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The best science news, analysis and commentary from , edited by . COVID-19 tracker: Header: Leo Manjarrez

Vrijeme pridruživanja: ožujak 2017.


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    prije 21 sat

    This story was a bit of a toughie to report, even though I *know* the evidence in favour of hydroxychloroquine as prophylaxis for COVID-19 is scant (non-existent) (1)

    Prikaži ovu nit
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    On April 4, the Indian Council of Medical Research issued an advisory "to start rapid antibody-based blood tests for COVID-19" for specific groups of people. These tests are cheaper than the genetic test for the virus and yield results within minutes.

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    .'s two-part (and ongoing) series on infectious disease modelling is a must-read if you want to understand the science behind projections that India's case load will increase to X lakhs or Y crores.

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    SARS had more severe symptoms than the new coronavirus, so people rushed to hospitals shortly after being infected during the SARS outbreak. With COVID-19, it’s possible that many people with milder symptoms don’t even know they are infected.

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    Conversations about the new coronavirus’s spread have focused predominantly on two demographic groups at the expense of a third: the children – especially those who are already undernourished.

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    While home-remedies and pseudoscience are being peddled as cures of a coronavirus infection, there is also the danger of scientific papers indulging in lazy arm-chair research. | Biraj Swain writes

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    In a short yet lovely piece, Sumi Krishnan recalls what life was like when she was a nine-year-old, living among the Nilgiris, and contracted the Asian flu in the 1957 pandemic.

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    While the authors of the ICMR, Michigan and Cambridge models have explained their work in detail and/or have made their code available so their results can be checked by others, the moving parts of the CDDEP model remain out of view. |

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    COVID-19 is one of countless emerging infectious diseases that are zoonotic, meaning they originate in animals. About 75% of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, accounting for billions of illnesses and millions of deaths annually across the globe.

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    Follow today's important coronavirus on our live blog, regularly updated

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    Poor health infra has only abetted the pitiable condition of many Indian children. India's healthcare allocation is quite low, and even before the pandemic touched India, the country was 600k doctors – including 230k paediatricians – and 2M nurses short.

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    Researchers at AFMC Pune and INHS Asvini found that if India is able to find and quarantine 50% of all those infected within 7 days, there will be a maximum of 70,000 total active cases after which the count could rapidly plummet by 90%.

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    A lot of biology research banks on techniques that can't be speeded up or suspended on short notice without compromising quality. And when expensive reagents are involved, setbacks could mean financial losses that may never be recouped. |

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    [Archives] Spacing cars a few inches apart at traffic signals is common. Intuitively, it makes sense: being closer to the traffic lights and packing closely will help you get past the lights quicker, once green. But a study says this strategy is flawed.

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    We've reached 10K followers. Thank you all! Keep reading and sharing !

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    One of the fulcrums of modern medicine is poised on the molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases. And one test that makes this possible is the reverse transcriptase real-time polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) test.

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    The student group, which has a start-up called Racerfly, has approached the Assam and Uttarakhand governments with their sprayer system which they claim can accomplish the task in less than 15 minutes which would otherwise take a person 1.5 days of work.

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    There’s a lot of expertise in the world that a deference to degrees would miss. |

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    As an energetic participant in the ‘Science Wars’, Philip W. Anderson was a strong critic of Republican administrations’ attitude towards scientific truths. |

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    Watch our video bulletin discussing how New Delhi's Nizamuddin became a coronavirus 'hotspot'


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