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Amazon warehouse worker in New York fired for leading coronavirus protest
Coronavirus 58 minutes ago
Christian Smalls, an assistant manager at Amazon's Staten Island, New York, facility, was fired after leading a protest on Monday, where workers voiced concerns over coronavirus protections. The company said Smalls was let go for "violating social distancing guidelines."
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo says he tested positive for coronavirus
Coronavirus 10 minutes ago
The CNN anchor and brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday that he was diagnosed with COVID-19 and quarantined in his home's basement. "I will do my shows from here," he wrote in a statement. "We will all beat this by being smart and tough and united."
Houseparty offers $1m reward for proof they are a victim of 'smear campaign'
Technology 5 hours ago
The popular video chatting app is refuting claims that it hacks users' accounts, instead suggesting that the "rumors were spread by a paid commercial smear campaign to harm Houseparty."
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Eminem Is A Proud Papa
Eminem gushes over daughter Hailie Mathers in a new interview: "She's made me proud"
NYC's Empire State Building transformed into a pulsating red and white siren to salute city's medical workers
US news 3 hours ago
The iconic building flashed like a red and white siren on Monday as a salute to New York's heroic medical and emergency workers who are on the front lines of the coronavirus battle.
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Divorces are spiking in China as couples end coronavirus quarantines
Media reports from various cities show uncouplings surged in March as husbands and wives began emerging from weeks of government-mandated lockdowns intended to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Trump weakens biggest U.S. effort against climate change: fuel economy
The Trump administration released new fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks, weakening one of the nation’s most aggressive efforts to combat climate change. The EPA's analysis says the rules will cost drivers more in gas & lead to job losses
Texas company tried to sell masks at 6 times normal price
Critics say a price like that during a global pandemic smacks of profiteering and price gouging, but the company said it didn't mark up the product "excessively."
The coronavirus pandemic in photos
From grocery stores with bare shelves or unusual items in stock to haunting images of deserted streets that are usually bustling, here's what the coronavirus pandemic has looked like in photos.
Fountains of Wayne co-founder Adam Schlesinger is in the hospital due to the coronavirus
Coronavirus 1 hour ago
Songwriter Adam Schlesinger is under treatment at a hospital after being infected by the coronavirus. News of Schlesinger being placed in a medically-induced coma circulating on social media is not true, his lawyer confirmed.
Wait, how long was March?
Haha 2 hours ago
The correct answer is very, very long.
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Audacious goats move in on empty town in coronavirus lockdown
Animals Last night
What appears to be a small herd of goats has overrun the township of Llandudno in the north of Wales. Manchester Evening News' @AndrewStuart worried that he had gotten the goats arrested after spotting them having a midnight feast from a pub window. Little did Andrew know, that night was just the beginning.
Two Premier League clubs receive criticism for cutting non-playing staff’s salaries
Premier League 4 hours ago
Following news that Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur will make use of the UK government’s furlough scheme with their non-playing staff, many are suggesting that other staff members at the club should take a pay cut instead.
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My Pillow CEO speaks at Trump's coronavirus press conference
Coronavirus Yesterday
Mike Lindell, the CEO of My Pillow and longtime Trump supporter, was given the mic at White House Coronavirus Task Force presser, where he spoke about his business before going "off the cuff" to talk about god, and his support of Trump. Critics questioned Lindell's presence at the podium while others credited him for using his resources to manufacture masks for medical professionals.
International nursing student on the frontlines
Here's what it's like for an international nursing student worried about overstaying her visa, student loans, and the health of her family, all while doing her part to fight a pandemic.
TC Energy Corp announces it will begin work on Keystone XL pipeline
Canada news 2 hours ago
On Tuesday, TC Energy Corp announced that it will proceed with construction on the Keystone XL oilsands pipeline project. Premier Jason Kenney confirmed that the company and the Alberta government reached a financial agreement, which includes a $1.1 billion US equity investment.
L.A. freezes rent hikes for thousands of apartments for coronavirus
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that landlords would not be allowed to increase the rent for hundreds of thousands of apartments in the city, in his latest effort to ease the financial hardship on Angelenos from the coronavirus pandemic.
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Van Gogh painting stolen from museum that had been closed due to coronavirus
Art Yesterday
The Singer Laren museum in Amsterdam was robbed of "Spring Garden," a loaner piece from Vincent van Gogh on Monday.
Disney Chairman Bob Iger forgoes salary to help employees during pandemic
Business Yesterday
Iger, who recently stepped down as CEO but stayed on Disney's board of directors, is giving up his salary to pay for the company's employees during the coronavirus pandemic. Bob Chapek, Iger's replacement, is cutting his salary in half, and other executives are also taking pay cuts.
Federal judge temporarily blocks Texas from enforcing coronavirus abortion ban
US news Yesterday
US District Judge Lee Yeakel, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, issued the temporary restraining order against the state until a hearing on April 13. Judge Yeakel stated that while he understands the public's health concerns, the ban violates Roe v. Wade.