Free Software Foundation Europe


Freeware, Free Software and the Corona Virus Crisis – Choose your tools wisely!

30 March 2020

Cheering on doctors and nurses, sewing face-masks, donating gloves and disinfectant gel, building respirators, running errands for elderly neighbours. Everybody wants to contribute to alleviate the dramatic situations brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

FSFE in times of Corona: How a virus affects us

27 March 2020

Among all the serious diseases and deaths it causes, the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its accompanying COVID-19 disease also keep the FSFE and the whole Free Software community in suspense. For our community and other charitable organisations we would share our experiences and lessons learnt from the Corona crisis.

The FSFE is looking for an executive assistant

11 March 2020

We are looking for an executive assistant to support our work to empower people to control technology. The person will work 25-35 hours per week with our team in the Berlin office and will be in charge of the FSFE's Berlin office operations.

Expert Brochure to Modernise Public Digital Infrastructure with Public Code - Translated Versions Online

10 March 2020

What is Free Software? How does it contribute to digital sovereignty, security and transparency of state digital infrastructure? Which steps can public administrations take? These and more questions are answered in our publication "Public Money Public Code – Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software". After the successful release of the English version of our brochure we translated it into three more languages: German, Czech and Brazilian Portuguese.

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CANCELLED: Spreading the word for REUSE at FOSS North in Gothenburg, Sweden

29 March to 01 April 2020

Gabriel Ku Wei Bin, the FSFE's Legal Coordinator, will give a talk at FOSS North. Gabriel will speak about REUSE, as well as the impact that REUSE has had on software projects participating in the Next Generation Internet Zero initiative, to which the FSFE contributes its free software licensing expertise. FOSS North is a conference that serves as a meeting place for the Nordic FOSS communities. The event will take place between 29th of March and 1st of April in Chalmers Conference Centre, in Gothenburg. Tickets are available on the FOSS North website until the day before the event starts.

ATTENTION: Our participation has been cancelled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19.

CANCELLED: Maker Fair 2020 in Berlin, Deutschland

18 to 19 April 2020

IT-tinkering is only possible with Free Software, that's why the FSFE local group Berlin is going to be present with an information and merchandise booth at the Maker Fair in Berlin. The Maker Fair is a get-together of makers and visitors interested in various DIY-ideas. At the FSFE’s booth, visitors can inform themselves about Raspberry Pi as a computer for standard applications especially suitable for education, about how to ‘free’ Android-Smartphones and about email-encryption with Free Software.

ATTENTION: This event has been cancelled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19.

Forum Bits & Bäume: Nachhaltige Hard- und Software in Berlin, Germany

23 April 2020

Die FSFE ist Mitveranstalterin des 3. Forum Bits & Bäume zum Thema "Nachhaltige Hard- und Software" im Einstein Center Digital Future in Berlin. In diesem Format werden verschiedene Zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen aus dem Technologie- und dem Umweltbereich zusammenkommen um nachhaltige Formate bezüglich Hard- und Software zu diskutieren. Erik Albers wird einen Fokusdialog zum Thema nachhaltige und Freie Software leiten. In Anwesenheit von Umweltbundesamt und Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, parlamentarische Staatssekretärin des Umweltministeriums, sollen konkrete Handlungsvorschläge für die Politik erarbeitet werden. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, Anmeldung bald eröffnet. Weiter Kooperationspartner sind das Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung und das Konzeptwerk neue Ökonomie.

ACHTUNG: Zur Eindämmung von COVID-19 kann diese Veranstaltung nicht wie geplant stattfinden. Mehr Infos erfolgen in Kürze.

Open Education Day 2020 in Bern, Switzerland

25 April 2020

Ralf Hersel und Lioh Moeller von der FSFE Lokalgruppe Zürich werden am Open Education Day in Bern einen einführenden Vortrag zum Thema "Selber hosten leicht gemacht" halten. Der Vortrag findet auf Deutsch statt.

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