Audience Demographic

Age 14-29
Age 30-44
Age 45-64
Age 65+

43 %

Social Grade AB

23 %

Business Decision Makers

28 %

Managers & Professionals

38 %

Main or Sole Grocery Buyers

HH Household Income $40,000-$79,999 p.a
HH Household Income $80,000-$119,999 p.a
HH Household Income >$120,000 p.a


Monthly Readership & Audience Demographic:emma™ conducted by Ipsos Connect, People 14+ for the 12 months ending December 2019, 14+ Nielsen Digital Panel data calibrated to Digital Content Ratings December 2019.

Digital: Nielsen Digital Content Ratings, Monthly Tagged, January 2020, Current Events and Global News Sub Category, Text, People 2+, Census.

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