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covid-19 updates Coronavirus: the situation in Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus, with more than 11,000 positive cases and 165 deaths.

Covid-19 Who is Switzerland’s ‘Mr Coronavirus’?

After years as a Red Cross doctor in war zones, Daniel Koch has become the face of the Swiss government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Development banks How Switzerland benefits from development aid

Switzerland supports development banks, which aim to boost the economies of poor countries. But aid money also ends up back in Swiss bank accounts.

Covid-19 Coronavirus: what is ‘essential’ in Switzerland?

The coronavirus epidemic provides an interesting opportunity for society to reflect on what is really important, says economist Sergio Rossi. 

Opinion poll Swiss divided over government response to coronavirus

More than 40% of the Swiss are in favour of tighter restrictions by the government to stem the spread of the coronavirus, a poll shows. 

Covid-19 Swiss artists keep up morale despite devastating pandemic

Four leading names of the Swiss cultural scene explain the impact of coronavirus on the institutions they run and on social life in general.

Covid-19 Pandemic rattles already vulnerable antibiotics market

As money is poured into the search for a silver bullet to Covid-19, some experts warn that the pandemic could also worsen the antibiotics crisis.

homecoming Switzerland begins historic repatriation effort over coronavirus

Three flights for stranded Swiss tourists in Latin America are scheduled this week and others are planned to bring back the thousands stuck abroad.

This content was published on March 23, 2020 3:18 PM

Bouncing back from a coronavirus infection, a Swiss testimony

With the number of fatalities caused by the coronavirus rising exponentially, it is easy to overlook the number of people who have recovered.

education Why homework won’t disappear after home studying ends

When distance learning now in place as a result of the coronavirus outbreak comes to end, Swiss schools will reopen the debate on homework.

covid-19 explainer How social distancing is taking hold in Switzerland

What began as a recommendation to avoid handshakes and kisses on cheeks has turned into a measure urging residents to stay at home.

Coronavirus crisis Switzerland tightens restrictions, announces more economic aid

The Swiss government on Friday announced a countrywide ban on gatherings of more than five people and an additional economic package.

This content was published on March 20, 2020 6:32 PM