World Health Organization (WHO)Ovjeren akaunt


We are the ’ health agency. We are committed to achieving better health for everyone, everywhere -

Geneva, Switzerland
Vrijeme pridruživanja: travanj 2008.


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    A OMS e a se uniram para dar um chutão ⚽️ no . Veja abaixo a mensagem do , nosso embaixador para promoção da saúde e um dos 28 jogadores e jogadoras que fazem parte da campanha. Saiba mais:

  3. Frequent with soap and water, or preferably with an alcohol-based hand solution, kills viruses that may be on your hands. It is simple, but it is very important.

    , , i još njih 7
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  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    Here are just a few of the ways that is responding to . I sincerely thank all the countries, institutions and individuals around the world who have provided support:

  5. Be safe from the : “It starts with your hands. Please wash your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based solution”-, WHO Goodwill Ambassador, goalkeeper

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  6. "Pass the message to kick out " promotes five key steps for people to follow to protect their health in line with WHO guidance: - -Coughing etiquette -Not touching your face -Physical distance -Staying home if feeling unwell.

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    The pandemic is accelerating. It took 67 days from the 1st reported case to reach the first 100K cases, 11 days for the second 100K cases & just 4 days for the third 100K cases. These numbers matter, these are people, whose lives & families have been turned upside down.

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    prije 9 sati
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    Be it through campaigns or funding, has stood up to the , and I am delighted that world of football is supporting to kick out . I have no doubt with this type of support that together we will win.

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  10. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    Pleased to launch "Pass the message: 5 steps to kicking out " campaign, together with Gianni Infantino & . I thank them for their active involvement in passing the message against the pandemic since the very beginning!

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  11. The full briefing on by 👇

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  12. Pass the message: Five steps to kicking out : WHO and launched joint campaign to equip football ⚽ community to tackle 👉

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  13. "The rule of the game to kick out is solidarity"-

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  14. "The world is rightly responding to with urgency and purpose. We call on the global community to harness that same urgency and purpose for the fight against – and for a healthier, safer, fairer world for everyone"-

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  15. "Tomorrow is – an opportunity to remind world leaders of the commitments they have made to end the suffering and death caused by this ancient and terrible disease"-

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  16. "I’d like to end by reminding everyone that although is dominating the world’s attention, there’s another respiratory disease that is both preventable and treatable, but which kills 1.5 million people every year. It’s "-

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  17. "That’s why WHO has launched the SOLIDARITY trial, to generate robust, high-quality evidence as fast as possible. The more countries sign up to the trial & other large studies, the faster we will get results on which drugs work, & the more lives we will be able to save"-

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  18. "Small, observational & non-randomized studies will not give us the answers we need. Using untested 💊 without the right evidence could raise false hope & even do more harm than good & cause a shortage of essential 💊 that are needed to treat other diseases"-

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  19. "We also recognize that there is a desperate need for effective therapeutics. There is currently no treatment that has been proven to be effective against . It’s great to see the level of energy now being directed to research against COVID-19"-

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  20. "Solving this problem requires political coordination at the 🌍 level. I will be addressing heads of state from the G20 countries. I will be asking them to work together to increase production, avoid export bans & ensure equity of distribution on the basis of need"-

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  21. "Measures put in place to slow the spread of the virus may have unintended consequences by exacerbating shortages of essential protective gear, and the materials needed to make them"-

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