
In-depth analysis of the moments that define the day from Paddy Manning.
Free to your inbox every afternoon.

Back in the red

Coalition governments have protected their own. Australia can’t afford it any longer

Above politics

The JobKeeper package proves the Opposition is being constructive

Job keeper?

The treasurer has backflipped on wage subsidies

Isolation nation

The PM is looking like the odd man out

Health vs economy?

Both lives and livelihoods must be saved

Postponing democracy

The PM’s instincts are autocratic

Bad to worse

The government is treating people like fools


Boosting business cashflow is one thing, keeping workers hired is another

Surplus to requirements

In responding to COVID-19, the government has thrown out the rule book

Rolling crisis

The Reserve Bank takes extraordinary measures

Stimulus 2.0

The PM must do better this time

On the Hunt

The COVID-19 response will make or break the health minister, and the government

State of emergency

The virus is moving at lightning speed. The government is playing catch-up


COAG struck the right balance on COVID-19 today

First shot

Today’s coronavirus stimulus package is unlikely to be the last

Catching on

It’s not the virus that’s scary, it’s our response
