
, Commonwealth Professional Fellow, Views are Personal

Joined September 2011
Born August 30


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  1. Retweeted

    This Wamos Air A330 is en route to Barcelona after collecting medical supplies in Hong Kong for Spain.

  2. 7 hours ago

    Every Indian News Channel screamed from roof tops what a masterstroke it is to cut down MPLAD funds.. now when push comes shove... lol Indian media houses are the worst.. spineless shameless and useless

  3. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    कानपुर में सिविल डिफेंस के कार्यकर्ताओं की गुंडई। कोरोना संदिध के शक में विछिप्त को जमकर पीटा। सिविल डिफेंस के कार्यकर्ताओं ने डंडे से की पिटाई। मौके पर पहुची पुलिस विछिप्त को ले गई लोडर में लादकर चौकी। चकेरी थाना क्षेत्र के जाजमऊ इलाके की घटना।

  4. Retweeted
    16 hours ago

    NEW: WhatsApp has Blacklisted Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan and Kiran Bedi from using Whatsapp.

  5. 7 hours ago

    Some people cook while others wax their hands.. to each their own !

  6. Retweeted
    11 hours ago

    The difference between those who think they are elected to “serve” v/s those who think they are elected to “rule”

  7. Retweeted

    From Thackeray To Gehlot, Effective Corona-Fighting In States - NDTV

  8. 8 hours ago
  9. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    On Containment Plan in Chennai. 1) Mass Active Surveillance- Around 2500 houses around 'case positive houses' are already being surveilled on a daily basis for related symptoms . Done by Corp DBC workers, UHN's, Anganwadi workers etc.

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  10. 8 hours ago
  11. Retweeted
    8 hours ago

    Men are scared & uncomfortable, so women & children suffer.

  12. Retweeted
    8 hours ago

    This year, World Health Day could easily pass unnoticed; the nurses are just too busy. Here are the stories of two nurses and one public health nurse in a rural county in Georgia.

  13. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Things SC judges get once they're in office: a large home in Lutyen's Delhi with a lush green lawn, a car, staff, often food. Oh, and a salary.

  14. Retweeted

    Ok, so this is big news. An Expert Committee in Kerala has given a detailed plan recommending lockdown withdrawal in 3 phases. They have categorised what each phase is and what are the restrictions. We have condensed it for you

  15. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    Modi has asked for 'gahne daan'. Have the bhakt's started donating their jewellery yet?

  16. Retweeted
    8 hours ago

    Quarantine recipe: Chapati nachos 2 ways! Cut the chapatis in triangles and deep fry them. 1) Serve the savoury nachos with cheese and tomato chilli 2) Serve the sweet nachos with fresh cream and Banana vanilla. It's delectable both ways.

  17. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    If whatsapp is serious it should kill groups. Simple. Kill broadcast lists. Put a word limit to messages.

  18. Retweeted

    bhakts & Bjp are really upset with because he said he would not allow communal fake news. Upsets the bigots badly. Thackeray asking what Modi is celebrating with his “events” & can’t he communicate is epic upset for them

  19. Retweeted

    Result of hindi imposition. Badloo nahin, it is badlo Raha hey nahi, raha hai.

  20. 8 hours ago

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