 27 February 2020

More on the defense of public education »

The New York Times' 1619 Project

New York Times Magazine editor Jake Silverstein attempts to slither away from central 1619 Project fabrication

By Tom Mackaman, 16 March 2020

Times Magazine editor Jake Silverstein is attempting to palm off a minor semantic change as a cure for a totally false presentation of the American Revolution.

New York Times ignored objections raised by 1619 Project fact-checker

By Eric London, 9 March 2020

A reply to the American Historical Review’s defense of the 1619 Project

By David North and Tom Mackaman, 31 January 2020

Martin Luther King Jr. and the fight for social equality

By Tom Mackaman and Niles Niemuth, 23 January 2020

The New York Times’ “1619 Project”
Nikole Hannah-Jones, Shell Oil and mass killings in Africa

By Trévon Austin and Bill Van Auken, 18 December 2019

The New York Times’s 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history

By Niles Niemuth, Tom Mackaman and David North, 6 September 2019

“The saddest part of this is that the response of the Times is simply to defend their project”
An interview with historian Clayborne Carson on the New York Times’ 1619 Project

1619 Project director speaks at New York University
Nikole Hannah-Jones, race theory and the Holocaust

By Eric London and David North, 26 November 2019

More on the New York Times’ 1619 Project »


Former UAW President Owen Bieber dead at 90

By Jerry White, 27 February 2020

Hosni Mubarak, US-backed dictator of Egypt for 30 years, dead at 91

By Bill Van Auken, 26 February 2020

Mehring Books

New pamphlet from Mehring Books on the 1619 Project

24 January 2020

The response of David North and Eric London to the New York Times’ rebuff of five eminent historians’ objections to the 1619 Project is now available as an illustrated pamphlet.

Vadim Rogovin’s Bolsheviks against Stalinism 1928–1933: Leon Trotsky and the Left Opposition
A magnificent account of Stalin’s opponents in the USSR

By Andrea Peters, 21 December 2019

Stalin’s rise was neither foreordained nor a natural outgrowth of the October Revolution. The Great Russian chauvinist and bureaucrat secured power in ferocious conflict with the proletariat, peasantry and cadre of the revolutionary socialist movement.

Trotskyism and China

Video: 70 years after the Chinese Revolution—How the struggle for socialism was betrayed

31 October 2019

Introduction to the 1955 SWP resolution “The Third Chinese Revolution and its Aftermath”

From the archives
SWP resolution: The Third Chinese Revolution and its Aftermath

Introduction to the 1951 report to the Fourth International by Chinese Trotskyist Peng Shuzhi

From the archives
The Causes of the Victory of the Chinese Communist Party over Chiang Kai-Shek, and the CCP’s Perspectives

History of the ICFI

Drawing the lessons of the ICFI split—International Strategy and National Tactics: The change in the ICFI’s approach to national liberation movements

By Deepal Jayasekera, 30 September 2019

This lecture was delivered to the Socialist Equality Party (US) Summer School on July 25, 2019 by Deepal Jayasekera, Assistant Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka

Introduction to the Turkish language edition of In Defense of Leon Trotsky
Leon Trotsky’s four fateful years in Prinkipo: 1929-1933

By David North, 23 September 2019

The ICFI and the Crisis of Stalinism

The World Capitalist Crisis and the Tasks of the Fourth International: An analysis of the ICFI Perspectives resolution of 1988

The International Committee’s response to the “End of History”: The March 1992 Plenum of the ICFI

The Dissolution of the USSR and the Unipolar Moment of US Imperialism

China: Thirty years since the Tiananmen Square massacre

The Political Origins and Consequences of the 1982–86 Split in the International Committee of the Fourth International