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Apr 8, 2020 • 14m 48s

The women and children at risk in a lockdown (plus, the Pell verdict)

The coronavirus lockdown has led to an increase in domestic violence reports, but many victims aren’t able to access support services. Today, Rick Morton on how life has become even more dangerous for some women and children.


Apr 7, 2020 • 14m 40s

Policing a pandemic

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, police have been granted extensive new powers to crack down on public association, private gatherings and travel. Today, Mike Seccombe on how Australia is policing a pandemic.


Apr 6, 2020 • 14m 40s

Surviving the economic turmoil of coronavirus

What happens when everyone in a household loses work because of coronavirus? Today we look at the human cost of unemployment and what the government is doing to help people survive.


Apr 4, 2020 • 15m08s

Bonus episode: Behind the scenes at The Saturday Paper and The Monthly

In a special bonus episode of 7am hear from the show’s editor, Osman Faruqi, editor of The Monthly, Nick Feik, and editor of The Saturday Paper, Maddison Connaughton about how they’re adapting to the shutdown, and what role journalism can play in a crisis.


Apr 3, 2020 • 14m 15s

How Scott Morrison became an accidental socialist

The past week has completely changed the way politics works in Australia, with a right-wing government introducing the most radical economic measures in a generation. Today, Paul Bongiorno on the political earthquake that rocked Parliament House.


Apr 2, 2020 • 16m 15s

A Nobel prize winner explains coronavirus

Professor Peter Doherty won the Nobel prize for his research on how our bodies fight off viruses. Today, we ask him what makes Covid-19 different from other infections, and what we should be doing now to prepare for the next pandemic.


Apr 1, 2020 • 14m 00s

Should we bail out the airlines?

Australia’s airlines have been hit hard by coronavirus, and they’re asking the government for billions of dollars in financial support. Today, Royce Kurmelovs, on whether it’s time the government nationalised the airline industry.


Mar 31, 2020 • 15m 00s

Hoaxes, lies and coronavirus

With misinformation about coronavirus rampant, we look at what the spread of the virus is telling us about news, social media, and who we trust.


199: The women and children at risk in a lockdown (plus, the Pell verdict)