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Apr 2, 2020 • 16m 15s

A Nobel prize winner explains coronavirus

Professor Peter Doherty won the Nobel prize for his research on how our bodies fight off viruses. Today, we ask him what makes Covid-19 different from other infections, and what we should be doing now to prepare for the next pandemic.


Apr 1, 2020 • 14m 00s

Should we bail out the airlines?

Australia’s airlines have been hit hard by coronavirus, and they’re asking the government for billions of dollars in financial support. Today, Royce Kurmelovs, on whether it’s time the government nationalised the airline industry.


Mar 31, 2020 • 15m 00s

Hoaxes, lies and coronavirus

With misinformation about coronavirus rampant, we look at what the spread of the virus is telling us about news, social media, and who we trust.


Mar 30, 2020 • 16m 45s

How to survive the shutdown

As more of Australia goes into coronavirus isolation, advice is being offered on how to manage mental health during a viral pandemic that forces us to separate. We speak to a Melbourne family who have been in isolation for almost 80 days.


Mar 27, 2020 • 12m 40s

Coronavirus, part five: One month in

Scott Morrison’s first national address on coronavirus was one month ago. Today, Paul Bongiorno on the decisions his government has made since then and how they stack up.


Mar 26, 2020 • 14m 10s

Coronavirus, part four: the Australian scientists who could beat it

A team of Australian scientists are working around the clock to find a vaccine against coronavirus, and they’re on the verge of a breakthrough. Today, Rick Morton on the race to find a vaccine.


Mar 25, 2020 • 12m 55s

Coronavirus, part three: the economics of a shutdown

With hundreds of thousands of Australians losing their jobs, the economic cost of coronavirus is becoming clear. Today, chief economist at The Australia Institute Richard Dennis on how we can get through the next 18 months.


Mar 24, 2020 • 14m 00s

Coronavirus, part two: How the government failed

Medical experts say that the government’s slow response to the coronavirus outbreak has left Australia exposed. In part two of our series on COVID-19, Mike Seccombe on the challenge our country and health system is facing.


195: A Nobel prize winner explains coronavirus